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Hey, is there a way how you learned the timing for streams? I always pass the streams randomly. Sometimes I get 300-300-300-300-300 and sometimes 300-50-100-100-300-100. So it's just luck depended for me.
there's no quick way to get better at accuracy, just lots of practice. probably best to play streams you can handle the speed of with ease, and just focus hard on rhythm. after some time it gets easier to the point of it being natural. all down to you
Takes some getting used to. Just play more. I used to not be able to do simple streams at 140bpm, but that changed over time.
Try to use auto pilot mod to increase accuracy at those stream, i always do that if the stream was too long or too fast. Orther, try follow the beat of the song whenever you listening to music or something etc (=v=")

btw, use Auto mod to watch the beat is fine too (=v=")

aevv wrote:

there's no quick way to get better at accuracy, just lots of practice. probably best to play streams you can handle the speed of with ease, and just focus hard on rhythm. after some time it gets easier to the point of it being natural. all down to you
This. I used to only be able to do streams at around 130 bpm, with not much mouse movement. Then i started to practice with maps increasing the bpm, up until now where i can barely do 190~ bpm (all of course, its just only streams that doesnt requires much mouse movement) Also start practicing with streams of 3, then 5, and then 7, and so on. I have found myself that streams with an even number of objects are so much harder.
I found that I got better at even-number streams when I learned to use both fingers as my main clicking finger and just alternate now and then. Once your fingers are equal in skill, you no longer suffer from the recoil of having to switch back to your "good" finger after a stream like this. To practice, just try playing some easier maps using your other finger only.

You can't set off on the wrong foot if you have two right feet! (you also can't set off on the left foot)

All you have to do is alternate left and right click at an even tempo. It's not something that everyone can do without any practice. Trills have always been easy for me because of stepmania (ie some other rhythm game).

Go find a streamy song which steadily increases bpm. A very hard one is chipstream, but certainly there's more.

Like everything in osu, it takes practice. And make sure you're using a keyboard, unless you're on a tablet, in which case do whatever works. Personally I alternate z and x on everything except for slow jacks and the occasional slow stream with triples.

Soaprman wrote:

You can't set off on the wrong foot if you have two right feet! (you also can't set off on the left foot)
You always step off with your left foot.
Streams are something that really just come with practice. Without my years of piano and other random rhythm games, i probably would've sucked at these streams. What I sometimes do is just think about the beat in my head. So whenever the main beat comes, I emphasize that note more, as in i press it a little harder (doesn't work very well once streams go up to like 200 though, cuz you have no time to do this lol). Other than that, it's probably better to play not-that-fast songs with streams in them and slowly make your way up. None come to mind right now, but maybe other people could suggest some. (and obviously, don't pick stream songs that you can't even get close to beating, cuz practicing streams won't help if you can even reach the notes lol.)
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