
ITT: We post the things we do when we get banned from a game!

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Well, when im banned from osu! i just browse the forums, look for bugs and send PM's
When i was banned from Corum Online, i went outside (true shit)
When i got PB banned from Battlefield 2142, i went into a state of depression and started using MSN again.

Thread Start!
well let's see, first I

oh wait I don't do anything because I don't get banned

because I'm not retarded
Whe I'm banned I......oh wait I've never been banned

I've never been banned from osu...What would give you that idea?...Why are you staring at me like that?
I get banned quite a bit. Normally because certain rednames have no sense of humor or any sense of humility.

I just hang out and play something else. Or map.
I generally ask why I'm banned unless I already know. But I usually don't.

Shiirn wrote:

I get banned quite a bit. Normally because certain rednames have no sense of humor or any sense of humility.

I just hang out and play something else. Or map.
Or something like that.
I sit around and make sadfaces
I find something more productive to do with my time then sit around and bitch about it
It's a ban party today!

Seems as good a place as any. (no this is not a complaint in any way shape or form, interesting though yes)

From: Kirbeh

I got ******* banned! What the **** did I do?

17:47 <Backfire> : You know what.
17:48 <lisje1998> : hello everyone (^.^)
17:48 <Backfire> : I kinda dont like new bancho.
17:48 <lisje1998> : i do
17:48 <Backfire> : Not for anything in particular, except ONE thing.
17:48 <Aisua> : Oh?
17:48 <Agnes> : That someone is back!?
17:48 <Backfire> : It kinda lags when you look at someones status.
17:48 <YuuichiYusa> : this new patch screwed up my sensitivity
17:48 <Backfire> : Thats it.
17:48 <Agnes> : Oh.
17:48 <Agnes> : D:
17:48 <Backfire> : Like
17:48 <lisje1998> : :(
17:48 <Backfire> : It says
17:48 <Backfire> : "retrieving data"
17:48 <Kirbeh> : Backfire
17:48 <Backfire> : Its a bit, weird.
17:48 <Backfire> : Hey c:
17:48 <Kirbeh> : Stop complaining.
17:49 <Kirbeh> : Did you make Osu! ?
17:49 <Kirbeh> : N
17:49 <Kirbeh> : lol
(Apparently she dodged a silence though according to a mat which explains it btw if true)

Faust: I'm banned.

17:58 <Vext> : Kirbeh got banned NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17:58 <Agnes> : what
17:58 <DJNightmare> : O_O
17:58 <Faust> : Join her, Vext
17:59 <Derek> : vext: don't spam like that please
17:59 <DJNightmare> : hai Faust
17:59 <Backfire> : Who banned kirbeh?
17:59 <EmsteR> : him*
17:59 <lil_duke> : damn vext
17:59 <Backfire> : I'd like to know.
17:59 <lil_duke> : span much?
17:59 <lil_duke> : spam*
17:59 <Faust> : yeahai
17:59 <Vext> : lol that is hardly spam
17:59 <Shiirn> : Derek: were you the one that silenced me?
17:59 <EmsteR> : thats not spam at all
17:59 <Sushi> : Vext, this was a kind of spam
17:59 <Aisua> : ...One line of text is not spam.
17:59 <Faust> : it's one line, Sushi.
17:59 <Backfire> : He used caps.
17:59 <EmsteR> : god all these little guygots so eager to jump on the moderation bandwagon
17:59 <lil_duke> : with the same letter it is
17:59 <Backfire> : There you go.
17:59 <Faust> : Spam is excess
18:00 <Backfire> : Now seriously.
18:00 <Faust> : Excessive words maybe so.
18:00 <Backfire> : Who banned Kirbeh?
18:00 <Faust> : poot, I don't care at all
18:00 <Faust> : poot this
18:00 <Shiirn> : Spam is "anything I don't want to see"
18:00 <Vext> : Who knows, it's in private
18:00 <Faust> : and all of you
18:00 <Shiirn> : so you're all spamming
18:00 <Faust> : aahaha
18:00 <Sushi> : kay, let's all post a full capsed + unecessary "!"
18:00 <Shiirn> : shut the nick up, ll of you
18:00 <Vext> : you never know how bans
18:00 <Faust> : Yeah
18:00 <Sushi> : :|
18:00 <Vext> : *who
18:00 <Faust> : poot you
18:00 <Shiirn> : SOUNDS LIKE FUN, SUSHI!
18:00 <Backfire> : ...Good bye.
18:00 <Faust> : I AGREE
18:01 <Sushi> : =.=
18:01 <Faust> : NANANANA NANA DADA

SO I was all.

18:22 <Vext> : Ok, Ban me too.
18:23 <Vext> : I'm serious, don't make me spam in order to get it, just do it.
18:23 <Sushi> : wat
18:23 <Sushi> : why are you asking for ban
18:23 <Sushi> : tell me.
18:23 <Backfire> : All his friends got banned.
18:23 <Vext> : checked chat log, I disagree with the reason kirbeh and Faust were banned, I wish to join them.
18:23 <Backfire> : For no reason.
18:23 <Sushi> : trolling.
18:24 <Backfire> : Who were they trolling?
18:24 <Sushi> : moderators
18:24 <Backfire> : Kirbeh was trolling me, right?
18:24 <Backfire> : Mew?
18:24 <Sushi> : and they have been banned for 1h, just wait.
18:24 <Backfire> : Well, Kirbeh might not get on for a while...she's a bit angry.
18:24 <Backfire> : But faust will probally come back.
18:25 <Voltrillian> : oi vext nobody gives a shit
18:25 <Sushi> : for kirbeh, she silence evaded
18:25 <Sushi> : iirc
18:25 <Voltrillian> : lmfao
18:25 <Vext> : Kirbeh tol backfire to stop griping about new osu look, and banned, Faust defended me when everyone jumped on spam, he disagreed with it so he was, I
18:25 <Vext> : won't let that stand
18:25 <Backfire> : Uh oh.
18:25 <Agnes> : Voltrillian: Who are you to even step in
18:25 <Agnes> : Get out
18:25 *CDFA walks in
18:25 <CDFA> : Oooooook, wtf happened here.
18:25 *Mitchrev21 is playing (Lunatica - Words Unleashed)[] [Armageddon] <Taiko>
18:25 <Agnes> : CDFA, get back under the bed.
18:25 <Backfire> : Honestly, Volt.
18:25 <CDFA> : k
18:25 <Sushi> : then everyone went why
18:25 <dkun> : "for some random"
18:25 <CDFA> : inb4 "your bed? :#333333333 your mumderp"
18:25 <Backfire> : No volt, they're our friends. :l
18:25 <Vext> : ok I'm apparently not getting one yet I really do not with to step up and start swearing or something someone do it already
18:25 <Sushi> : then trolled, then got banned.
18:25 <Voltrillian> : very noble of you vext
18:25 <Voltrillian> : but just poot up
18:25 <Voltrillian> : k?
18:26 <dkun> : i'm sorry
18:26 <dkun> : who are you again?
18:26 <Voltrillian> : what?
18:26 <Agnes> : dkun: lol.
18:26 <dkun> : newguy galore
18:26 <dkun> : get out
18:26 <Backfire> : Honestly.
18:26 <Sushi> : Vext, if you don't want to stay because your friends are out
18:26 <Nilix_Delnori> : tsk tsk.
18:26 <Voltrillian> : honestly
18:26 <Sushi> : you're free to close osu or not chatting
18:26 <dkun> : honestly
18:26 <dkun> : who are you
18:26 <Nilix_Delnori> : truthfully
18:26 <Voltrillian> : why is that relevant
18:26 <Voltrillian> : u fukn gook
18:26 <dkun> : gook?
18:26 <Backfire> : Uh oh.
18:26 <dkun> : excuse you bitch?
18:26 <Voltrillian> : LOL ^
18:26 <Vext> : ^.~ I hear ya and I appreciate it Sushi, but I'm sure you understand where I am coming from and why that will not be good enough <3
18:26 <Voltrillian> : you got no clue ay bro
18:26 <Sushi> : both of you please stop
18:26 <dkun> : lol sushi
18:26 <Backfire> : Random troll.
18:27 <dkun> : that's racism
18:27 <dkun> : that's a kill
18:27 <Backfire> : Ftl.
18:27 <Vext> : Btw Backfire, I love you
18:27 <CDFA> : Holy god, this Voltrillian guy is making me feel smart o-o.
18:27 *Mitchrev21 is playing (Ryu* - Sakura Sunrise)[] [Mitchrev21's Dawn (Taiko)] <Taiko>
18:27 <Backfire> : Whys that, vexty?
18:27 <Backfire> : I mean
18:27 <Backfire> : I love you too and all.
18:27 <Backfire> : <3
18:27 <Nilix_Delnori> : so much yellow love here.
18:27 <CDFA> : I love you too, Backfire <3~
18:27 <Vext> : Backfire you stupid mother fucking piece of shit
18:27 <Backfire> : I love you more, CDFA.
18:27 <Nilix_Delnori> : makes me wanna be yellow too.
18:27 <Vext> : Fuck you
18:27 *CDFA jumps on top of Backfire
18:27 <Backfire> : D:
18:28 <Vext> : Go suck a dick you piece of shit
18:28 <Vext> : <3
18:28 <Agnes> : If you want to be banned that badly
18:28 <Sushi> : sigh. I still don't understand this willing of daring what represents a minimum of autorithy
18:28 <James2250> : you guys are kinda stupid huh
18:28 <Voltrillian> : Look if you gonna stick up for someone for getting a ban just cos they say htey are a girl
18:28 <Vext> : Yes please
18:28 <Agnes> : Why not get your account deleted.
18:28 <Agnes> : Problem solved.
18:28 <James2250> : seriously
18:28 <Backfire> : CD, are you still making that ultra moe fanfic?
18:28 <Voltrillian> : vext just man up and do some spamming/trolling if ur so desperate to get banned
18:28 <Backfire> : With lucario?
18:28 <CDFA> : It's an on and off thing.
18:28 <Voltrillian> : instead of asking for it like a little pussy
18:28 <Voltrillian> : im off
18:28 <Voltrillian> : laters gook cunts
18:28 <Backfire> : Ah.
18:28 <dkun> : gook cunts?
18:28 <dkun> : loool
18:28 <dkun> : what are you
18:28 <Vext> : Ban prz
18:28 <CDFA> : Thanks for you wisdom, Voltrillian!
18:28 <music> : lol.
18:28 <Sushi> : he dc'd =.=
18:28 <Backfire> : Im eagerly awaiting it, CD.
18:28 <dkun> : why is no op taking action against that
18:28 <Nilix_Delnori> : gook... cunts.
18:28 <CDFA> : @Backfire: It's too explicit to post on the forums ;D~
18:29 <Sushi> : I was too slow
18:29 <Backfire> : Meh knows that.
18:29 <Vext> : lalalalalallalalalalala
18:29 <Backfire> : You must link when done :3
18:29 <CDFA> : k :3~
18:29 <dkun> : 10 bucks that's EmsteR, Sushi
18:29 <Sushi> : Serioulsy, I don't understand that need of defying the authority
18:30 <Sushi> : that just pisses me off
18:30 <Vext> : Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban
18:30 <CDFA> : Because "cool bros" do that
18:30 <dkun> : +o needs a color
18:30 <dkun> : imho
18:30 <Sushi> : someone does shit, then WHOA WHY
18:30 <Vext> : I like how when I go out of my way to be an ass hole nothing happens, "Life is just"
18:30 <Sushi> : sometimes people think they are "regular" enough to escape a silence
18:30 <Sushi> : then they QQ even more
18:31 <CDFA> : ie. CDFA
18:31 <Sushi> : because they're banned
18:31 <Backfire> : I didnt know she silence evaded.
18:31 <Backfire> : If so
18:31 <AnFace> : Banning spree do itgo
18:31 <CDFA> : Except I don't QQ ;D~
18:31 <Backfire> : She deserved ban.
18:31 <Sushi> : not you
18:31 <CDFA> : :O
18:31 <Backfire> : I was just aski-
18:31 <Backfire> : Ok sushi ^^
18:31 <Sushi> : I'm talking about how everything started today
18:31 <CDFA> : I was busy reading The Faerie Queene with newfound inspiration, so I have no idea what happened ;D~
18:31 <misterlobo> : destro
18:31 <Sushi> : How people cannot be objective in that kind of situation.
18:32 <Sushi> : *sigh* I'm tired, it's 3 am and I got work tomorrow. night.
18:32 <CDFA> : nite Sushi >w<~
18:32 <Sushi> : and seriously guys, please behave
18:32 <Vext> : Nite sushi, I wish I could :3
18:33 <Decay> : man i had to scroll up far to find the start of this
18:33 <Vext> : Dicks Dicks Dicks

18:33 <BanchoBot> : You have been silenced for 5 minutes.

Moral of the story?

You will always be banned when you don't want to.
If you try to get banned, it's a lot of work for some reason, and you just get silenced in the end.

Also, I troll off-topic.

Vext wrote:

It's a ban party today!

Seems as good a place as any. (no this is not a complaint in any way shape or form, interesting though yes)

From: Kirbeh

I got ******* banned! What the **** did I do?

17:47 <Backfire> : You know what.
17:48 <lisje1998> : hello everyone (^.^)
17:48 <Backfire> : I kinda dont like new bancho.
17:48 <lisje1998> : i do
17:48 <Backfire> : Not for anything in particular, except ONE thing.
17:48 <Aisua> : Oh?
17:48 <Agnes> : That someone is back!?
17:48 <Backfire> : It kinda lags when you look at someones status.
17:48 <YuuichiYusa> : this new patch screwed up my sensitivity
17:48 <Backfire> : Thats it.
17:48 <Agnes> : Oh.
17:48 <Agnes> : D:
17:48 <Backfire> : Like
17:48 <lisje1998> : :(
17:48 <Backfire> : It says
17:48 <Backfire> : "retrieving data"
17:48 <Kirbeh> : Backfire
17:48 <Backfire> : Its a bit, weird.
17:48 <Backfire> : Hey c:
17:48 <Kirbeh> : Stop complaining.
17:49 <Kirbeh> : Did you make Osu! ?
17:49 <Kirbeh> : N
17:49 <Kirbeh> : lol
(Apparently she dodged a silence though according to a mat which explains it btw if true)

Faust: I'm banned.

17:58 <Vext> : Kirbeh got banned NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17:58 <Agnes> : what
17:58 <DJNightmare> : O_O
17:58 <Faust> : Join her, Vext
17:59 <Derek> : vext: don't spam like that please
17:59 <DJNightmare> : hai Faust
17:59 <Backfire> : Who banned kirbeh?
17:59 <EmsteR> : him*
17:59 <lil_duke> : damn vext
17:59 <Backfire> : I'd like to know.
17:59 <lil_duke> : span much?
17:59 <lil_duke> : spam*
17:59 <Faust> : yeahai
17:59 <Vext> : lol that is hardly spam
17:59 <Shiirn> : Derek: were you the one that silenced me?
17:59 <EmsteR> : thats not spam at all
17:59 <Sushi> : Vext, this was a kind of spam
17:59 <Aisua> : ...One line of text is not spam.
17:59 <Faust> : it's one line, Sushi.
17:59 <Backfire> : He used caps.
17:59 <EmsteR> : god all these little guygots so eager to jump on the moderation bandwagon
17:59 <lil_duke> : with the same letter it is
17:59 <Backfire> : There you go.
17:59 <Faust> : Spam is excess
18:00 <Backfire> : Now seriously.
18:00 <Faust> : Excessive words maybe so.
18:00 <Backfire> : Who banned Kirbeh?
18:00 <Faust> : poot, I don't care at all
18:00 <Faust> : poot this
18:00 <Shiirn> : Spam is "anything I don't want to see"
18:00 <Vext> : Who knows, it's in private
18:00 <Faust> : and all of you
18:00 <Shiirn> : so you're all spamming
18:00 <Faust> : aahaha
18:00 <Sushi> : kay, let's all post a full capsed + unecessary "!"
18:00 <Shiirn> : shut the nick up, ll of you
18:00 <Vext> : you never know how bans
18:00 <Faust> : Yeah
18:00 <Sushi> : :|
18:00 <Vext> : *who
18:00 <Faust> : poot you
18:00 <Shiirn> : SOUNDS LIKE FUN, SUSHI!
18:00 <Backfire> : ...Good bye.
18:00 <Faust> : I AGREE
18:01 <Sushi> : =.=
18:01 <Faust> : NANANANA NANA DADA

SO I was all.

18:22 <Vext> : Ok, Ban me too.
18:23 <Vext> : I'm serious, don't make me spam in order to get it, just do it.
18:23 <Sushi> : wat
18:23 <Sushi> : why are you asking for ban
18:23 <Sushi> : tell me.
18:23 <Backfire> : All his friends got banned.
18:23 <Vext> : checked chat log, I disagree with the reason kirbeh and Faust were banned, I wish to join them.
18:23 <Backfire> : For no reason.
18:23 <Sushi> : trolling.
18:24 <Backfire> : Who were they trolling?
18:24 <Sushi> : moderators
18:24 <Backfire> : Kirbeh was trolling me, right?
18:24 <Backfire> : Mew?
18:24 <Sushi> : and they have been banned for 1h, just wait.
18:24 <Backfire> : Well, Kirbeh might not get on for a while...she's a bit angry.
18:24 <Backfire> : But faust will probally come back.
18:25 <Voltrillian> : oi vext nobody gives a shit
18:25 <Sushi> : for kirbeh, she silence evaded
18:25 <Sushi> : iirc
18:25 <Voltrillian> : lmfao
18:25 <Vext> : Kirbeh tol backfire to stop griping about new osu look, and banned, Faust defended me when everyone jumped on spam, he disagreed with it so he was, I
18:25 <Vext> : won't let that stand
18:25 <Backfire> : Uh oh.
18:25 <Agnes> : Voltrillian: Who are you to even step in
18:25 <Agnes> : Get out
18:25 *CDFA walks in
18:25 <CDFA> : Oooooook, wtf happened here.
18:25 *Mitchrev21 is playing (Lunatica - Words Unleashed)[] [Armageddon] <Taiko>
18:25 <Agnes> : CDFA, get back under the bed.
18:25 <Backfire> : Honestly, Volt.
18:25 <CDFA> : k
18:25 <Sushi> : then everyone went why
18:25 <dkun> : "for some random"
18:25 <CDFA> : inb4 "your bed? :#333333333 your mumderp"
18:25 <Backfire> : No volt, they're our friends. :l
18:25 <Vext> : ok I'm apparently not getting one yet I really do not with to step up and start swearing or something someone do it already
18:25 <Sushi> : then trolled, then got banned.
18:25 <Voltrillian> : very noble of you vext
18:25 <Voltrillian> : but just poot up
18:25 <Voltrillian> : k?
18:26 <dkun> : i'm sorry
18:26 <dkun> : who are you again?
18:26 <Voltrillian> : what?
18:26 <Agnes> : dkun: lol.
18:26 <dkun> : newguy galore
18:26 <dkun> : get out
18:26 <Backfire> : Honestly.
18:26 <Sushi> : Vext, if you don't want to stay because your friends are out
18:26 <Nilix_Delnori> : tsk tsk.
18:26 <Voltrillian> : honestly
18:26 <Sushi> : you're free to close osu or not chatting
18:26 <dkun> : honestly
18:26 <dkun> : who are you
18:26 <Nilix_Delnori> : truthfully
18:26 <Voltrillian> : why is that relevant
18:26 <Voltrillian> : u fukn gook
18:26 <dkun> : gook?
18:26 <Backfire> : Uh oh.
18:26 <dkun> : excuse you bitch?
18:26 <Voltrillian> : LOL ^
18:26 <Vext> : ^.~ I hear ya and I appreciate it Sushi, but I'm sure you understand where I am coming from and why that will not be good enough <3
18:26 <Voltrillian> : you got no clue ay bro
18:26 <Sushi> : both of you please stop
18:26 <dkun> : lol sushi
18:26 <Backfire> : Random troll.
18:27 <dkun> : that's racism
18:27 <dkun> : that's a kill
18:27 <Backfire> : Ftl.
18:27 <Vext> : Btw Backfire, I love you
18:27 <CDFA> : Holy god, this Voltrillian guy is making me feel smart o-o.
18:27 *Mitchrev21 is playing (Ryu* - Sakura Sunrise)[] [Mitchrev21's Dawn (Taiko)] <Taiko>
18:27 <Backfire> : Whys that, vexty?
18:27 <Backfire> : I mean
18:27 <Backfire> : I love you too and all.
18:27 <Backfire> : <3
18:27 <Nilix_Delnori> : so much yellow love here.
18:27 <CDFA> : I love you too, Backfire <3~
18:27 <Vext> : Backfire you stupid mother fucking piece of shit
18:27 <Backfire> : I love you more, CDFA.
18:27 <Nilix_Delnori> : makes me wanna be yellow too.
18:27 <Vext> : Fuck you
18:27 *CDFA jumps on top of Backfire
18:27 <Backfire> : D:
18:28 <Vext> : Go suck a dick you piece of shit
18:28 <Vext> : <3
18:28 <Agnes> : If you want to be banned that badly
18:28 <Sushi> : sigh. I still don't understand this willing of daring what represents a minimum of autorithy
18:28 <James2250> : you guys are kinda stupid huh
18:28 <Voltrillian> : Look if you gonna stick up for someone for getting a ban just cos they say htey are a girl
18:28 <Vext> : Yes please
18:28 <Agnes> : Why not get your account deleted.
18:28 <Agnes> : Problem solved.
18:28 <James2250> : seriously
18:28 <Backfire> : CD, are you still making that ultra moe fanfic?
18:28 <Voltrillian> : vext just man up and do some spamming/trolling if ur so desperate to get banned
18:28 <Backfire> : With lucario?
18:28 <CDFA> : It's an on and off thing.
18:28 <Voltrillian> : instead of asking for it like a little pussy
18:28 <Voltrillian> : im off
18:28 <Voltrillian> : laters gook cunts
18:28 <Backfire> : Ah.
18:28 <dkun> : gook cunts?
18:28 <dkun> : loool
18:28 <dkun> : what are you
18:28 <Vext> : Ban prz
18:28 <CDFA> : Thanks for you wisdom, Voltrillian!
18:28 <music> : lol.
18:28 <Sushi> : he dc'd =.=
18:28 <Backfire> : Im eagerly awaiting it, CD.
18:28 <dkun> : why is no op taking action against that
18:28 <Nilix_Delnori> : gook... cunts.
18:28 <CDFA> : @Backfire: It's too explicit to post on the forums ;D~
18:29 <Sushi> : I was too slow
18:29 <Backfire> : Meh knows that.
18:29 <Vext> : lalalalalallalalalalala
18:29 <Backfire> : You must link when done :3
18:29 <CDFA> : k :3~
18:29 <dkun> : 10 bucks that's EmsteR, Sushi
18:29 <Sushi> : Serioulsy, I don't understand that need of defying the authority
18:30 <Sushi> : that just pisses me off
18:30 <Vext> : Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban
18:30 <CDFA> : Because "cool bros" do that
18:30 <dkun> : +o needs a color
18:30 <dkun> : imho
18:30 <Sushi> : someone does shit, then WHOA WHY
18:30 <Vext> : I like how when I go out of my way to be an ass hole nothing happens, "Life is just"
18:30 <Sushi> : sometimes people think they are "regular" enough to escape a silence
18:30 <Sushi> : then they QQ even more
18:31 <CDFA> : ie. CDFA
18:31 <Sushi> : because they're banned
18:31 <Backfire> : I didnt know she silence evaded.
18:31 <Backfire> : If so
18:31 <AnFace> : Banning spree do itgo
18:31 <CDFA> : Except I don't QQ ;D~
18:31 <Backfire> : She deserved ban.
18:31 <Sushi> : not you
18:31 <CDFA> : :O
18:31 <Backfire> : I was just aski-
18:31 <Backfire> : Ok sushi ^^
18:31 <Sushi> : I'm talking about how everything started today
18:31 <CDFA> : I was busy reading The Faerie Queene with newfound inspiration, so I have no idea what happened ;D~
18:31 <misterlobo> : destro
18:31 <Sushi> : How people cannot be objective in that kind of situation.
18:32 <Sushi> : *sigh* I'm tired, it's 3 am and I got work tomorrow. night.
18:32 <CDFA> : nite Sushi >w<~
18:32 <Sushi> : and seriously guys, please behave
18:32 <Vext> : Nite sushi, I wish I could :3
18:33 <Decay> : man i had to scroll up far to find the start of this
18:33 <Vext> : Dicks Dicks Dicks

18:33 <BanchoBot> : You have been silenced for 5 minutes.

Moral of the story?

You will always be banned when you don't want to.
If you try to get banned, it's a lot of work for some reason, and you just get silenced in the end.

Also, I troll off-topic.
I was greatly entertained. Thank you, friend.

Also lol.
I got bored halfway through that incredibly juvenile log and all I saw were people whining over trivial matters.

Shellghost wrote:

I've never been banned from anywhere ever.

Shohei Ohtani
I generally go do something different on the internet, or play a computer game.

except when I got perma-banned from TTK. Then I proceeded to go "why was I banned" and they were like "YOU KNOW WHY. STOP ASKING."

I STILL don't know why.
I didn't dodge anything. Someone didn't like the fact that I asked Backfire if he'd made the game. At least, that's what I assumed.

Shiirn wrote:

...certain rednames have no sense of humor or any sense of humility.

I've never been banned from any website, game or any other online community for that matter but c'mon now, being exiled (as you people see it) is nothing to whinge about. As if your life depends on such things.

When I'm sad, I stop being sad and play Halo.


Cuddlebun wrote:

... incredibly juvenile...and...people whining over trivial matters.
^above you see the basic definition of #osu.
Topic Starter

Cuddlebun wrote:

well let's see, first I

oh wait I don't do anything because I don't get banned

because I'm not retarded
No i mean from a game/server/anything, i didn't mean just osu!.


And the lot of you, stop bitching.

Thread Rerailment:
When i got banned from my fave MC server i instantly went to the co-owner, bitched, got my rank back and got unbanned like a boss.

Or when i got banned from my community server on Gmod, i cried (True story).
I once accidentally banned myself from my GTA: San Andreas server.
The cause was a broken line of code so I fixed it. Interesting, huh?

fishie wrote:

I once accidentally banned myself from my GTA: San Andreas server.
The cause was a broken line of code so I fixed it. Interesting, huh?

Vext wrote:

SO I was all.

18:22 <Vext> : Ok, Ban me too.
18:23 <Vext> : I'm serious, don't make me spam in order to get it, just do it.
18:23 <Sushi> : wat
18:23 <Sushi> : why are you asking for ban
18:23 <Sushi> : tell me.
18:23 <Backfire> : All his friends got banned.
18:23 <Vext> : checked chat log, I disagree with the reason kirbeh and Faust were banned, I wish to join them.
18:23 <Backfire> : For no reason.
18:23 <Sushi> : trolling.
18:24 <Backfire> : Who were they trolling?
18:24 <Sushi> : moderators
18:24 <Backfire> : Kirbeh was trolling me, right?
18:24 <Backfire> : Mew?
18:24 <Sushi> : and they have been banned for 1h, just wait.
18:24 <Backfire> : Well, Kirbeh might not get on for a while...she's a bit angry.
18:24 <Backfire> : But faust will probally come back.
18:25 <Voltrillian> : oi vext nobody gives a shit
18:25 <Sushi> : for kirbeh, she silence evaded
18:25 <Sushi> : iirc
18:25 <Voltrillian> : lmfao
18:25 <Vext> : Kirbeh tol backfire to stop griping about new osu look, and banned, Faust defended me when everyone jumped on spam, he disagreed with it so he was, I
18:25 <Vext> : won't let that stand
18:25 <Backfire> : Uh oh.
18:25 <Agnes> : Voltrillian: Who are you to even step in
18:25 <Agnes> : Get out
18:25 *CDFA walks in
18:25 <CDFA> : Oooooook, wtf happened here.
18:25 *Mitchrev21 is playing (Lunatica - Words Unleashed)[] [Armageddon] <Taiko>
18:25 <Agnes> : CDFA, get back under the bed.
18:25 <Backfire> : Honestly, Volt.
18:25 <CDFA> : k
18:25 <Sushi> : then everyone went why
18:25 <dkun> : "for some random"
18:25 <CDFA> : inb4 "your bed? :#333333333 your mumderp"
18:25 <Backfire> : No volt, they're our friends. :l
18:25 <Vext> : ok I'm apparently not getting one yet I really do not with to step up and start swearing or something someone do it already
18:25 <Sushi> : then trolled, then got banned.
18:25 <Voltrillian> : very noble of you vext
18:25 <Voltrillian> : but just poot up
18:25 <Voltrillian> : k?
18:26 <dkun> : i'm sorry
18:26 <dkun> : who are you again?
18:26 <Voltrillian> : what?
18:26 <Agnes> : dkun: lol.
18:26 <dkun> : newguy galore
18:26 <dkun> : get out
18:26 <Backfire> : Honestly.
18:26 <Sushi> : Vext, if you don't want to stay because your friends are out
18:26 <Nilix_Delnori> : tsk tsk.
18:26 <Voltrillian> : honestly
18:26 <Sushi> : you're free to close osu or not chatting
18:26 <dkun> : honestly
18:26 <dkun> : who are you
18:26 <Nilix_Delnori> : truthfully
18:26 <Voltrillian> : why is that relevant
18:26 <Voltrillian> : u fukn gook
18:26 <dkun> : gook?
18:26 <Backfire> : Uh oh.
18:26 <dkun> : excuse you bitch?
18:26 <Voltrillian> : LOL ^
18:26 <Vext> : ^.~ I hear ya and I appreciate it Sushi, but I'm sure you understand where I am coming from and why that will not be good enough <3
18:26 <Voltrillian> : you got no clue ay bro
18:26 <Sushi> : both of you please stop
18:26 <dkun> : lol sushi
18:26 <Backfire> : Random troll.
18:27 <dkun> : that's racism
18:27 <dkun> : that's a kill
18:27 <Backfire> : Ftl.
18:27 <Vext> : Btw Backfire, I love you
18:27 <CDFA> : Holy god, this Voltrillian guy is making me feel smart o-o.
18:27 *Mitchrev21 is playing (Ryu* - Sakura Sunrise)[] [Mitchrev21's Dawn (Taiko)] <Taiko>
18:27 <Backfire> : Whys that, vexty?
18:27 <Backfire> : I mean
18:27 <Backfire> : I love you too and all.
18:27 <Backfire> : <3
18:27 <Nilix_Delnori> : so much yellow love here.
18:27 <CDFA> : I love you too, Backfire <3~
18:27 <Vext> : Backfire you stupid mother fucking piece of shit
18:27 <Backfire> : I love you more, CDFA.
18:27 <Nilix_Delnori> : makes me wanna be yellow too.
18:27 <Vext> : Fuck you
18:27 *CDFA jumps on top of Backfire
18:27 <Backfire> : D:
18:28 <Vext> : Go suck a dick you piece of shit
18:28 <Vext> : <3
18:28 <Agnes> : If you want to be banned that badly
18:28 <Sushi> : sigh. I still don't understand this willing of daring what represents a minimum of autorithy
18:28 <James2250> : you guys are kinda stupid huh
18:28 <Voltrillian> : Look if you gonna stick up for someone for getting a ban just cos they say htey are a girl
18:28 <Vext> : Yes please
18:28 <Agnes> : Why not get your account deleted.
18:28 <Agnes> : Problem solved.
18:28 <James2250> : seriously
18:28 <Backfire> : CD, are you still making that ultra moe fanfic?
18:28 <Voltrillian> : vext just man up and do some spamming/trolling if ur so desperate to get banned
18:28 <Backfire> : With lucario?
18:28 <CDFA> : It's an on and off thing.
18:28 <Voltrillian> : instead of asking for it like a little pussy
18:28 <Voltrillian> : im off
18:28 <Voltrillian> : laters gook cunts
18:28 <Backfire> : Ah.
18:28 <dkun> : gook cunts?
18:28 <dkun> : loool
18:28 <dkun> : what are you
18:28 <Vext> : Ban prz
18:28 <CDFA> : Thanks for you wisdom, Voltrillian!
18:28 <music> : lol.
18:28 <Sushi> : he dc'd =.=
18:28 <Backfire> : Im eagerly awaiting it, CD.
18:28 <dkun> : why is no op taking action against that
18:28 <Nilix_Delnori> : gook... cunts.
18:28 <CDFA> : @Backfire: It's too explicit to post on the forums ;D~
18:29 <Sushi> : I was too slow
18:29 <Backfire> : Meh knows that.
18:29 <Vext> : lalalalalallalalalalala
18:29 <Backfire> : You must link when done :3
18:29 <CDFA> : k :3~
18:29 <dkun> : 10 bucks that's EmsteR, Sushi
18:29 <Sushi> : Serioulsy, I don't understand that need of defying the authority
18:30 <Sushi> : that just pisses me off
18:30 <Vext> : Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban
18:30 <CDFA> : Because "cool bros" do that
18:30 <dkun> : +o needs a color
18:30 <dkun> : imho
18:30 <Sushi> : someone does shit, then WHOA WHY
18:30 <Vext> : I like how when I go out of my way to be an ass hole nothing happens, "Life is just"
18:30 <Sushi> : sometimes people think they are "regular" enough to escape a silence
18:30 <Sushi> : then they QQ even more
18:31 <CDFA> : ie. CDFA
18:31 <Sushi> : because they're banned
18:31 <Backfire> : I didnt know she silence evaded.
18:31 <Backfire> : If so
18:31 <AnFace> : Banning spree do itgo
18:31 <CDFA> : Except I don't QQ ;D~
18:31 <Backfire> : She deserved ban.
18:31 <Sushi> : not you
18:31 <CDFA> : :O
18:31 <Backfire> : I was just aski-
18:31 <Backfire> : Ok sushi ^^
18:31 <Sushi> : I'm talking about how everything started today
18:31 <CDFA> : I was busy reading The Faerie Queene with newfound inspiration, so I have no idea what happened ;D~
18:31 <misterlobo> : destro
18:31 <Sushi> : How people cannot be objective in that kind of situation.
18:32 <Sushi> : *sigh* I'm tired, it's 3 am and I got work tomorrow. night.
18:32 <CDFA> : nite Sushi >w<~
18:32 <Sushi> : and seriously guys, please behave
18:32 <Vext> : Nite sushi, I wish I could :3
18:33 <Decay> : man i had to scroll up far to find the start of this
18:33 <Vext> : Dicks Dicks Dicks

18:33 <BanchoBot> : You have been silenced for 5 minutes.

Moral of the story?

You will always be banned when you don't want to.
If you try to get banned, it's a lot of work for some reason, and you just get silenced in the end.

Poor, poor Sushi. Hopefully we take better care of him on #french. :D

Cuddlebun wrote:

I got bored halfway through that incredibly juvenile log and all I saw were people whining over trivial matters.
I didn't even actually read it FUCK YEAH

let's derail this thread now

Vext wrote:

SO I was all.

18:22 <Vext> : Ok, Ban me too.
18:23 <Vext> : I'm serious, don't make me spam in order to get it, just do it.
18:23 <Sushi> : wat
18:23 <Sushi> : why are you asking for ban
18:23 <Sushi> : tell me.
18:23 <Backfire> : All his friends got banned.
18:23 <Vext> : checked chat log, I disagree with the reason kirbeh and Faust were banned, I wish to join them.
18:23 <Backfire> : For no reason.
18:23 <Sushi> : trolling.
18:24 <Backfire> : Who were they trolling?
18:24 <Sushi> : moderators
18:24 <Backfire> : Kirbeh was trolling me, right?
18:24 <Backfire> : Mew?
18:24 <Sushi> : and they have been banned for 1h, just wait.
18:24 <Backfire> : Well, Kirbeh might not get on for a while...she's a bit angry.
18:24 <Backfire> : But faust will probally come back.
18:25 <Voltrillian> : oi vext nobody gives a shit
18:25 <Sushi> : for kirbeh, she silence evaded
18:25 <Sushi> : iirc
18:25 <Voltrillian> : lmfao
18:25 <Vext> : Kirbeh tol backfire to stop griping about new osu look, and banned, Faust defended me when everyone jumped on spam, he disagreed with it so he was, I
18:25 <Vext> : won't let that stand
18:25 <Backfire> : Uh oh.
18:25 <Agnes> : Voltrillian: Who are you to even step in
18:25 <Agnes> : Get out
18:25 *CDFA walks in
18:25 <CDFA> : Oooooook, wtf happened here.
18:25 *Mitchrev21 is playing (Lunatica - Words Unleashed)[] [Armageddon] <Taiko>
18:25 <Agnes> : CDFA, get back under the bed.
18:25 <Backfire> : Honestly, Volt.
18:25 <CDFA> : k
18:25 <Sushi> : then everyone went why
18:25 <dkun> : "for some random"
18:25 <CDFA> : inb4 "your bed? :#333333333 your mumderp"
18:25 <Backfire> : No volt, they're our friends. :l
18:25 <Vext> : ok I'm apparently not getting one yet I really do not with to step up and start swearing or something someone do it already
18:25 <Sushi> : then trolled, then got banned.
18:25 <Voltrillian> : very noble of you vext
18:25 <Voltrillian> : but just poot up
18:25 <Voltrillian> : k?
18:26 <dkun> : i'm sorry
18:26 <dkun> : who are you again?
18:26 <Voltrillian> : what?
18:26 <Agnes> : dkun: lol.
18:26 <dkun> : newguy galore
18:26 <dkun> : get out
18:26 <Backfire> : Honestly.
18:26 <Sushi> : Vext, if you don't want to stay because your friends are out
18:26 <Nilix_Delnori> : tsk tsk.
18:26 <Voltrillian> : honestly
18:26 <Sushi> : you're free to close osu or not chatting
18:26 <dkun> : honestly
18:26 <dkun> : who are you
18:26 <Nilix_Delnori> : truthfully
18:26 <Voltrillian> : why is that relevant
18:26 <Voltrillian> : u fukn gook
18:26 <dkun> : gook?
18:26 <Backfire> : Uh oh.
18:26 <dkun> : excuse you bitch?
18:26 <Voltrillian> : LOL ^
18:26 <Vext> : ^.~ I hear ya and I appreciate it Sushi, but I'm sure you understand where I am coming from and why that will not be good enough <3
18:26 <Voltrillian> : you got no clue ay bro
18:26 <Sushi> : both of you please stop
18:26 <dkun> : lol sushi
18:26 <Backfire> : Random troll.
18:27 <dkun> : that's racism
18:27 <dkun> : that's a kill
18:27 <Backfire> : Ftl.
18:27 <Vext> : Btw Backfire, I love you
18:27 <CDFA> : Holy god, this Voltrillian guy is making me feel smart o-o.
18:27 *Mitchrev21 is playing (Ryu* - Sakura Sunrise)[] [Mitchrev21's Dawn (Taiko)] <Taiko>
18:27 <Backfire> : Whys that, vexty?
18:27 <Backfire> : I mean
18:27 <Backfire> : I love you too and all.
18:27 <Backfire> : <3
18:27 <Nilix_Delnori> : so much yellow love here.
18:27 <CDFA> : I love you too, Backfire <3~
18:27 <Vext> : Backfire you stupid mother fucking piece of shit
18:27 <Backfire> : I love you more, CDFA.
18:27 <Nilix_Delnori> : makes me wanna be yellow too.
18:27 <Vext> : Fuck you
18:27 *CDFA jumps on top of Backfire
18:27 <Backfire> : D:
18:28 <Vext> : Go suck a dick you piece of shit
18:28 <Vext> : <3
18:28 <Agnes> : If you want to be banned that badly
18:28 <Sushi> : sigh. I still don't understand this willing of daring what represents a minimum of autorithy
18:28 <James2250> : you guys are kinda stupid huh
18:28 <Voltrillian> : Look if you gonna stick up for someone for getting a ban just cos they say htey are a girl
18:28 <Vext> : Yes please
18:28 <Agnes> : Why not get your account deleted.
18:28 <Agnes> : Problem solved.
18:28 <James2250> : seriously
18:28 <Backfire> : CD, are you still making that ultra moe fanfic?
18:28 <Voltrillian> : vext just man up and do some spamming/trolling if ur so desperate to get banned
18:28 <Backfire> : With lucario?
18:28 <CDFA> : It's an on and off thing.
18:28 <Voltrillian> : instead of asking for it like a little pussy
18:28 <Voltrillian> : im off
18:28 <Voltrillian> : laters gook cunts
18:28 <Backfire> : Ah.
18:28 <dkun> : gook cunts?
18:28 <dkun> : loool
18:28 <dkun> : what are you
18:28 <Vext> : Ban prz
18:28 <CDFA> : Thanks for you wisdom, Voltrillian!
18:28 <music> : lol.
18:28 <Sushi> : he dc'd =.=
18:28 <Backfire> : Im eagerly awaiting it, CD.
18:28 <dkun> : why is no op taking action against that
18:28 <Nilix_Delnori> : gook... cunts.
18:28 <CDFA> : @Backfire: It's too explicit to post on the forums ;D~
18:29 <Sushi> : I was too slow
18:29 <Backfire> : Meh knows that.
18:29 <Vext> : lalalalalallalalalalala
18:29 <Backfire> : You must link when done :3
18:29 <CDFA> : k :3~
18:29 <dkun> : 10 bucks that's EmsteR, Sushi
18:29 <Sushi> : Serioulsy, I don't understand that need of defying the authority
18:30 <Sushi> : that just pisses me off
18:30 <Vext> : Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban
18:30 <CDFA> : Because "cool bros" do that
18:30 <dkun> : +o needs a color
18:30 <dkun> : imho
18:30 <Sushi> : someone does shit, then WHOA WHY
18:30 <Vext> : I like how when I go out of my way to be an ass hole nothing happens, "Life is just"
18:30 <Sushi> : sometimes people think they are "regular" enough to escape a silence
18:30 <Sushi> : then they QQ even more
18:31 <CDFA> : ie. CDFA
18:31 <Sushi> : because they're banned
18:31 <Backfire> : I didnt know she silence evaded.
18:31 <Backfire> : If so
18:31 <AnFace> : Banning spree do itgo
18:31 <CDFA> : Except I don't QQ ;D~
18:31 <Backfire> : She deserved ban.
18:31 <Sushi> : not you
18:31 <CDFA> : :O
18:31 <Backfire> : I was just aski-
18:31 <Backfire> : Ok sushi ^^
18:31 <Sushi> : I'm talking about how everything started today
18:31 <CDFA> : I was busy reading The Faerie Queene with newfound inspiration, so I have no idea what happened ;D~
18:31 <misterlobo> : destro
18:31 <Sushi> : How people cannot be objective in that kind of situation.
18:32 <Sushi> : *sigh* I'm tired, it's 3 am and I got work tomorrow. night.
18:32 <CDFA> : nite Sushi >w<~
18:32 <Sushi> : and seriously guys, please behave
18:32 <Vext> : Nite sushi, I wish I could :3
18:33 <Decay> : man i had to scroll up far to find the start of this
18:33 <Vext> : Dicks Dicks Dicks

18:33 <BanchoBot> : You have been silenced for 5 minutes.

Moral of the story?

You will always be banned when you don't want to.
If you try to get banned, it's a lot of work for some reason, and you just get silenced in the end.
This is why I don't go to #osu

Cuddlebun wrote:

I got bored halfway through that incredibly juvenile log and all I saw were people whining over trivial matters.

Cuddlebun wrote:

well let's see, first I

oh wait I don't do anything because I don't get banned

because I'm not retarded

I sometimes love you Cuddlebun
I was never banned from osu! but if I was, I'd probably carry on playing my favourite maps or just close and do some other stuff

Vext wrote:

It's a ban party today!

Seems as good a place as any. (no this is not a complaint in any way shape or form, interesting though yes)

From: Kirbeh

I got ******* banned! What the **** did I do?

17:47 <Backfire> : You know what.
17:48 <lisje1998> : hello everyone (^.^)
17:48 <Backfire> : I kinda dont like new bancho.
17:48 <lisje1998> : i do
17:48 <Backfire> : Not for anything in particular, except ONE thing.
17:48 <Aisua> : Oh?
17:48 <Agnes> : That someone is back!?
17:48 <Backfire> : It kinda lags when you look at someones status.
17:48 <YuuichiYusa> : this new patch screwed up my sensitivity
17:48 <Backfire> : Thats it.
17:48 <Agnes> : Oh.
17:48 <Agnes> : D:
17:48 <Backfire> : Like
17:48 <lisje1998> : :(
17:48 <Backfire> : It says
17:48 <Backfire> : "retrieving data"
17:48 <Kirbeh> : Backfire
17:48 <Backfire> : Its a bit, weird.
17:48 <Backfire> : Hey c:
17:48 <Kirbeh> : Stop complaining.
17:49 <Kirbeh> : Did you make Osu! ?
17:49 <Kirbeh> : N
17:49 <Kirbeh> : lol
(Apparently she dodged a silence though according to a mat which explains it btw if true)

Faust: I'm banned.

17:58 <Vext> : Kirbeh got banned NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17:58 <Agnes> : what
17:58 <DJNightmare> : O_O
17:58 <Faust> : Join her, Vext
17:59 <Derek> : vext: don't spam like that please
17:59 <DJNightmare> : hai Faust
17:59 <Backfire> : Who banned kirbeh?
17:59 <EmsteR> : him*
17:59 <lil_duke> : damn vext
17:59 <Backfire> : I'd like to know.
17:59 <lil_duke> : span much?
17:59 <lil_duke> : spam*
17:59 <Faust> : yeahai
17:59 <Vext> : lol that is hardly spam
17:59 <Shiirn> : Derek: were you the one that silenced me?
17:59 <EmsteR> : thats not spam at all
17:59 <Sushi> : Vext, this was a kind of spam
17:59 <Aisua> : ...One line of text is not spam.
17:59 <Faust> : it's one line, Sushi.
17:59 <Backfire> : He used caps.
17:59 <EmsteR> : god all these little guygots so eager to jump on the moderation bandwagon
17:59 <lil_duke> : with the same letter it is
17:59 <Backfire> : There you go.
17:59 <Faust> : Spam is excess
18:00 <Backfire> : Now seriously.
18:00 <Faust> : Excessive words maybe so.
18:00 <Backfire> : Who banned Kirbeh?
18:00 <Faust> : poot, I don't care at all
18:00 <Faust> : poot this
18:00 <Shiirn> : Spam is "anything I don't want to see"
18:00 <Vext> : Who knows, it's in private
18:00 <Faust> : and all of you
18:00 <Shiirn> : so you're all spamming
18:00 <Faust> : aahaha
18:00 <Sushi> : kay, let's all post a full capsed + unecessary "!"
18:00 <Shiirn> : shut the nick up, ll of you
18:00 <Vext> : you never know how bans
18:00 <Faust> : Yeah
18:00 <Sushi> : :|
18:00 <Vext> : *who
18:00 <Faust> : poot you
18:00 <Shiirn> : SOUNDS LIKE FUN, SUSHI!
18:00 <Backfire> : ...Good bye.
18:00 <Faust> : I AGREE
18:01 <Sushi> : =.=
18:01 <Faust> : NANANANA NANA DADA

SO I was all.

18:22 <Vext> : Ok, Ban me too.
18:23 <Vext> : I'm serious, don't make me spam in order to get it, just do it.
18:23 <Sushi> : wat
18:23 <Sushi> : why are you asking for ban
18:23 <Sushi> : tell me.
18:23 <Backfire> : All his friends got banned.
18:23 <Vext> : checked chat log, I disagree with the reason kirbeh and Faust were banned, I wish to join them.
18:23 <Backfire> : For no reason.
18:23 <Sushi> : trolling.
18:24 <Backfire> : Who were they trolling?
18:24 <Sushi> : moderators
18:24 <Backfire> : Kirbeh was trolling me, right?
18:24 <Backfire> : Mew?
18:24 <Sushi> : and they have been banned for 1h, just wait.
18:24 <Backfire> : Well, Kirbeh might not get on for a while...she's a bit angry.
18:24 <Backfire> : But faust will probally come back.
18:25 <Voltrillian> : oi vext nobody gives a shit
18:25 <Sushi> : for kirbeh, she silence evaded
18:25 <Sushi> : iirc
18:25 <Voltrillian> : lmfao
18:25 <Vext> : Kirbeh tol backfire to stop griping about new osu look, and banned, Faust defended me when everyone jumped on spam, he disagreed with it so he was, I
18:25 <Vext> : won't let that stand
18:25 <Backfire> : Uh oh.
18:25 <Agnes> : Voltrillian: Who are you to even step in
18:25 <Agnes> : Get out
18:25 *CDFA walks in
18:25 <CDFA> : Oooooook, wtf happened here.
18:25 *Mitchrev21 is playing (Lunatica - Words Unleashed)[] [Armageddon] <Taiko>
18:25 <Agnes> : CDFA, get back under the bed.
18:25 <Backfire> : Honestly, Volt.
18:25 <CDFA> : k
18:25 <Sushi> : then everyone went why
18:25 <dkun> : "for some random"
18:25 <CDFA> : inb4 "your bed? :#333333333 your mumderp"
18:25 <Backfire> : No volt, they're our friends. :l
18:25 <Vext> : ok I'm apparently not getting one yet I really do not with to step up and start swearing or something someone do it already
18:25 <Sushi> : then trolled, then got banned.
18:25 <Voltrillian> : very noble of you vext
18:25 <Voltrillian> : but just poot up
18:25 <Voltrillian> : k?
18:26 <dkun> : i'm sorry
18:26 <dkun> : who are you again?
18:26 <Voltrillian> : what?
18:26 <Agnes> : dkun: lol.
18:26 <dkun> : newguy galore
18:26 <dkun> : get out
18:26 <Backfire> : Honestly.
18:26 <Sushi> : Vext, if you don't want to stay because your friends are out
18:26 <Nilix_Delnori> : tsk tsk.
18:26 <Voltrillian> : honestly
18:26 <Sushi> : you're free to close osu or not chatting
18:26 <dkun> : honestly
18:26 <dkun> : who are you
18:26 <Nilix_Delnori> : truthfully
18:26 <Voltrillian> : why is that relevant
18:26 <Voltrillian> : u fukn gook
18:26 <dkun> : gook?
18:26 <Backfire> : Uh oh.
18:26 <dkun> : excuse you bitch?
18:26 <Voltrillian> : LOL ^
18:26 <Vext> : ^.~ I hear ya and I appreciate it Sushi, but I'm sure you understand where I am coming from and why that will not be good enough <3
18:26 <Voltrillian> : you got no clue ay bro
18:26 <Sushi> : both of you please stop
18:26 <dkun> : lol sushi
18:26 <Backfire> : Random troll.
18:27 <dkun> : that's racism
18:27 <dkun> : that's a kill
18:27 <Backfire> : Ftl.
18:27 <Vext> : Btw Backfire, I love you
18:27 <CDFA> : Holy god, this Voltrillian guy is making me feel smart o-o.
18:27 *Mitchrev21 is playing (Ryu* - Sakura Sunrise)[] [Mitchrev21's Dawn (Taiko)] <Taiko>
18:27 <Backfire> : Whys that, vexty?
18:27 <Backfire> : I mean
18:27 <Backfire> : I love you too and all.
18:27 <Backfire> : <3
18:27 <Nilix_Delnori> : so much yellow love here.
18:27 <CDFA> : I love you too, Backfire <3~
18:27 <Vext> : Backfire you stupid mother fucking piece of shit
18:27 <Backfire> : I love you more, CDFA.
18:27 <Nilix_Delnori> : makes me wanna be yellow too.
18:27 <Vext> : Fuck you
18:27 *CDFA jumps on top of Backfire
18:27 <Backfire> : D:
18:28 <Vext> : Go suck a dick you piece of shit
18:28 <Vext> : <3
18:28 <Agnes> : If you want to be banned that badly
18:28 <Sushi> : sigh. I still don't understand this willing of daring what represents a minimum of autorithy
18:28 <James2250> : you guys are kinda stupid huh
18:28 <Voltrillian> : Look if you gonna stick up for someone for getting a ban just cos they say htey are a girl
18:28 <Vext> : Yes please
18:28 <Agnes> : Why not get your account deleted.
18:28 <Agnes> : Problem solved.
18:28 <James2250> : seriously
18:28 <Backfire> : CD, are you still making that ultra moe fanfic?
18:28 <Voltrillian> : vext just man up and do some spamming/trolling if ur so desperate to get banned
18:28 <Backfire> : With lucario?
18:28 <CDFA> : It's an on and off thing.
18:28 <Voltrillian> : instead of asking for it like a little pussy
18:28 <Voltrillian> : im off
18:28 <Voltrillian> : laters gook cunts
18:28 <Backfire> : Ah.
18:28 <dkun> : gook cunts?
18:28 <dkun> : loool
18:28 <dkun> : what are you
18:28 <Vext> : Ban prz
18:28 <CDFA> : Thanks for you wisdom, Voltrillian!
18:28 <music> : lol.
18:28 <Sushi> : he dc'd =.=
18:28 <Backfire> : Im eagerly awaiting it, CD.
18:28 <dkun> : why is no op taking action against that
18:28 <Nilix_Delnori> : gook... cunts.
18:28 <CDFA> : @Backfire: It's too explicit to post on the forums ;D~
18:29 <Sushi> : I was too slow
18:29 <Backfire> : Meh knows that.
18:29 <Vext> : lalalalalallalalalalala
18:29 <Backfire> : You must link when done :3
18:29 <CDFA> : k :3~
18:29 <dkun> : 10 bucks that's EmsteR, Sushi
18:29 <Sushi> : Serioulsy, I don't understand that need of defying the authority
18:30 <Sushi> : that just pisses me off
18:30 <Vext> : Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban Ban
18:30 <CDFA> : Because "cool bros" do that
18:30 <dkun> : +o needs a color
18:30 <dkun> : imho
18:30 <Sushi> : someone does shit, then WHOA WHY
18:30 <Vext> : I like how when I go out of my way to be an ass hole nothing happens, "Life is just"
18:30 <Sushi> : sometimes people think they are "regular" enough to escape a silence
18:30 <Sushi> : then they QQ even more
18:31 <CDFA> : ie. CDFA
18:31 <Sushi> : because they're banned
18:31 <Backfire> : I didnt know she silence evaded.
18:31 <Backfire> : If so
18:31 <AnFace> : Banning spree do itgo
18:31 <CDFA> : Except I don't QQ ;D~
18:31 <Backfire> : She deserved ban.
18:31 <Sushi> : not you
18:31 <CDFA> : :O
18:31 <Backfire> : I was just aski-
18:31 <Backfire> : Ok sushi ^^
18:31 <Sushi> : I'm talking about how everything started today
18:31 <CDFA> : I was busy reading The Faerie Queene with newfound inspiration, so I have no idea what happened ;D~
18:31 <misterlobo> : destro
18:31 <Sushi> : How people cannot be objective in that kind of situation.
18:32 <Sushi> : *sigh* I'm tired, it's 3 am and I got work tomorrow. night.
18:32 <CDFA> : nite Sushi >w<~
18:32 <Sushi> : and seriously guys, please behave
18:32 <Vext> : Nite sushi, I wish I could :3
18:33 <Decay> : man i had to scroll up far to find the start of this
18:33 <Vext> : Dicks Dicks Dicks

18:33 <BanchoBot> : You have been silenced for 5 minutes.

Moral of the story?

You will always be banned when you don't want to.
If you try to get banned, it's a lot of work for some reason, and you just get silenced in the end.

Also, I troll off-topic.
Lurking #osu is always worth it for things like this.

Drama is the best form of entertainment on the internet.

There was this one time I had a 40-0 kill streak in BFBC2, the clan banned me but I'm not sure if that counts (I went to osu! after that)
Play a different one?
Lum Moroboshi
i got banned for 6 months for saying penis softly in larto ear and
If I'm banned from Osu!, I'll screw it as I play it for 2 days only.
If I'm banned from Minecraft, I'll give away my save files.
Minecraft ban: Meh, my computer barely works under it
osu! Ban: I do what I always do: Play Zelda while I wait for my ban to lift (Yes in that one two-week period in 2010 I did play through five Zelda games. True shit.)
Pepsi ban: Explode.
Computer ban: Explode, reintegrate, crumble to dust, and then explode again, then reintegrate, rinse and repeat until I get it back.
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