
Dan Povenmire & Sheena Easton - Happy Evil Love Song

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, September 18, 2016 at 5:02:52 PM

Artist: Dan Povenmire & Sheena Easton
Title: Happy Evil Love Song
Source: Phineas and Ferb
Tags: Dan Povenmire Jon Colton Barry
BPM: 125
Filesize: 2205kb
Play Time: 01:39
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.39 stars, 92 notes)
  2. Honeymoon (2.53 stars, 160 notes)
Download: Dan Povenmire & Sheena Easton - Happy Evil Love Song
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Ready for mods and suggestions!
The evils can have love ^^

1. Asaiga
2. [ Scarlet Red ]
3. CookieBite
4. -SuGon-
5. ByBy
Oh, and:
hey, mod dạo nhé. Cơ bản phần timing bạn đúng rồi này, beat thì có vẻ hơi lung tung 1 tí ^^'
Có những cái cơ bản như sau bạn cần chú ý nhé. Ví dụ trong diff Normal bạn có đặt nốt như thế này, thì bạn nên tận dụng ''blanket''.

Blanket là như thế này, cái approach circle nó đều với lại đường cong của slider.

Cơ bản là bạn lỗi về phần design này nhé, làm lại mấy phần này nha.

ở Normal bắt buộc phải bật ''Distance Snap'' để cho người chơi mới dễ di chuột ko quá nhanh và quá chậm.
01:11:306 (4) - Note này có thể xóa đi.
01:19:106 (1) - mình biết là bạn theo vocal chỗ này nhưng nên nhớ, khi map normal không được dùng 1/4 snap. 1/2 hoặc 1/1 thôi. Với lại snap kiểu này người chơi không đoán trước được nhịp tại trước giờ họ bị bắt theo beat 1/1 mà thôi.
01:18:266 (4) - Vào wikia của osu đọc phần Music Theory nhé, có ích lắm đấy. Cơ bản là không nên để slider end trên down beat. Thay vào đó bạn có thể đặt beat như hình :

01:21:026 (4) - Shape này nhìn tuy ko đều với lại cái đuôi ko hẵn là đẹp lắm nhưng có cố gắng ;)
01:25:946 (2) - Nốt này bạn có thể stack lên với slider end của trái tim.
00:21:146 (1,2,3,4,5) - Có đọc xong cái music theory rồi thì xem lại chỗ này nhé.

ở Hard ấy, khuyên là nên ít nhất dùng 90% distance snap, 10% còn lại bạn có quyền free spacing nhưng phải để hợp lý, chứ ko dc kiểu cross screen jump. Chú ý luôn cả blanket.
01:15:866 (8,1,2) - Cẩn thận nè, bạn để ý là từ (8) sang (1), bạn bỏ qua 1 beat. Nhưng từ (1) sang (2) chỉ cách 1/2 beat. Thì player sẽ bị choáng chỗ này liền, lưu ý spacing nhé.
01:18:986 (6,7,1) - Từ (6) sang (7) thì đúng, nhưng (7) sang (1) thì sai, với lại cảm thấy beat nó sai sao sao ấy :<
01:27:386 (2,3) - Khá là đẹp
01:34:106 (1,2,3) - lỡ bạn quên, blanket nhé.

Không phải là tốt nhất nhưng khá là hơi bị tạm ổn cho người mới làm. Cố gắng nhé :3
[ Scarlet Red ]
Phineas and Ferb ehhh? Awesome lol

  • - Reduce audio of hitsounds to 45 or 50. 100 is just too loud.
    - You can even do soft hitsounds and hitsound volume 50. That would work out the best actually

  • - 00:01:946 (1,1) - First off, these two sliders don't really make sense here. I'd suggest taking them out.
    - 00:12:506 (7) - Clap hitsound needed
    - 00:53:306 (6) - Stack beginning with end of (4)
    - 00:52:826 (5) - Move above (6) so it doesn't overlap.
    - 01:26:426 (1) - If you're using normal hitsounds, remove the whistle. The hitsound on soft sounds better tho.
It seemed like a newer map, so I would expect you to fix a lot. Hitsounds need to be reworked since they sound pretty random. Maybe a consistant clap or something could do. Other than that tho, for a first map it isn't that bad. I'm not too good with modding hard tho, but good luck!


  • - 00:28:586 (4) - This note shouldn't be there in normal. Something like this belongs in something a little bit harder
    - 01:17:306 (2) - End of (6) overlaps with this note. You should fix that up.
    - 01:20:186 (3) - (4)'s end overlaps with (3)
    - 01:21:146 (4) - I'd give this a new combo (NC).
I'm not the best modder at lower difficulties but here you go. What I can tell you is simply rework some parts that are less visually appealing. Take a look at other mappers and see what they do. Maybe take stuff you like from their map and use it in your own. Lots of people do that. But you're off to a great start so keep it up.
Topic Starter

[ Scarlet Red ] wrote:

Phineas and Ferb ehhh? Awesome lol

  • - Reduce audio of hitsounds to 45 or 50. 100 is just too loud.
    - You can even do soft hitsounds and hitsound volume 50. That would work out the best actually

  • - 00:01:946 (1,1) - First off, these two sliders don't really make sense here. I'd suggest taking them out.
    - 00:12:506 (7) - Clap hitsound needed
    - 00:53:306 (6) - Stack beginning with end of (4)
    - 00:52:826 (5) - Move above (6) so it doesn't overlap.
    - 01:26:426 (1) - If you're using normal hitsounds, remove the whistle. The hitsound on soft sounds better tho.
It seemed like a newer map, so I would expect you to fix a lot. Hitsounds need to be reworked since they sound pretty random. Maybe a consistant clap or something could do. Other than that tho, for a first map it isn't that bad. I'm not too good with modding hard tho, but good luck!


  • - 00:28:586 (4) - This note shouldn't be there in normal. Something like this belongs in something a little bit harder
    - 01:17:306 (2) - End of (6) overlaps with this note. You should fix that up.
    - 01:20:186 (3) - (4)'s end overlaps with (3)
    - 01:21:146 (4) - I'd give this a new combo (NC).
I'm not the best modder at lower difficulties but here you go. What I can tell you is simply rework some parts that are less visually appealing. Take a look at other mappers and see what they do. Maybe take stuff you like from their map and use it in your own. Lots of people do that. But you're off to a great start so keep it up.
Thank you ^^ Those suggestions are really helpful already. But currently I'm away from home so no time to check right now. Will do it later today. I gabe you 1 kudo for your amazing modding :oops:
Hi there, from your queue.

check ai-mod
00:09:626 (1,2,3) - flow?
00:14:426 (2,3) - improve blanket
00:17:306 (1,2) - ^
00:24:986 (4,5) - ^
00:53:306 (3,4) - parallel them
01:00:986 (3,4) - blanket
01:05:786 (4) - emm don't use red dots at the end
01:07:706 (6,1) - overlap
01:20:186 (3,1) - ^
01:21:146 (1) - don't use red dots at the end
01:35:546 (3) - idk why the end is on the blue tick

check ai-mod
00:10:826 (3,4) - blanket
00:12:866 (9) - delete this note, there is no actual sound here
00:19:466 (7,8) - copy the first slider, flip it (ctrl+h) and replace the second slider.
00:20:546 (10) - again, delete this note cuz there is no actual sound here.
00:26:666 (1) - curve it?
00:30:266 (10,1) - do this is better
00:38:786 (1) - move it to 00:38:906 -
00:56:906 (4,6) - stack them?
00:59:786 (2) - curve it?
01:01:706 (7) - offscreen
01:08:666 (5,1) - blanket?

i feel like this map need to improve a lot.

gl with your map!

1. a little overlap , not recommand
00:31:226 (2,3) -

2. Normal Setup
According to
Normal Setup
HP Drain Rate: 5 or below
Circle Size: 3 or 4
Approach Rate: 5 or below
Overall Difficulty: 5 or below

3.Kiai time's head and end isn't snapped

4.I recommand to increase the star 1.6~1.8 for Normal.It's up to you.

5.I recommand don't overlap over two object for Normal.
01:31:706 (4,5,6) -

7.I think your map offset=9597 is better.
inconsistent spacing: 00:10:586 (2) - 00:12:506 (4) - 00:16:346 (4) - 00:18:266 (2) - 00:19:226 (3) - ... a lot
You have too many inconsistent spacing problem. Please check yourself.

1. I think your map offset=9597 is better.
2. Timing Setup -> Audio ->Sampleset-> soft
I think is better than Normal.
-SuGon-: You don't have to do multiple posts to mod every difficulty.Try to keep all your suggestion in a single post.
Anyway, M4M from your queue.

Seems like you're a newbie mapper so let me tell you some things:
DS - Distance Snap
NC - New Combo
AR - Approach Rate
OD - Overall Difficulty
CS - Circle Size
HP Drain Rate - The Health Bar Drain during the song.

  1. I think the metadata is not right at all.For now, I have this as a reputable metadata :c.Seems like the artist appears to be Dr. Doofenshmirtz and his date like how it is listed here *Sorry if it's hard to see it*, then you have to remove 'Dr. Doofenshmirtz' from tags.The title appears to be correct.
  2. About source, it must be Phineas and Ferb only.Season 2 should be in tags I suppose.
  3. Dan Povenmire and Jon Colton Barry are the songwriters so I think you have to add them to tags.
  4. You didn't set a preview point yet.I suggest to set it on 01:03:266- for example.
  5. Seems like the timing is kinda off.Seems like -SuGon-'s offset suggestion really works so set the offset on 00:09:597-.
  6. The Combo Colors are not setted.Try these colours for example:
    Combo1 : 141,141,141
    Combo2 : 0,85,170
    Combo3 : 0,106,236
  1. HP 6 seems too exaggerated for the easiest difficulty of the set. Set it to 2 or 3.AR and OD can be setted to 4 instead imo.
  2. 00:23:517(3)- I think this object needs NC because the reset of the vocals and instruments are calling for a NC.The Nc would give emphasis to the reset of the vocals&instruments.Also, I think you need to change the slider shape.The current slider shape makes it to play kinda *forced*.
  3. 00:26:877(1,2)- Swapping the NCs would be good because the NC would give emphasis on 00:27:357(2)- and not here on 00:26:877(1)-.
  4. 00:27:357(2,3)- I feel like I want to CTRL+G this rhythm.Starting with slider would follow much better the music, rather than having a note + 1/1 slider rhythm which sounds a bit....weird :/.
  5. 00:28:797(4)- Keep in mind that 00:29:757- ~ 00:30:717- section, the vocals are still ongoing and they need some emphasis, don't you think? Just add a repeat to this 1/1 slider and then add a note on 00:30:237- like in this picture
  6. 00:30:717(1,2)- Basically the same thing as I said on 00:26:877(1,2)-
  7. 00:31:197(2,3)- Their current slidershapes are making them playing forced.Try to change the sliders in another shape to make them playing more comfortable.Moreover, move them a little further from both of them (better use the DS instead :P) to avoid this unpleasant overlap.
  8. 00:36:957(1)- I don't like from where you wanted to start the spinner.It covers almost all beats which are calling for some objects to make them somehow clickable, not for just a simple spinner.Better start the spinner from 00:38:877- and end it on 00:42:237- *00:44:157- ~ 00:51:357- section can be mapped too because there are some noticeable beats which are calling for some emphasis.Just why I mentioned that timestamp as the end of the spinner just for the sake of spinner recovery time'.Don't forget to map 00:36:957- ~ 00:38:397- section too!
  9. 00:51:837(1,2)- If you want to follow the vocals much better, you have to CTRL+G the rhyhtm so you'll have 1/1 slider + note which will fit better the vocals.
  10. 00:58:077(4)- This slider plays forced too because of the its current slider shape.You must change the slider shape to make the playability of this slider more comfortable.Especially for newbie ones.
  11. 01:01:917(4,1)- NC must be on 01:01:917(4)- and not on 01:03:357(1)- if you want to give some emphasis to the reset of the vocals&instruments.
  12. 01:05:757(4)- Missing NC :(
  13. 01:09:112(1,2)- You have to swap the NCs here.Having the NC on the next object, 01:09:597(2)-, would give some emphasis to the reset of the vocals&instruments.
  14. 01:12:957(1,2)- Same as above.
  15. 01:16:797(1,2)- Same^
  16. 01:19:197(1,2)- I think you have to map another rhythm.On how you mapped here, the newbie player can easily misread the first note which can do a 50 or probably a miss.Maybe you can try something like this for example.
  17. 01:29:277(6,1)- You have to swap the NCs here.You'll give some emphasis to the reset of the vocals&instruments by adding a NC on 01:29:277(6)- and not on 01:29:757(1)-.
  18. 01:33:597(7,1)- Same as above.
  19. 01:35:037(2,3)- This overlap looks ugh...I suggest to move both of them a little far away (use the DS) in order to avoid the overlap.
    Overall, the difficulty needs some improvement on rhythms and placement.And some work on hitsounds.
Will continue tomorrow.Don't give me kudosu yet.

ByBy wrote:

-SuGon-: You don't have to do multiple posts to mod every difficulty.Try to keep all your suggestion in a single post.
Anyway, M4M from your queue.
Topic Starter
Apologize to two of you above. The current version of my beatmap was submitted on the last day of August which contains so many problems. During the first week of September, I fixed a lot about spacing problems and hitsounds but the issue is that I haven't submitted the newest version since. Sorry about that :( That's definitely my fault :(

However I still want to say thank to two of you for taking your time modding my map. I will look into it soon ;)

ByBy: Of course I'm a newbie mapper but there's no need to explain osu!'s mapping terms for me. It makes me feel like you kinda misjudged my knowledge. :oops:
Topic Starter

-SuGon- wrote:


1. a little overlap , not recommand
00:31:226 (2,3) -After decreasing CS, they don't overlap anymore so I'm just gonna keep them still

2. Normal Setup All done
According to
Normal Setup
HP Drain Rate: 5 or below
Circle Size: 3 or 4
Approach Rate: 5 or below
Overall Difficulty: 5 or below

3.Kiai time's head and end isn't snapped Will work on it later

4.I recommand to increase the star 1.6~1.8 for Normal.It's up to you. That will mean placing more notes on the current diff. However if I put more, it will be overmapped for a "Normal" diff

5.I recommand don't overlap over two object for Normal.
01:31:706 (4,5,6) - Imo, stacking on "Normal" should be fine and easy to play

7.I think your map offset=9597 is better. Fixed

inconsistent spacing: 00:10:586 (2) - 00:12:506 (4) - 00:16:346 (4) - 00:18:266 (2) - 00:19:226 (3) - ... a lot
You have too many inconsistent spacing problem. Please check yourself. Check my latest reply on this thread to see why


1. I think your map offset=9597 is better. Fixed as aforementioned
2. Timing Setup -> Audio ->Sampleset-> soft Done
I think is better than Normal.
Thanks for modding!

Pandano wrote:

ByBy: Of course I'm a newbie mapper but there's no need to explain osu!'s mapping terms for me. It makes me feel like you kinda misjudged my knowledge. :oops:
Then my apologies for mentioning them. :(

EDIT: Will continue here.

Forgot to say to add 'Sheena Easton' since is the voice of the Dr.Doofenshmirtz' date and to give this to silence the sliderbodies.You have to name it "soft-sliderslide.wav" if you're going to change the sampleset from N to S:C1 in timing panel.

  1. It wouldn't hurt if the OD would be 6 instead of 7.
  2. Here I will say directly.The song (mainly the instruments) are in 1/3.The whole difficulty ignores completely the song.I think you have to remap this difficulty, but in 1/3 and not in 1/2.Moreover, you overmapped many parts like 00:12:777(8,9,10)- there's no any triplets in this song if you listen it more carefullyand to be honest, it feels really overmapped.You have to remove the triplets unfortunately.Same for 00:20:426(4,5,6)- *just giving some examples*.If you have problems on mapping in 1/3, I can help for sure! :)
  3. 00:38:906(1)- Here, I would prefer to give more emphasis to the stronger vocals by a note instead by a spinner.You have to add a note and then moving the spinner to 00:38:997- *it is on 1/4 :P*.Don't forget to resnap the spinner's end then!
  4. 00:44:157- ~ 00:51:357- Maybe is the same thing as in Normal *I mean Dating difficulty*.You can map this break because there are beats which are calling for some empashis so better map this part instead instead of putting break on where can be mapped.
  5. 01:20:157(1)- Unsnapped slider's end.It is supposed to end on 1/1 tick.Moreover, I don't like how you started the spinner on 01:20:997-.It covers the beats which are calling for some emphasis given by the objects themself.You can do like in this picture *I know .1/3 =w=)* by adding at least 2 notes there would emphasize the stronger vocals by making them clickable and it would be better if the spinner would start from 01:27:277- instead.Don't forget to resnap the spinner's end!
  6. 01:28:317(3)- ; 01:32:157(3)- ; 01:34:068(1)- I forgot to tell you in general to change the sampleset from N to S:C1 for example by accesing the timing panel *you have to simply press F6* and to decrease the hitsounds from 100% to 50% - 60% for example, since the hitobjects are sooo louder Dx.Anyway, if you'll change everything to S:C1 in timing panel,you have to remove the whistles from their sliderbodies because this part is really calm and the louder whistles from their slidebodies doesn not even catch really good the chill part of the song.Same goes for the sliders which have their sliderbodies claps.
  7. 01:35:517(3)- Wrongly snapped object I suppose.You can start snap the slider more properly like in this picture and then maybe start the spinner from 01:36:717- *it's on 1/2* to start from where the stronger vocals are from.
That's all for now! It needs much work, especially on the highest difficulty (you have to map it in 1/3 in order to follow the song properly :() and on hitsounds and NCs.Moreover, only the highest difficulty is allowed to use a custom difficulty name sadly :(.

Moreover, after I saw the Normal difficulty, I saw that the Normal acts mostly like an Easy because you are using mostly 1/1 sliders instead of some 1/2 or 1/4 sliders and also, it cause problems with the spread gap between N and H which seems like is huge.You have to rename Normal to Easy unfortunately and making another Normal, but increasing a bit the note density.

If you meet problems during fixing the issues from my mod, don't hesistate to call me! :)
Good Luck! and please don't give kudosu for this post since I already got one in my previous post.
Topic Starter

ByBy wrote:

  1. I think the metadata is not right at all.For now, I have this as a reputable metadata :c.Seems like the artist appears to be Dr. Doofenshmirtz and his date like how it is listed here *Sorry if it's hard to see it*, then you have to remove 'Dr. Doofenshmirtz' from tags.The title appears to be correct. Ok done
  2. About source, it must be Phineas and Ferb only.Season 2 should be in tags I suppose. Done
  3. Dan Povenmire and Jon Colton Barry are the songwriters so I think you have to add them to tags. Done
  4. You didn't set a preview point yet.I suggest to set it on 01:03:266- for example. Done
  5. Seems like the timing is kinda off.Seems like -SuGon-'s offset suggestion really works so set the offset on 00:09:597-. This one was done before
  6. The Combo Colors are not setted.Try these colours for example:
    Combo1 : 141,141,141
    Combo2 : 0,85,170
    Combo3 : 0,106,236

  1. HP 6 seems too exaggerated for the easiest difficulty of the set. Set it to 2 or 3.AR and OD can be setted to 4 instead imo. I only decreased HP down to 4
  2. 00:23:517(3)- I think this object needs NC because the reset of the vocals and instruments are calling for a NC.The Nc would give emphasis to the reset of the vocals&instruments.Also, I think you need to change the slider shape.The current slider shape makes it to play kinda *forced*. I gave it a NC but didn't entirely change the shape. I made it look a bit relaxed instead of the previous one
  3. 00:26:877(1,2)- Swapping the NCs would be good because the NC would give emphasis on 00:27:357(2)- and not here on 00:26:877(1)-. Swapped
  4. 00:27:357(2,3)- I feel like I want to CTRL+G this rhythm.Starting with slider would follow much better the music, rather than having a note + 1/1 slider rhythm which sounds a bit....weird :/. Done
  5. 00:28:797(4)- Keep in mind that 00:29:757- ~ 00:30:717- section, the vocals are still ongoing and they need some emphasis, don't you think? Just add a repeat to this 1/1 slider and then add a note on 00:30:237- like in this picture Next time you should upload a full picture. I couldn't make out the time to place them. However, I did change this part like you told
  6. 00:30:717(1,2)- Basically the same thing as I said on 00:26:877(1,2)- Done
  7. 00:31:197(2,3)- Their current slidershapes are making them playing forced.Try to change the sliders in another shape to make them playing more comfortable.Moreover, move them a little further from both of them (better use the DS instead :P) to avoid this unpleasant overlap. Actually I prefer the way they are. I may consider changing them if you can show me a better shape. And as I said in response to -SuGon-, after decreasing CS, they don't overlap anymore
  8. 00:36:957(1)- I don't like from where you wanted to start the spinner.It covers almost all beats which are calling for some objects to make them somehow clickable, not for just a simple spinner.Better start the spinner from 00:38:877- and end it on 00:42:237- *00:44:157- ~ 00:51:357- section can be mapped too because there are some noticeable beats which are calling for some emphasis.Just why I mentioned that timestamp as the end of the spinner just for the sake of spinner recovery time'.Don't forget to map 00:36:957- ~ 00:38:397- section too! Did them all! :3
  9. 00:51:837(1,2)- If you want to follow the vocals much better, you have to CTRL+G the rhyhtm so you'll have 1/1 slider + note which will fit better the vocals. Done
  10. 00:58:077(4)- This slider plays forced too because of the its current slider shape.You must change the slider shape to make the playability of this slider more comfortable.Especially for newbie ones. Slider changed
  11. 01:01:917(4,1)- NC must be on 01:01:917(4)- and not on 01:03:357(1)- if you want to give some emphasis to the reset of the vocals&instruments. Done
  12. 01:05:757(4)- Missing NC :( Done
  13. 01:09:112(1,2)- You have to swap the NCs here.Having the NC on the next object, 01:09:597(2)-, would give some emphasis to the reset of the vocals&instruments. NC swapped
  14. 01:12:957(1,2)- Same as above. ^
  15. 01:16:797(1,2)- Same^ ^
  16. 01:19:197(1,2)- I think you have to map another rhythm.On how you mapped here, the newbie player can easily misread the first note which can do a 50 or probably a miss.Maybe you can try something like this for example. I used 1-time repeated slider instead
  17. 01:29:277(6,1)- You have to swap the NCs here.You'll give some emphasis to the reset of the vocals&instruments by adding a NC on 01:29:277(6)- and not on 01:29:757(1)-. Swapped
  18. 01:33:597(7,1)- Same as above. Swapped
  19. 01:35:037(2,3)- This overlap looks ugh...I suggest to move both of them a little far away (use the DS) in order to avoid the overlap. In the new version (the one you didn't mod), I rearranged them
    Overall, the difficulty needs some improvement on rhythms and placement.And some work on hitsounds. I will work on hitsounding later
Forgot to say to add 'Sheena Easton' since is the voice of the Dr.Doofenshmirtz' date and to give this to silence the sliderbodies.You have to name it "soft-sliderslide.wav" if you're going to change the sampleset from N to S:C1 in timing panel.

  1. It wouldn't hurt if the OD would be 6 instead of 7. OD decreased
  2. Here I will say directly.The song (mainly the instruments) are in 1/3.The whole difficulty ignores completely the song.I think you have to remap this difficulty, but in 1/3 and not in 1/2.Moreover, you overmapped many parts like 00:12:777(8,9,10)- there's no any triplets in this song if you listen it more carefullyand to be honest, it feels really overmapped.You have to remove the triplets unfortunately.Same for 00:20:426(4,5,6)- *just giving some examples*.If you have problems on mapping in 1/3, I can help for sure! :) Scroll down to see my reply to this
  3. 00:38:906(1)- Here, I would prefer to give more emphasis to the stronger vocals by a note instead by a spinner.You have to add a note and then moving the spinner to 00:38:997- *it is on 1/4 :P*.Don't forget to resnap the spinner's end then! Done
  4. 00:44:157- ~ 00:51:357- Maybe is the same thing as in Normal *I mean Dating difficulty*.You can map this break because there are beats which are calling for some empashis so better map this part instead instead of putting break on where can be mapped. Done
  5. 01:20:157(1)- Unsnapped slider's end.It is supposed to end on 1/1 tick.DoneMoreover, I don't like how you started the spinner on 01:20:997-.It covers the beats which are calling for some emphasis given by the objects themself.You can do like in this picture *I know .1/3 =w=)* by adding at least 2 notes there would emphasize the stronger vocals by making them clickable and it would be better if the spinner would start from 01:27:277- instead.Don't forget to resnap the spinner's end! Actually I did it like this:
  6. 01:28:317(3)- ; 01:32:157(3)- ; 01:34:068(1)- I forgot to tell you in general to change the sampleset from N to S:C1 for example by accesing the timing panel *you have to simply press F6* and to decrease the hitsounds from 100% to 50% - 60% for example, since the hitobjects are sooo louder Dx.Anyway, if you'll change everything to S:C1 in timing panel,you have to remove the whistles from their sliderbodies because this part is really calm and the louder whistles from their slidebodies doesn not even catch really good the chill part of the song.Same goes for the sliders which have their sliderbodies claps. All done! <3
  7. 01:35:517(3)- Wrongly snapped object I suppose.You can start snap the slider more properly like in this picture and then maybe start the spinner from 01:36:717- *it's on 1/2* to start from where the stronger vocals are from.Partly done
That's all for now! It needs much work, especially on the highest difficulty (you have to map it in 1/3 in order to follow the song properly :() and on hitsounds and NCs.Moreover, only the highest difficulty is allowed to use a custom difficulty name sadly :(.

Moreover, after I saw the Normal difficulty, I saw that the Normal acts mostly like an Easy because you are using mostly 1/1 sliders instead of some 1/2 or 1/4 sliders and also, it cause problems with the spread gap between N and H which seems like is huge.You have to rename Normal to Easy unfortunately and making another Normal, but increasing a bit the note density. I'm currently working on Normal since the old "Normal" diff has been changed into "Easy". About the whole remapping with 1/3, can you help me out? It's kinda hard to map 1/3 :(
Thank you tremendously for spending your time modding my map. It really helps! ^^
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