
Someone help me to help others!

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I don't know ecsactly how to start this, but I'll try.
I've been playing osu for a bit of time, accurately three years and some months and I actually love this game a lot and I want to be useful for other players especially new players who are discovering this game. It's actually only playing the game no more enough, but I want to participate in the osu!community and get more involved with this game that I'll be always playing.
Said that, I want to ask some players who are already involved into this to help me grow up here and get to help other people as well because I'm always a bit lost in forums and don't know if my opinion there will be useful or not or when the post is actually serious and deserves a serious answer or not.

I need a̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶o̶!̶ guidance! <3
Kindly help around the forums specially in Help forum (by replying in topics of course) and #help ingame. Since you're here years ago, you should already have enough knowledge to help around (even I myself started early helping around). Else, discover more things from the game by not just playing but also roaming around, reading things that may help you on assisting new players.

If you have enough activity and contribution, you might end up being a known user helping around. ;)
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Thank you! I'll will start searching more and helping people in the game by now. I always enjoyed to discover and search things about osu everyday so it wont be hard. <3
Good luck and have fun ;)
I'm locking this thread to avoid futher discussions. Feel free to forum PM me though.
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