
Anipix - Arc of Dream

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Hello I would like to start a project, but I have no skills at beatmapping. I've got all the media files laid out, so it should be easy to start.

The MP3, AVI, and JPG file are located here:

The MP3 has been ripped properly, the AVI was created from a MKV file with the audio disabled for best quality. It also has English subtitles and Japanese phonetic karaoke. The JPG file for the background is 1024x768 with proper encoding.

Here is the song with the video if you want to see it without downloading the files:

Please I would love to see this become a good map, and also if this is in the incorrect area I am sorry. I thought since I "started" it by getting the files the song wouldn't be considered a "request".
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I guess since no one is interested I'll try to give it a shot by myself.

If anyone wants to jump in that'd be greatly appreciated
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I haven't been able to work on it very much, but I've got a bit of the normal difficulty done, but it's not really done enough to show anyone. I am having a lot of trouble with the timing. If anyone can also show me how to get the beat circles to match on the end of sliders that would be great help.

*run on sentences for the lol
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So I lost my project files. This sucks. I had to wipe my hard drive to fix my operating system. I don't have any external storage devices and I had to do it as an emergency. Also, Lately I've been pretty busy with my personal matters. I've not had the time to work on this project.

If anyone wants to pick this project up, be my guest.
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