So some facts about me I guess?
My name is Virginia, but everyone calls me Vee!
I was previously Yumblr.
I'm 16, and my birthday was March 30th.
I signed up for osu! a year ago, but only just started playing it religiously for a few months?
I'm not new to forums, in fact I moderate a forum (for 2 years now, 3 soon.) and administrate a DSi application.
I'm an artist and love, love, love drawing. (Let me know if you're interested in seein' some work? Eee.)
UH UH UH , some of my favorite bands are Tool, Weezer, Mother Mother, errr-- some others? I have a very diverse music taste, but can't stand country music.
Feel free to ask me some questions ( I actually need more questions for my FAQ on my profile so-!)