
Cant get better at CTB anymore- HELP

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Just play more, and you'll get past that wall.

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

Just play more, and you'll get past that wall.
It happened one time to me too, you just have to keep playing.
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Well thank you for the help guys - guess I will just have to keep playing then
Luv Luv
You can try changing your play style too if it's that bad.

I changed my dash finger from my ring finger to both my left index and middle finger, I became much better at CTB afterwards.

But of course, it all depends on you, don't change it if you're already comfortable with you're setup.

Getting a mechanical keyboard is worth it too since it makes everything easier. Kind of how like it feels changing from a 60Hz monitor to a 144Hz one.
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lol gear doesn't make you better but it helps a lot

just play more man, have fun with the game, who cares if your bad, atleast you can see visual improvement, when you're a lot better at the game improvement gets slower and motivation dwindles, have fun where you are at and make the most of it.
He Ang CTB
Sometimes you hit a wall because you are too fixated on trying one thing. My "breakthrough" came in when I deviated from HD to DT in late 2013 to early 2014. It gave me quite a boost in skill before I hit a wall again in early 2015. I went back to the basic on NoMod, slowly inching back into HD, and found myself slowly getting better again.

Morale of the story is, when you find that your path is blocked, you might want to venture a different path, instead of trying to break through the wall with brute force.

Hope this helps :O
The thing of Osu! is practicing. PRACTICE. Thats the word.

Rurree wrote:

Getting a mechanical keyboard is worth it too since it makes everything easier. Kind of how like it feels changing from a 60Hz monitor to a 144Hz one.
Mech Keyboards and 144 hz Monitors are scams and you fell for them. :^)

-Eleven wrote:

You triggered me

Also play for fun, try to increase star difficulty when you feel comfortable doing so, and don't play when you don't want to play because that creates tilt and if you are tilt you will just play worse and be angry when doing so, eventually you'll over come the struggle fam.
Play for FUN and NEVER GIVE UP
Play easy maps with HD HR DT/NC and learn to dash
The point is to keep playing, but calmly. I had the same problem when I was #2500. Sometimes I played maps more difficult than my level and after, I try again the map that I cannot do FC. If you can't do a map to FC, at another time you will get it. You can also try different mods to not get bored ...

and remember, play for fun.

PastaCats wrote:

Rurree wrote:

Getting a mechanical keyboard is worth it too since it makes everything easier. Kind of how like it feels changing from a 60Hz monitor to a 144Hz one.
Mech Keyboards and 144 hz Monitors are scams and you fell for them. :^)
claudio rolna
Play nomod on hard and insane diff
Online ranking wise it looks like I have no room to talk but I'm quite decent I swear, but I watched some auto plays as I was sending crazy hard map videos to friends, and discovered how the AI works, and then sorta started copying it and adding it to my style and next thing you know I'm beating maps that I can't even pass in standard, getting that morale high and then playing harder maps and just gradually getting better.
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