
I'm late though

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(Had two stops, a PM and a lag.)

'Been there months ago but started to walk around the forum's towns and streets recently... After getting the idea to create a Map for the iPhone ringtone, that is. (I made it, but didn't upload, that would only be 40 seconds going to the GYard XD)
'Trolled' some friends with that Map XD

Got some time to kill back then, so I hoped I could find Vocaloid songs to hit, but in the 18 pages of ranked Maps:
-part of them are covers, and half (rough approx', didn't look into everything) of that part isn't tagged "cover" [and I hate the latter case/B case]
-part of them are songs I never listened to, and "at this point, I'm too afraid to do it again" after having listened to some previews
-part of the ones I know are on a ["damn too high" meme] difficulty I can't handle (can't go over 2,5 without HT [and I'm not even sure to S over that limit with HT]), still downloaded those which contain lower diff' Maps
-part of them had my laziness win over me (and that one is as huge as Pinocchio's song, "Motivation is Dying")

So, among the 695 existing Maps... Well whatever, I looked for OSTs and 'anime' song afterwards XD

What's more, what's less...

"Hexalinguist" who contains 100% Chinese juice (blood) and a French nationality. ["Heptalinguist" if binary language counts. I might not have every needed knowledge though.]
Vocaloid songs hunter on YouTube and NND. Over approx' 1500 songs (not covers) listened within approx' 5 years since I discovered.
Favorite genre............ Giving out the names of Yunosuke and Rin Ginsuke/Ocelot and letting you look for them on YouTube should give the general idea.
Got an insane ("huge" but also "unhealthy" XD) imagination.

[tl,dr] HELLO...... Well at least yeah '-'


Vocaloid is nice indeed, I'm planning to map quite some Vocaloid songs on the future (even though I already made like 20 or such)
Welcome to the forums!
Sandy Hoey
This was 2 months ago... You're a little late to the party. Along with the other 10 or so post you just did...
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(I didn't even notice new answers .-.)
I don't think it bothers anyone, though. Or is it the "necroposting" thing that dangerous?

Thank you anyways '-'
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