
My bland, tasteless introduction.

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Hello. My name is [REDACTED], but I go by RedSpiral online. Vaan is also an alias I use. It's the name of a video game character who isn't very popular in his series. I use this facade to hide the fact that I'm an introverted loner who knows nothing about how to talk to people, be it face-to-face or over the web. However, I do not want you to feel pity for me. Although I am alone with my thoughts very often, I have a few good friends who say I'm one of the happiest people they know. I don't have depression or anxiety or anything like that, but my love of video games like Osu! has introduced me to the wonderful world of insomnia. I am a fifteen-year-old boy, taking AP and Honors classes at school. I probably shouldn't be playing video games and be browsing forums like I do, and instead should be studying or whatever.

Some things you should know about me is that I care too much about other people, and I'm very self-deprecating because I'm not good at doing anything.

I just started playing Osu! and I'm enjoying it so far. Thanks for taking the time to read this cringeworthy introduction of mine, and have a pleasant day/night.
Ahw. You seem like such a nice person ^_^
welcome to the forums!!
Welcome to the forums bud :)
Don't be afraid to talk to people here on the forums or on osu! as majority of the community are kind and helpful individuals!

you seem rather pessimistic...
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Thank you all for the kind welcomes. Allow me to apologize for sounding pessimistic; I really don't mean to. I'm just an inexperienced kid with a lot to learn.
And I can only hope that I continue to improve.

I mean, no one's born knowing how to live, right?
If this introduction is tasteless, then mine was bitter =~="
Hi there! We're kinda similar in one way or another, though I usually don't put much thought about it and just go where life takes me.
At least I know I like astronomy, so I have something to be passionate about.
Andd welcome to the forums and please enjoy your stay!~ Improving might be a bit hard and takes time, but when you get the hang of it, I'm sure you'll have fun too!

p.s. SS-ing DT maps will give you t o n s of pp

RedSpiral wrote:

I mean, no one's born knowing how to live, right?
I shall welcome with an applause for this.
I'm still looking for an answer to that "how" though.
welcome to osu! :D
Hey welcome to the forums!
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