Hello world !
This must be my first post on this forum ^^
What I wanted to say is that I was wondering why some beatmaps had flashes, fast image changes, etc... because those storyboards make my computer go slower in the calculas of my cursor position and I am not able to move at time to get even the first circle. It's really frustrating.
I'm not asking for help, and I am not mapping anything. I just did not know where to post that. So I tell you here : please stop overcharged-storyboarding, it'll help slow PCs.
Thank you for reading.
This must be my first post on this forum ^^
What I wanted to say is that I was wondering why some beatmaps had flashes, fast image changes, etc... because those storyboards make my computer go slower in the calculas of my cursor position and I am not able to move at time to get even the first circle. It's really frustrating.
I'm not asking for help, and I am not mapping anything. I just did not know where to post that. So I tell you here : please stop overcharged-storyboarding, it'll help slow PCs.
Thank you for reading.