
Katy Perry Ft. Snoop Dogg - California Gurls

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, June 20, 2011 at 1:31:49 PM

Artist: Katy Perry Ft. Snoop Dogg
Title: California Gurls
Tags: billboard girls beatmap project
BPM: 125
Filesize: 5720kb
Play Time: 03:33
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.38 stars, 197 notes)
  2. Hard (4.78 stars, 487 notes)
Download: Katy Perry Ft. Snoop Dogg - California Gurls
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Easy : MAT Req
Insane : MAT Req
Hard : In progress
Guest Normal : Currently searching for ppl
O título oficial é "California Gurls". Corrige isso e coloca "girls" em Tags~
Edit pq sou burra e esqueci: Muda o artista para "Katy Perry Ft. Snoop Dogg"

Opções de BG:

Cores (duas são as que você já tem):
Combo1 : 255,151,255
Combo2 : 211,33,118
Combo3 : 47,151,255
Combo4 : 165,69,175

Todo mundo sabe que eu sucko moddando, mas qualquer coisa me chama quando o mapset tiver pronto.
(E o mapa devia estar em WIP já que falta diff~)
Topic Starter

Bittersweet wrote:

O título oficial é "California Gurls". Corrige isso e coloca "girls" em Tags~
Edit pq sou burra e esqueci: Muda o artista para "Katy Perry Ft. Snoop Dogg" k

Opções de BG:
Cores (duas são as que você já tem):
Combo1 : 255,151,255
Combo2 : 211,33,118
Combo3 : 47,151,255
Combo4 : 165,69,175
ok :3

Todo mundo sabe que eu sucko moddando nem sucka, mas qualquer coisa me chama quando o mapset tiver pronto.
(E o mapa devia estar em WIP já que falta diff~) merda @@'

E agora , ? D:
Isso tecnicamente foi sorte. Aparentemente tu ia duplicar o mapa D:

00:10:420 (2) -

Hyguys, nessa parte, a stream deve estar virada para a direção das notas, deste jeito aqui:

Depois basta arrumar o Distance Snap :D


00:12:580 (3) - Aqui você pode juntar o final do 1 com o começo do 3, fica legal na hora de jogar XD

00:14:380 (2) - Aqui você pode jogar um pouco pra baixo por uma questão de simetria, mas aí vc quem sabe :D

00:17:140 (4,5) - Esse combo é horrível LOL, eu faria assim...

00:20:260 (3) - Hyguys, Deixe os slider mais simétrico e bonito assim:

00:21:220 (1) - Remove o Clap
00:22:180 (4) - Remove o Clap

00:23:380 (2) - Como pretende ser slider art com um slider desse ?

Aplique a simetria e...

00:38:500 (1) - Faça um triângulo aqui...

00:47:380 (4,5) - Porra.

01:37:060 (3) - Bom né, só uns ajustes

01:49:780 (7) - Nem vou moddar esse slider, tenso.

01:53:860 (1,2,3) - CARA, FAZ ISSO XD

02:03:460 (2) - Clássico...

02:46:180 (4,5) - Finalmente algo assim né XD

03:23:140 (3) - PQP Hyguys, estava indo tão bem e faz uma coisa dessas...

Bom mapa Hyguys, aplique as mudanças que fiz e volto para te dar star...
E no seu próximo map não faça sliders feios, não quero estragar todos os meus puushs com vc XD

OBS: Se quiser aplicar todas as alterações de uma vez pegue o arquivo em anexo ao Mod :D
*EDIT* O problema do nome da musica é só dar full submit ;)
Voltei pra dar Star :3
EDIT pora spoilerbox

Download: Katy Perry - California Girls (Hyguys) [Hard].osu
Holy F- Katsuri. Coloca isso em spoilerbox xD
Topic Starter
ok dei upadte. time to modding queues
O nome do tópico tá errado (mas isso nao é realmente um problema o3o) e eu acho que tu podia fazer um normal o3o *apanha*
Topic Starter
O Easy era um normal , mas ok , E lol , comofas mudar nome do topico e nn

BG: resize - should be the size of 1024x768 or 800x600

Offset: 7784

Make the volume quieter(60%)

[Easy] rename:Normal

00:38:500 (4) - sound should not be absent!

01:39:940 (1) - ^

02:26:020 (1) - delete. finish spinner here

03:02:980 (1) - too complex spinners ...

03:35:140 (1) - delete.finish spinner here ><
Topic Starter
can you resize the bg for me? and lol , i will not quiet the volume
Online mod + Hitsounds help.
- Your .mp3 is 224kbps, The max allowed is 192kbps, so you need to re-encode it into a 192kbps mp3.
- Your Background is not 4/3, it's fine but it makes ugly stuff like these white borders D: Try to resize it into 1024*768.
- Please, don't mute sliderticks, it sucks D:

- You have 194 notes unsnapped in this difficulty, resnap them (check AImod ; ctrl+shift+A)
- Approach rate +2, the notes appears too slowly :0
00:25:060 (3) - Remove clap at the end
00:26:504 - Add note with a clap
00:35:140 (1) - Remove clap at the end
00:38:500 (4) - Add finish
00:47:620 (3) - Add clap at the beginning
00:51:940 (1) - Remove clap at the beginning
01:09:220 (1) - Add finish at the beginning
01:22:660 (1) - Extand this spinner by 1/2, it will sounds better in my opinion
01:39:940 (1) - Add finish
01:49:540 (3) - Remove clap at the end
01:50:980 (4) - Add clap
03:04:420 (1) - Add finish at the beginning
03:09:220 (2) - Don't end it at 03:09:944, You have never did somethink like that in the rest of the map, so il will be confusing for new players, end it 1/2 earlier with a clap at the end~
03:19:780 (1) - Add finish at the beginning
03:25:540 (3) - Remove the claps there are onto this slider
03:26:984 - Add note with a clap here

- You have 485 notes unsnapped in this difficulty, resnap them (check AImod ; ctrl+shift+A)
01:24:584 - Add a note here with a finish
01:55:300 (1) - Add finish at the beginning
02:10:660 (1) - Add finish
02:26:020 (1) - Add finish
02:38:980 (7) - Add clap at the beginning

Ok, Star~
Topic Starter

KuraiPettan wrote:

- Your .mp3 is 224kbps, The max allowed is 192kbps, so you need to re-encode it into a 192kbps mp3. im searching
- Your Background is not 4/3, it's fine but it makes ugly stuff like these white borders D: Try to resize it into 1024*768. i will try to resize
- Please, don't mute sliderticks, it sucks D: no ur mom sucks

- You have 194 notes unsnapped in this difficulty, resnap them (check AImod ; ctrl+shift+A) k
- Approach rate +2, the notes appears too slowly :0
00:25:060 (3) - Remove clap at the end k
00:26:504 - Add note with a clap k
00:35:140 (1) - Remove clap at the end k
00:38:500 (4) - Add finish k
00:47:620 (3) - Add clap at the beginning k
00:51:940 (1) - Remove clap at the beginning k
01:09:220 (1) - Add finish at the beginning k
01:22:660 (1) - Extand this spinner by 1/2, it will sounds better in my opinion k
01:39:940 (1) - Add finish k
01:49:540 (3) - Remove clap at the end k
01:50:980 (4) - Add clap k
03:04:420 (1) - Add finish at the beginning k
03:09:220 (2) - Don't end it at 03:09:944, You have never did somethink like that in the rest of the map, so il will be confusing for new players, end it 1/2 earlier with a clap at the end~ k
03:19:780 (1) - Add finish at the beginning k
03:25:540 (3) - Remove the claps there are onto this slider k
03:26:984 - Add note with a clap here k

- You have 485 notes unsnapped in this difficulty, resnap them (check AImod ; ctrl+shift+A) k
01:24:584 - Add a note here with a finish k
01:55:300 (1) - Add finish at the beginning k
02:10:660 (1) - Add finish k
02:26:020 (1) - Add finish k
02:38:980 (7) - Add clap at the beginning k

Ok, Star~
hihi~ :)
now let's see...

i'm afraid you must change your mp3...try to find some mp3 tools and make one on your own. imo it is faster than to search one on the internet.
aaand, what's more, try to find a slidertick.wav. the sliders need hitsound badly.

00:29:384(4) - a slider here, which ends at 00:29:744. if you do this, delete 00:29:864(5).
00:49:064(4) - nc.
00:50:024(1) - remove nc.
01:36:584(1) - ^
01:38:024(1) - i guess the spinner ends at 01:39:994 and remove the next note.

00:38:504(1) - remove nc and do not let the hitsound silent completely.
01:24:584(1) - remove nc.
01:39:944(1) - remove nc and do not let the hitsound silent completely.
02:09:584(6) - nc.
02:18:224(x) - i expect a note here.
02:26:024(1) - remove nc.
03:04:184(1) - ^
03:35:144(1) - ^

tbh i don't like Katy Perry since that the Firework is an absolutely omgwhatthehellisit song imo. however this one is cooler.
Topic Starter

JauiPlaY wrote:

hihi~ :)
now let's see...

i'm afraid you must change your mp3...try to find some mp3 tools and make one on your own no. imo it is faster than to search one on the internet.burn in hell
aaand, what's more, try to find a slidertick.wav. the sliders need hitsound badly. ffffff no

00:29:384(4) - a slider here, which ends at 00:29:744. if you do this, delete 00:29:864(5). k
00:49:064(4) - nc. k
00:50:024(1) - remove nc. k
01:36:584(1) - ^ k
01:38:024(1) - i guess the spinner ends at 01:39:994 and remove the next note. k

00:38:504(1) - remove nc and do not let the hitsound silent completely.
01:24:584(1) - remove nc.
01:39:944(1) - remove nc and do not let the hitsound silent completely.
02:09:584(6) - nc.
02:18:224(x) - i expect a note here.
02:26:024(1) - remove nc.
03:04:184(1) - ^
03:35:144(1) - ^

tbh i don't like Katy Perry since that the Firework is an absolutely omgwhatthehellisit song imo. however this one is cooler.

00:30:824 (1) - não gostei desse slider ( frescura )


01:03:464 (6) - ficou feio >.<
02:40:304 (4,5,6,7) - ficou estranho,IMO
03:15:464 (4) - odeio odeio odeio
03:32:504 (5) - ^

Offset is 7,801 and remember to fix all the inherit timings and resnap.
BG should be 1024*768
Remove "billboard" or explain why that is there?
PLEASE add the video, Katy Perry if FUCKING HOT!:P


There are some uneven sliders like at 00:11:641 (2) well make um more even
00:30:841 (1) Make the repeat arrows on the white ticks and add a one more repeat.
00:47:641 (3) Extend the slider so it ends at 00:48:601
01:20:761 (1,2) Make them more parrelle like at 00:51:961 (1,2)
02:03:001 (1) Same issue as in 00:30:841 (1)
02:35:641 (3)^

the hitsound is too noisy, especially the clap.
change the volume into 70% may be better, and the clap's volume should be 55% around

it's noisy too, lower the volume.
00:22:064 (3,4,5,6) - make it like this?
00:37:424 (3,4,5,6) - rotate them about -8 degree

02:18:224 (7,1) - spacing
02:39:704 (1,2,3) - ^
02:40:664 (5,6,7) - how about make it straight?
03:19:544 (9) - new combo
03:19:784 (1) - remove new combo
03:26:024 (2) - copy 03:26:984 (4) then ctrl+h ctrl+j

nice map, star~
:) :D
Topic Starter

Weezy wrote:


Offset is 7,801 and remember to fix all the inherit timings and resnap. k
BG should be 1024*768 i tried to resize it
Remove "billboard" or explain why that is there? misja056's beatmap project viewtopic.php?f=53&t=47510
PLEASE add the video, Katy Perry if FUCKING HOT!:P nop


There are some uneven sliders like at 00:11:641 (2) well make um more even k
00:30:841 (1) Make the repeat arrows on the white ticks and add a one more repeat.
00:47:641 (3) Extend the slider so it ends at 00:48:601
01:20:761 (1,2) Make them more parrelle like at 00:51:961 (1,2)
02:03:001 (1) Same issue as in 00:30:841 (1)
02:35:641 (3)^

Topic Starter

wojiushi2p wrote:

the hitsound is too noisy, especially the clap.
change the volume into 70% may be better, and the clap's volume should be 55% around

it's noisy too, lower the volume.
00:22:064 (3,4,5,6) - make it like this?
00:37:424 (3,4,5,6) - rotate them about -8 degree sure

02:18:224 (7,1) - spacing nop
02:39:704 (1,2,3) - ^ nop
02:40:664 (5,6,7) - how about make it straight? k
03:19:544 (9) - new combo DO U MAD
03:19:784 (1) - remove new combo
03:26:024 (2) - copy 03:26:984 (4) then ctrl+h ctrl+j k

nice map, star~
Raging Bull

Mine are all suggestions, don't have to follow them.

00:50:041 (3) - Maybe one grid right?
00:56:281 (1,2,3) - Stack them or space them out a bit more?
01:03:961 (1,2,3) - ^
01:11:881 (1,2) - ^
01:19:321 (3,4,5) - ^
You have quite a bit of those in this difficulty. It looks a bit nicer if you stacked it or spaced it out more, but it's up to you.
01:33:241 (1) - Add a beat?
02:20:281 (3) - One grid left?
03:02:041 (2,3,4) - 2 and 4 stacks weird to me, maybe move them apart or find a way where they both stack nicely?

00:10:441 (2,3,4) - The stacking or spacing them thing again.
00:33:601 (2) - Move it one grid up?
00:33:961 (3,4) - I don't like how the 3 is overlapping the slider. Maybe move it 2 grid down 1 grid left?
00:59:401 (6,1) - Maybe make them go like this or this?

Nice map. Starred.
Topic Starter

Raging Bull wrote:


Mine are all suggestions, don't have to follow them.

00:50:041 (3) - Maybe one grid right? U NAZI
00:56:281 (1,2,3) - Stack them or space them out a bit more? no
01:03:961 (1,2,3) - ^ no
01:11:881 (1,2) - ^ no
01:19:321 (3,4,5) - ^ no
You have quite a bit of those in this difficulty. It looks a bit nicer if you stacked it or spaced it out more, but it's up to you.
01:33:241 (1) - Add a beat? U NAZI
02:20:281 (3) - One grid left? i cant
03:02:041 (2,3,4) - 2 and 4 stacks weird to me, maybe move them apart or find a way where they both stack nicely? did

00:10:441 (2,3,4) - The stacking or spacing them thing again.k
00:33:601 (2) - Move it one grid up? down
00:33:961 (3,4) - I don't like how the 3 is overlapping the slider. Maybe move it 2 grid down 1 grid left? did another way
00:59:401 (6,1) - Maybe make them go like this or this? did another way
Nice map. Starred. thx
No problem for BG :p

Diff comes soon
00:50:017 (3) - clap on sliderend?
00:56:257 (1,2,3) - Stacking like that isn't a good idea for the easiest difficulty imo (either 100% stack or regular spacing)
^ everywhere else where you did that, you can keep those but yeah might be a bit confusing to read

Well yeah couldn't find anything :P
Map is good n fine have a star

no kudo
Topic Starter
x = done w = nope.

Kite wrote:

00:50:017 (3) - clap on sliderend? x
00:56:257 (1,2,3) - Stacking like that isn't a good idea for the easiest difficulty imo (either 100% stack or regular spacing) if someone point that again
^ everywhere else where you did that, you can keep those but yeah might be a bit confusing to read

Well yeah couldn't find anything :P
Map is good n fine have a star

no kudo wat yea kudo
Topic Starter
Hey guys , i got some bg , can you help me to choose?
and the last one is attached.

AdRon Zh3Ro
Topic Starter

AdRon Zh3Ro wrote:

u mad?
AdRon Zh3Ro
Se esse for o BG... Perfecto. Euri.

Aliás, o que voce tem agora está pequeno demais. Tente achar um 800x600 ou maior.
Topic Starter
o que eu estou usando agora é o que eu dei attach no post , só que nao consegui dar full submit~
AdRon Zh3Ro
Também, apaga [for rank] do título do beatmap. Não pode e os próximos também vão falar a mesma coisa.
Topic Starter
Cê tá loco mano isso é só o nome da thread~
Antu Villegas
Star ^^
Hi there, I'm doing this mod while half asleep.

- It would be really super cool if you could make another difficulty for a better difficulty spread.
- Get a better background image if you can. Use one of the cool ones Bittersweet gave you.
- The hitsounds are VERY loud right now. Try reducing the volume of your custom hitsounds.
- Delete the unused .osb file and Full Submit. (optional)

- This difficulty would have been immensely better if you had used 1.0 Distance Snap.
00:38:977 - Extend the break to here.
00:49:057 (1) - Remove overlap with (3).
01:01:537 (1) - ^
01:13:537 (1) - ^ (Don't worry, I'll stop pointing these out now. Just do a quick search through the map and remove overlap where you can.)
03:19:777 (1) - This note comes too soon after a spinner for being the easiest difficulty.

00:59:617 (1) - Awkward spacing.
02:41:137 (7) - What is with this spacing...?

(There's no way the offset is actually 7,777.)
Post Subject: Katy Perry Ft. Snoop Dogg - California Gurls [For rank]~


Topic Starter
00:59:617 (1) - Awkward spacing. Jumps
02:41:137 (7) - What is with this spacing...? Jumps
Hi there! :)

I suggest you either remove Combo color 4 entirely or you swap it with 5, because ingame it is very equal to color 3.

00:56:251 (1) - Remove new combo (?)
01:50:971 (8) - New combo (?)
01:51:691 (1) - -> Remove new combo (?)
01:53:131 (5) - New combo (?)
01:53:851 (1) - -> Remove new combo (?)
02:50:971 (1) - Remove clap (imo sounds garbage, maybe add whistle)

Nice map, star. :)
Topic Starter
I'm not on my pc atm. But thanks for modding :3 I will mod when i get home
EDIT: Your mod were garbage. :/ Only changed the new combos
You have to fix


Mp3's bitrate is over than 192kbps, re-encode it.
Remove 'beatmap project' from the tags.
More 1 or 2 diffs would be cool. Taiko diff on this beatmap would look perfect and I know you can do.


00:11:611 (2) - This slider looks ugly. Made one for you..


00:25:051 (3) - ^


00:30:811 (1) - Make the (2) flow perfectly with the slider, like this..

00:47:611 (3) - The 2 mid point one grid right using grid level 4(most precise)

00:56:251 (1,2,3) - It's really hard to beat in the time for a newbie, It's your easier diff, please remove these ugly anti-jumps

00:59:611 (3) - The 2 mid points one grid up using grid level 4(most precise)

01:03:931 (1,2,3) - Anti-Jumps on the easier difficulty again.

00:21:211 (1,1) - and 01:07:291 (1,1) - Has inconsistent spacings after the spinner, suggest you to add a note on the center of the map on the point where spinner ends to make the spacing consistent, and when it become consistent, remove the note and will will have a better spacement work...

You can choose any spacing multiplier, but make it the same for all.
Before fixing don't forget to remove the note added and fix spacing for the notes after.

01:11:131 (3,1,2) - Fix spacement.

01:19:291 (3,4,5) - ^

01:57:691 (1,2,3) - ^

02:04:891 (3,4,5) - ^

03:09:211 (2) - Your sliders was going good, but It looks ugly, made one for you again..


03:22:171 (1,2,3) - Anti-jumps on the easier difficulty.

03:24:571 (2,3) - Make it flow perfectly.

03:29:851 (1,2,3) - Anti-jumps.

Don't forget to fix spacing after any Slider fix!


00:12:571 (3) - Inconsistent Spacing.

01:17:611 (4,5,6,7,1) - Sudden Pattern

01:37:051 (3) - Clap on the end (?)

01:58:171 (2) - Uglyest wave ever seen, plese fix my wave..

02:06:331 (4) - Good Job!

02:13:531 (3) - Out of the newest Rules (Don't know why :T I love these Sliders.)

02:43:531 (2) - Fix spacing like inb4

02:23:371 (3) - Clap on reverse.

02:39:931 (3) - Not spaced correctly

02:43:531 (2) - It's allowed. Make 02:43:531 (2) - Just like this.

02:44:251 (3,4,5) - Sudden trick and follow nothing(Voice/Drums).

03:26:971 (4) - Fix jump spacing like inb4(1.44x).

03:34:651 (7,8,9) - Sudden Jumps at the end makes the rating lower.
Topic Starter

Katsuri wrote:

You have to fix


Mp3's bitrate is over than 192kbps, re-encode it. ''over'' minimum = 128 max = 192 mine = 185
Remove 'beatmap project' from the tags. this map is for misja's billboard
More 1 or 2 diffs would be cool. Taiko diff on this beatmap would look perfect and I know you can do. making insane and searching for guesdt normal


00:11:611 (2) - This slider looks ugly. Made one for you.. offscreen


00:25:051 (3) - ^ cool spacing changed .__>


00:30:811 (1) - Make the (2) flow perfectly with the slider, like this.. no

00:47:611 (3) - The 2 mid point one grid right using grid level 4(most precise) translate plz? as mid point you means control point?

00:56:251 (1,2,3) - It's really hard to beat in the time for a newbie, It's your easier diff, please remove these ugly anti-jumps what do you suggest mr. nazi?

00:59:611 (3) - The 2 mid points one grid up using grid level 4(most precise) k

01:03:931 (1,2,3) - Anti-Jumps on the easier difficulty again. wut do u sugest

00:21:211 (1,1) - and 01:07:291 (1,1) - Has inconsistent spacings after the spinner, suggest you to add a note on the center of the map on the point where spinner ends to make the spacing consistent, and when it become consistent, remove the note and will will have a better spacement work... explain it better

You can choose any spacing multiplier, but make it the same for all.
Before fixing don't forget to remove the note added and fix spacing for the notes after.

01:11:131 (3,1,2) - Fix spacement. nope

01:19:291 (3,4,5) - ^ ^

01:57:691 (1,2,3) - ^ ^

02:04:891 (3,4,5) - ^ ^

03:09:211 (2) - Your sliders was going good, but It looks ugly, made one for you again.. anotherway


03:22:171 (1,2,3) - Anti-jumps on the easier difficulty. nope

03:24:571 (2,3) - Make it flow perfectly. does it really need? no

03:29:851 (1,2,3) - Anti-jumps. what do you suggest ;.;

Don't forget to fix spacing after any Slider fix!


00:12:571 (3) - Inconsistent Spacing. and?

01:17:611 (4,5,6,7,1) - Sudden Pattern nooo o_o it follows the ''drums''

01:37:051 (3) - Clap on the end (?) already

01:58:171 (2) - Uglyest wave ever seen, plese fix my wave.. that's true :3 but ''plese fix my wave''? please :3

02:06:331 (4) - Good Job! thanks

02:13:531 (3) - Out of the newest Rules (Don't know why :T I love these Sliders.) [/color]

02:43:531 (2) - Fix spacing like inb4 [/color]

02:23:371 (3) - Clap on reverse. eh

02:39:931 (3) - Not spaced correctly fix'd

02:43:531 (2) - It's allowed. Make 02:43:531 (2) - Just like this.

02:44:251 (3,4,5) - Sudden trick and follow nothing(Voice/Drums). [/color]

03:26:971 (4) - Fix jump spacing like inb4(1.44x). wut , also , you don't know what's inb4.

03:34:651 (7,8,9) - Sudden Jumps at the end makes the rating lower. who gives a s***? fixed , btw
i will not submit because i'm finishing insane
Pq isso ta em pending se é WIP? o3o
Capitao girls~
Topic Starter
poot you sorvete
You dont like it!

Download: guest diff.rar
I like this beatmap :D
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