17:58 <Vext> : Kirbeh got banned NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17:58 <Agnes> : what
17:58 <DJNightmare> : O_O
17:58 <Faust> : Join her, Vext
17:59 <Derek> : vext: don't spam like that please
17:59 <DJNightmare> : hai Faust
17:59 <Backfire> : Who banned kirbeh?
17:59 <EmsteR> : him*
17:59 <lil_duke> : damn vext
17:59 <Backfire> : I'd like to know.
17:59 <lil_duke> : span much?
17:59 <lil_duke> : spam*
17:59 <Faust> : yeahai
17:59 <Vext> : lol that is hardly spam
17:59 <Shiirn> : Derek: were you the one that silenced me?
17:59 <EmsteR> : thats not spam at all
17:59 <Sushi> : Vext, this was a kind of spam
17:59 <Aisua> : ...One line of text is not spam.
17:59 <Faust> : it's one line, Sushi.
17:59 <Backfire> : He used caps.
17:59 <EmsteR> : god all these little guygots so eager to jump on the moderation bandwagon
17:59 <lil_duke> : with the same letter it is
17:59 <Backfire> : There you go.
17:59 <Faust> : Spam is excess
18:00 <Backfire> : Now seriously.
18:00 <Faust> : Excessive words maybe so.
18:00 <Backfire> : Who banned Kirbeh?
18:00 <Faust> : poot, I don't care at all
18:00 <Faust> : poot this
18:00 <Shiirn> : Spam is "anything I don't want to see"
18:00 <Vext> : Who knows, it's in private
18:00 <Faust> : and all of you
18:00 <Shiirn> : so you're all spamming
18:00 <Faust> : aahaha
18:00 <Sushi> : kay, let's all post a full capsed + unecessary "!"
18:00 <Shiirn> : shut the nick up, ll of you
18:00 <Vext> : you never know how bans
18:00 <Faust> : Yeah
18:00 <Sushi> :
18:00 <Vext> : *who
18:00 <Faust> : poot you
18:00 <Shiirn> : SOUNDS LIKE FUN, SUSHI!
18:00 <Backfire> : ...Good bye.
18:00 <Faust> : I AGREE
18:01 <Sushi> : =.=
18:01 <Faust> : NANANANA NANA DADA