Well things sure are getting a lot more exciting and busy around here. And therefore I need a 30 minute period once a week to perform database backups, and general server maintenance. During this period (while not always the case) there may be lengths of time where the web server, score submission and Bancho is not accessible.
This should be a time of day which doesn't affect the majority of players out there, and for those it does, I will try and keep the damage to a minimum. Don't feel too scared to play during this period, but if you are going to set a new SSH you may want to wait it out and grab a snack.
Thanks for understanding.
Each Wednesday @ UTC 11:00
Perth/China time: 7pm
Eastern Time: 6am
Central Time: 5am
Pacific Time: 3am
This should be a time of day which doesn't affect the majority of players out there, and for those it does, I will try and keep the damage to a minimum. Don't feel too scared to play during this period, but if you are going to set a new SSH you may want to wait it out and grab a snack.
Thanks for understanding.
Each Wednesday @ UTC 11:00
Perth/China time: 7pm
Eastern Time: 6am
Central Time: 5am
Pacific Time: 3am