
sanj - last minute (sakuraburst remix)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 17 September 2017 at 17:52:52

Artist: sanj
Title: last minute (sakuraburst remix)
Tags: neurofunk dnb drum and bass early discography
BPM: 174
Filesize: 9099kb
Play Time: 05:20
Difficulties Available:
  1. burst (6.11 stars, 1062 notes)
Download: sanj - last minute (sakuraburst remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

thank god for shiguma's timing

Spork Lover
IRC stuff :^)

Just some general suggestions :3
I spoke to the king!
02:07 Monarch: yo shiguma wants u to look at my map
02:07 Monarch: since he cant play it for himself
02:07 Spork Lover: I am rn
02:07 Spork Lover: lol
02:08 Monarch: ...
02:08 Monarch: ah okey
02:08 Spork Lover: wait which one of them
02:08 Spork Lover: I was going through his
02:08 Monarch: uh
02:08 *Monarch is listening to [ sanj - last minute (sakuraburst remix)]
02:10 Spork Lover: 00:16:812 (8,1) - Make the reverse arrow point out of the slider instead (180-degrees), 'cause a perfect overlap with a reverse arrow is unrankable
02:10 Spork Lover: 00:17:760 (4) - Ot
02:10 Spork Lover: It's okay for that ^
02:10 Spork Lover: 00:21:812 (5) - NC
02:11 Spork Lover: Also I like the way you asked me
02:11 Spork Lover: :p
02:11 Monarch: well
02:11 Monarch: i mean
02:11 Monarch: i asked you to play it
02:11 Monarch: and the way i asked you
02:12 Monarch: was pretty unorthodox tbh
02:12 Monarch: even if it was true
02:12 Monarch: i mean i could have just said
02:12 Spork Lover: 00:47:674 (2) - NC
02:12 Monarch: "when ur done can u look at my map pls love u bby"
02:12 Monarch: but i guess its too late now
02:12 Spork Lover: x)
02:12 Spork Lover: 00:50:777 (4) - Again for pattern reason
02:13 Spork Lover: 00:54:570 (3) - Move close to 2 and 4
02:13 Spork Lover: A bit up and right
02:15 Spork Lover: 01:34:829 (3) - Ctrl+H or Ctrl+G on this, spacing feels way too anti-flowy
02:16 Spork Lover: 02:01:812 (1) - How low did you make that SV lmfao
02:17 Spork Lover: 02:55:605 (2,3) - NC? :o
02:18 Spork Lover: 04:04:053 (5) - Ctrl+G?
02:19 Spork Lover: 04:31:898 (2) - NC?
02:19 Spork Lover: 04:51:927 (3) - NC 'cuz awkward timing
02:20 Spork Lover: 04:53:708 (1) - Ending curve looks kinda flat in the middle
02:20 Spork Lover: 05:10:864 (4) - NC 'cuz new section or 'cuz long slider
02:21 Spork Lover: 05:19:053 (1) - No more reverses? The sound is still there :o
02:21 Monarch: sound is very random
02:21 Monarch: so any reverse slider would be overmapped
02:21 Spork Lover: And should actually be a fair few due to the way it's decreasing in speed (so like 1/3 1/2 etc)
02:23 Spork Lover: There should be some timing stuff that could work
02:23 Spork Lover: 'cause it feels odd to just to a long slider on that part
02:23 Spork Lover: just add*
02:23 Monarch: im not sure if its even on beat is the problem
02:24 Spork Lover: It's decreasing every 2 notes
02:25 Spork Lover: It's off-beat yeah
02:25 Monarch: looks like
02:25 Monarch: 1/4 is close enough
02:25 Spork Lover: On every starting point except the first one
02:25 Spork Lover: lol
02:25 Spork Lover: It's off
02:25 Spork Lover: xD
02:25 Spork Lover: It needs timing points
02:25 Spork Lover: To work
02:26 Spork Lover: Like offset reset
02:27 Spork Lover: fancy map you made tho :o
02:27 Monarch: thanks xd
02:27 Monarch: I made all of the nc changes
02:27 Monarch: if u want me to go through what I didn't change?
02:28 Spork Lover: Yes please >//<
02:28 Spork Lover: The ctrl+g things?
02:28 Monarch: 04:04:053 (5) - i left this the same
02:28 Monarch: because ctrl+ g would be too nig of a gap between 4 and 5
02:28 Spork Lover: Makes sense is 1/4 between
02:29 Monarch: since i want to have the "reversing" effect like the song is slowing down
02:29 Monarch: since the part before it is sort of "speeding up"
02:29 Spork Lover: Ye I get ya :D
02:29 Spork Lover: Makes sense
02:29 Monarch: as for this 01:34:829 (3) -
02:30 Monarch: im not sure, i know that ctrl +h or g wont work because they just put 4 at a weird angle
02:30 Monarch: but at the same time i know from your persepective why it feels weird
02:30 Monarch: which, you could say then, that it's intentional due to the "wub" sounds
02:31 Monarch: but if it was enough for you to comment on them I'll probably change it from a awkward turn slider to just a normal curve instead
02:31 Spork Lover: The 01:34:541 (2,3) - shapes are fine
02:32 Spork Lover: it's just that I feel that the transition from 01:34:541 (2,3,4) - are too linear
02:32 Spork Lover: And make the next parts a bit iffy
02:32 Spork Lover: to get started on
02:32 Monarch: yeah but thats because of the shape of it
02:32 Monarch: because i use 2 of the bent sliders
02:32 Monarch: which causes a sort of awkward movement
02:33 Monarch: even though its in a triangle pattern
02:33 Monarch: whereas a simple curve
02:33 Monarch: makes it flow to the next one easier
02:34 Spork Lover: Yeah go ahead :3
02:35 Monarch: not sure what you meant by ot
02:35 Monarch: "00:17:760 (4) - ot"
02:35 Spork Lover: The next sentence was the right thing
02:35 Spork Lover: aka it's fine on that one
02:35 Spork Lover: 'cause hitburst is gone
02:37 Monarch: okay
02:37 Monarch: well i moved that section around anyway
02:38 Monarch: so that they dont overlap as much
02:38 Spork Lover: Ah alright
02:38 Monarch: and i think that was it
02:38 Monarch: i did everything else
02:38 Spork Lover: Ah nice :D
02:38 Monarch: last thing i wanted to know
02:38 Monarch: was
02:39 Monarch: do you think the map is consistent enough?
02:39 Spork Lover: Overall it didn't seem like a problem
02:39 Spork Lover: But there might be small moddable imperfections
02:39 Spork Lover: That I didn't see
02:39 Monarch: no i mean
02:39 Monarch: like
02:39 Monarch: in terms of difficulty
02:40 Monarch: and spacing
02:40 Spork Lover: If it's higher in the last
02:40 Spork Lover: It's not a prob
02:40 Monarch: no but i mean like spacing spacing like
02:40 Monarch: on dualive
02:40 Monarch: my spacing was garbage
02:40 Monarch: and since i cant play either of them
02:40 Spork Lover: I'd need to look more into it
02:40 Monarch: i cant actually tell
02:40 Monarch: if a jump
02:40 Monarch: is way too big
02:41 Monarch: because i cant play it to feel if it is or not
02:41 Monarch: but from your breif look at it
02:41 Monarch: do all the jumps seem reasonable
02:41 Spork Lover: They seem fine generally
02:41 Spork Lover: But I'd have to do some in-depth modding and playing to get it on point
02:42 Spork Lover: There ARE some transition stuff
02:42 Spork Lover: But most of it seems intentional
02:42 Monarch: okay
02:42 Spork Lover: IS*
02:42 Monarch: thanks a lot for looking at it
02:42 Spork Lover: Np :)
02:42 Spork Lover: Want me to savelog?
02:42 Monarch: if you post this irc ill kds it
02:42 Spork Lover: aight
p. good

get hitsounds and shit
Hi M4M f m q~
wow... mod this hard :(
I don't Know How change your SV so slow, Beacuse this is look like cool, I don't Know...


  1. 01:28:708 (1) - This place try to twist slider.
  2. 01:39:743 (1) - ^
sry no more beacuse this is cool and I just a noob, so star.
gl hf.
HI,M4M from my queue
I mod your map first,then you can mod my map(set too many choose some to mod)

  1. close Countdonw in Design in songs setup,the 3,2,1 always not use today,these vocal is not suit my test;W;
  2. you used sliderslide to silence the slider’s sound,i think you can try to use it in whole dif(other custom sets).i think its good
  3. BG is 1365*768? use 1366*768 for best resolution
00:00:433 (1) - red line must use same setting(sample custom,volume except sv) with green line,if there in the same place
00:32:846 (5) - first red anchor move to 156,24 or other place?music here sounds turned on 00:33:019 - ,so here shoulnd make a turn
00:40:088 (9) - little strange why not use 1/2slider like before00:37:329 (9) - or use 1/4slider and triplets
00:42:501 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4) -beat these part is sounds like from sparse to dense,and the rhythm you use here cant performance the music,try to use this rhythm? [url][/url]
00:43:881 (11) - this slider can be slowe and more distort
00:44:915 (1) - use this rhythm
00:47:674 (1) - ↑
01:03:536 (11,12) - use slier can fell better
01:16:639 (3,4) - not best parttern i think,3's tail overlap whith 4 not look well
01:16:639 (3) - and use some SV change can be more interesting,for example ,3 use 1.0,4use 1.2,5use 1.4or other sv change
01:40:433 (2) - from here to01:44:829 (7) - the The scale becomes lower and lower,so SV can lower and lower?03:58:364 (2) -
03:02:846 (2) - 03:05:605 (1) - 03:08:364 (1) - said before
01:06:984 (2,6) - these slider can split into two 1/4 slider can fell better,and music from 01:06:984 (2) - to01:27:588 (3) - have many same part
not say it again

It's pretty good,not like map now(I mean jump jump and jump for PP).you are good mapper and have thought,i cant mod mant more.have a satr.exert yourself!
Topic Starter

Momizi wrote:

HI,M4M from my queue
I mod your map first,then you can mod my map(set too many choose some to mod)

  1. close Countdonw in Design in songs setup,the 3,2,1 always not use today,these vocal is not suit my test;W; removed the countdown
  2. you used sliderslide to silence the slider’s sound,i think you can try to use it in whole dif(other custom sets).i think its good i used it where i felt it most apropriate and tried to not over-use it.
  3. BG is 1365*768? use 1366*768 for best resolutionNot sure if this will make much of a difference
00:00:433 (1) - red line must use same setting(sample custom,volume except sv) with green line,if there in the same placechanged
00:32:846 (5) - first red anchor move to 156,24 or other place?music here sounds turned on 00:33:019 - ,so here shoulnd make a turnmoved
00:40:088 (9) - little strange why not use 1/2slider like before00:37:329 (9) - or use 1/4slider and tripletsmade into 1/2 slider
00:42:501 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4) -beat these part is sounds like from sparse to dense,and the rhythm you use here cant performance the music,try to use this rhythm? [img][/img]Changed rhythm, but not specifically to the one you gave.
00:43:881 (11) - this slider can be slowe and more distort I feel like the sound of this part is best expressed by a slider like this as the sound appears to "curl" around
00:44:915 (1) - use this rhythm to all parts where this rhythm is present
00:47:674 (1) - ↑
01:03:536 (11,12) - use slier can fell betterSound is too hard for a slider, I feel, especially on 01:03:708 (12) -
01:16:639 (3,4) - not best parttern i think,3's tail overlap whith 4 not look wellChanged so that overlap is not present
01:16:639 (3) - and use some SV change can be more interesting,for example ,3 use 1.0,4use 1.2,5use 1.4or other sv changeI feel as though this would be too random and i would need to add sv changes throughout the map just because of this one part, which isn't needed in my opinion
01:40:433 (2) - from here to01:44:829 (7) - the The scale becomes lower and lower,so SV can lower and lower?03:58:364 (2) - Emphasised the distance change between pairs of sliders but sv stays the same
03:02:846 (2) - 03:05:605 (1) - 03:08:364 (1) - said beforechanged
01:06:984 (2,6) - these slider can split into two 1/4 slider can fell better,and music from 01:06:984 (2) - to01:27:588 (3) - have many same part
not say it again This is intentional and is used to give variety to the map while also letting it flow better. In addition to this, the long sliders which could be 1/4 can be equally mapped in th way I have mapped some of them (as 3/4 sliders) as it would only be considered under utilisation of the map, at most.

It's pretty good,not like map now(I mean jump jump and jump for PP).you are good mapper and have thought,i cant mod mant more.have a satr.exert yourself!

Suzuki_1112 wrote:

Hi M4M f m q~
wow... mod this hard :(
I don't Know How change your SV so slow, Beacuse this is look like cool, I don't Know...


  1. 01:28:708 (1) - This place try to twist slider.
I feel like the sound of this part is best expressed by a slider like this as the sound appears to "curl" around01:39:743 (1) - ^^
sry no more beacuse this is cool and I just a noob, so star.
gl hf.
Meteo L-Drago
hey i apologize for being a little bit late x))) but here it is


maybe the diff name should have a small b? because the artist, song, and remix has small letters

maybe od9 is a little bit too op? od 8,5 is perfect imo

wat ar 9,5 is way too high, check this out <- that map is almost 7stars and mostly 200bpm and it has ar 9,5 i dont think your map should have it. maybe ar 9,3?


00:25:001 (5,6,7) - i dont like this, maybe make them connected instead of a jumpstream

00:30:088 (5) - this slider could be mastered, like this maybe?

00:52:157 (1) - i dont understand why this slider has such a high sv suddenly, the audio isnt different so it should also be slow

01:12:501 (3,4,5,6,7) - why so spaced suddenly? this happen in some other places aswell, i dont have to mark them all. the song doesnt ask for this spacing so it doesnt really make any sense to me

01:20:088 (8) - the red tick at the end doesnt really make sense imo, it doesnt really change anything so id just remove it

01:38:364 (1,2,3) - maybe make the jumps a little bit bigger here? i mean the song is pretty intense at this section

01:41:984 (4,5) - blanket?

01:50:777 - 02:10:777 - the circles after the slow sliders doesnt make sense to me (2,4) because theres no audio there that should be mapped, i would remove it EDIT: now that i listen reallyyyyyyyy close i can actually hear a sound lol

02:18:364 (1) - move to x:284 z:316 for perfect triangle pattern with (2,3)

03:25:605 - the upcoming small streams at this part is really ugly imo, not really a problem but i just wanted to point that out x)

03:36:984 (1,2,3) - waaaay too spaced for this part of the song

04:10:088 - 04:28:708 - same thing as i said before, the circles doesnt make sense

04:31:898 (2) - ugly slider imo

05:10:864 (1) - ^

really cool map. enjoyed playing it! sorry for not mentioning alot, that may be because im a bad modder, or because the map is fine.
good luck!
Topic Starter

havkz wrote:

hey i apologize for being a little bit late x))) but here it is


maybe the diff name should have a small b? because the artist, song, and remix has small letters sure

maybe od9 is a little bit too op? od 8,5 is perfect imoI don't think the od of this map is a make or break factor, so I wont be changing it

wat ar 9,5 is way too high, check this out <- that map is almost 7stars and mostly 200bpm and it has ar 9,5 i dont think your map should have it. maybe ar 9,3? reduced


00:25:001 (5,6,7) - i dont like this, maybe make them connected instead of a jumpstream this is done to emphasise the double notes

00:30:088 (5) - this slider could be mastered, like this maybe? Slider is the way it is right now so that it blankets 00:30:519 (6,7) - , I don't feel as though it needs a change

00:52:157 (1) - i dont understand why this slider has such a high sv suddenly, the audio isnt different so it should also be slowmade it slow

01:12:501 (3,4,5,6,7) - why so spaced suddenly? this happen in some other places aswell, i dont have to mark them all. the song doesnt ask for this spacing so it doesnt really make any sense to me given that the distance spacing of this stream and others like it rarely goes above 1.0 ds, I don't see this as a problem. As for the change being too "sudden", with the number of kicksliders I feel as though the spacing increase is warranted. I can not find any more examples in this kiai time, since you did not put any forward, and in the second kiai time it is further justified by being the climax of the song

01:20:088 (8) - the red tick at the end doesnt really make sense imo, it doesnt really change anything so id just remove itRed tick is connected to a final white tick which gives the slider a slight turn at the end

01:38:364 (1,2,3) - maybe make the jumps a little bit bigger here? i mean the song is pretty intense at this section 01:38:191 (8,1) - I feel as though this is enough jump, and in the right place? none the less, I extended the jump between 01:38:364 (1) - and 01:38:536 (2) -

01:41:984 (4,5) - blanket?not intended

01:50:777 - 02:10:777 - the circles after the slow sliders doesnt make sense to me (2,4) because theres no audio there that should be mapped, i would remove it EDIT: now that i listen reallyyyyyyyy close i can actually hear a sound lol

02:18:364 (1) - move to x:284 z:316 for perfect triangle pattern with (2,3)moved

03:25:605 - the upcoming small streams at this part is really ugly imo, not really a problem but i just wanted to point that out x)Ugly song deserves an ugly stream On a serious note, I do not see the "beauty of these streams as an issue, especially since beauty is so subjective and you appear to think that some of my sliders, which would put sliders in other maps to shame, are ugly. Regardless, i feel the drop 03:27:243 (10,1) - present in a lot of streams is in good taste given the context 03:27:157 (9,10,1) - and the overall picture 03:26:812 (6,7,8,9,10,1,2) - for each and every stream, as such I will be keeping them

03:36:984 (1,2,3) - waaaay too spaced for this part of the song the sound on any part where i have put a space between circles, in triples usually, justifies the space, whether it be a "spaced" sound like 03:36:984 (1,2,3) - or a very hard sound like 03:44:743 (8,9,10) -

04:10:088 - 04:28:708 - same thing as i said before, the circles doesnt make sense

04:31:898 (2) - ugly slider imoUgly song deserves ugly sliders.As i said before, the sliders in the map currently would put the sliders in some other maps to shame - none the less i changed the initial curve on 05:10:864 (1) - to be the inverse of what it was before. I will repeat that i dont see the beauty of any of the sliders in the map as an issue, especially considering what is present and what is the common execution in other maps. Especially this sliders, above all, which has a nice flowing curve, I can not fathom why it would be seen as "ugly", given the standard in other maps. I digress, I wont be changing them.(besides from the slight change which is more to differentiate them from each other)

05:10:864 (1) - ^^

really cool map. enjoyed playing it! sorry for not mentioning alot, that may be because im a bad modder, or because the map is fine.
good luck!
00:49:915 (4,1,2) - space these out, perhaps like this Right now they are really awkward to sightread and you'd have to memorise them to actually fc them as they are really difficult to read.

03:41:467 (2,3) - stack these, looks better visually as well as plays better imo

That's all I can suggest, gl with the map!

◘ Add some kii times *o* Preferably for the more intense parts

• 00:01:812 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - you should silence all these slider ends since there's no beats here

• 00:08:708 (1,2,1,2) - Why do these sliders last longer? make them last as long as the ones above. Same thing about the sliderends too

• 00:18:277 (6) - the sound your mapping too here doesnt last as long as the slider doesn

• 00:42:157 (3) - put the jump here for exaggeration of the kick?

• 00:42:846 (7) - ^

• 00:49:915 (4,1,2,3) - Hard to read this. add an offset?

• 00:54:915 (6) - nc here because pace change/new bar

• 00:56:295 (2,3,1,2) - Why are these sliders different lengths?

• 00:58:708 (2) - space this and nc?

• 01:08:364 (3,4) - map these notes the same, like 01:09:743 (3,4) -

• 01:15:260 (3,4) - ^

• 01:15:605 (6) - this note would sound better as a slider imo

• 01:18:019 (3) - Put the jump here? (again)

• 01:20:605 (2) - x216 y376 for blanket

• 01:23:191 (1) - move it to the right, so it doesn't touch 7 and blankets

• 01:29:398 (2) - x156 y112

• 01:29:743 - clickable? like 01:30:433 (2) -

• 01:30:605 (3,6) - blanket looks off

• 01:31:812 - end slider here, theres a beat here and its mapped to the same thing as 01:31:122 (6) -

• 01:41:122 (1,2) - looks like it plays like a 1/4 jump

• 02:01:812 (1,2,3,4) - 04:19:744 (1,2,3,4) - 05:14:915 (1,1,1,1) - There's a rule about perfect overlaps with reverse arrows not being allowed. soo... might be unrankable? check with a bn beforehand

• 02:02:501 (3,1) - space these

• 02:19:743 (1) - 02:41:812 (1) - slider should end at 02:20:490 - (1/6) because of piano

• 03:02:070 (5) - why isnt this a slider like the other notes?

• 03:02:329 (7) - i know what your mapping this to, but the note that this should be on comes earlier than the slider so theres nothing this slider is (literally) mapped to :l

• 03:02:846 (2) - nc here

• 03:08:364 (1) - space more?

• 03:12:846 (6) - nc for pace change

• 03:14:226 (2,3,1,2) - 03:16:639 (2,3,4,1,2) - same comment as 00:56:295 (2,3,1,2) - why the different lengths?

• 03:25:605 (6,7,8,9,1) - While it may look good in the editor, in game during my test plays i didnt see the point in this stream shape

• 03:26:984 (7,8,9,10,1) - 03:28:364 (7,8,9,10,1) - ^ I wont comment for it anymore

• 03:29:915 (10,11,1) - you always make the sexiest blankets

• 03:31:898 (4) - dont hear a note under this circle

• 03:33:881 (9,3) - space

• 03:41:122 (1,2,3) - spacing seems harsh o_o

• 03:43:536 (9,10,11) - dont understand your rhythm in general here

• 03:44:226 (3,4,5,6) - sounds better for 2 sliders here

• 03:48:364 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Why mapped so differently from 03:46:726 (1,2,3,4,5) - ?

• 04:00:605 (2,3) - make it a slider for consistency

• 04:01:122 (5,6) - plays like a 1/4 because of the sliderhead spacing

• 04:08:708 (1) - space mroe? exaggeration *o*

• 04:10:605 (2,3) - notes in the very top left like this interfere with the health bar

This map is everything. sakuraburst, crazy slidershapes, awesome slow parts. Have some stars *u*

Good luck!!!! :)
Topic Starter

Zer0- wrote:

00:49:915 (4,1,2) - space these out, perhaps like this Right now they are really awkward to sightread and you'd have to memorise them to actually fc them as they are really difficult to read. spaced them out to be easier to read

03:41:467 (2,3) - stack these, looks better visually as well as plays better imo blanketed

squirrelpascals wrote:


◘ Add some kii times *o* Preferably for the more intense parts done

• 00:01:812 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - you should silence all these slider ends since there's no beats here done

• 00:08:708 (1,2,1,2) - Why do these sliders last longer? make them last as long as the ones above. Same thing about the sliderends too silenced, however they last longer as they are following the background build up more

• 00:18:277 (6) - the sound your mapping too here doesnt last as long as the slider doesn I'd irgue, when removing the slider itself, that it audibly does last as long as the slider

• 00:42:157 (3) - put the jump here for exaggeration of the kick? extended the 1/2 sliders to be 3/4

• 00:42:846 (7) - ^

• 00:49:915 (4,1,2,3) - Hard to read this. add an offset?added

• 00:54:915 (6) - nc here because pace change/new baradded

• 00:56:295 (2,3,1,2) - Why are these sliders different lengths? 00:56:295 (2,1,3) - and 00:59:743 (1) - all land on the start of an instrument that carrys across the whole bar, whereas the 1/2 sliders do not, so they are different lengths

• 00:58:708 (2) - space this and nc? spaced, not nc'd

• 01:08:364 (3,4) - map these notes the same, like 01:09:743 (3,4) - changed

• 01:15:260 (3,4) - ^changed

• 01:15:605 (6) - this note would sound better as a slider imoi think its fine as a circle

• 01:18:019 (3) - Put the jump here? (again)not sure how i would impliment this one, but i know for a fact the the common usage of a kickslider at the end of the stream is to give way to the jump, and to not be the jump itself. I didn't see the other 2 as an issue but I was fine with chaning it, however, I don't see how i would change this one seen as I was to avoid 1/4 circle jumps until the second kiai

• 01:20:605 (2) - x216 y376 for blanket not really intended to be a blanket, moved the slider instead to keep parallel with 01:21:122 (5,6) -

• 01:23:191 (1) - move it to the right, so it doesn't touch 7 and blankets after moving it 20 times I forgot the rason why it was there, good spot

• 01:29:398 (2) - x156 y112this blanket would still be off, not sure why the big slider keeps moving even after i blanketed it... :I, blanketed properly, again.

• 01:29:743 - clickable? like 01:30:433 (2) - made clickable

• 01:30:605 (3,6) - blanket looks offmade more blankety

• 01:31:812 - end slider here, theres a beat here and its mapped to the same thing as 01:31:122 (6) - done, kinda

• 01:41:122 (1,2) - looks like it plays like a 1/4 jump spaced further away

• 02:01:812 (1,2,3,4) - 04:19:744 (1,2,3,4) - 05:14:915 (1,1,1,1) - There's a rule about perfect overlaps with reverse arrows not being allowed. soo... might be unrankable? check with a bn beforehand so I'd need to increase the SV? The part is so slow it shouldn't be an issue...

• 02:02:501 (3,1) - space these spaced

• 02:19:743 (1) - 02:41:812 (1) - slider should end at 02:20:490 - (1/6) because of piano it is indeed 1/6, very careless of me xd

• 03:02:070 (5) - why isnt this a slider like the other notes? because it's followed closely by 03:02:157 (6) -

• 03:02:329 (7) - i know what your mapping this to, but the note that this should be on comes earlier than the slider so theres nothing this slider is (literally) mapped to :l fixed

• 03:02:846 (2) - nc heredone

• 03:08:364 (1) - space more? spaced

• 03:12:846 (6) - nc for pace change added

• 03:14:226 (2,3,1,2) - 03:16:639 (2,3,4,1,2) - same comment as 00:56:295 (2,3,1,2) - why the different lengths? ^^^

• 03:25:605 (6,7,8,9,1) - While it may look good in the editor, in game during my test plays i didnt see the point in this stream shape It certainly does not look good in the editor, but is mapped like this for dificulty and for the simple reason that a whole bunch of 0.7x ds straight/ curved streams looks like trash when played and reduces the map in the eyes of the player to "another drum and bass 174 bpm map". This simple change adds a slight difficulty and quirkiness to the stream, to differentiate it from other streams, maps, whatever. By using straight streams i would be doing a disservice to the intricacies present in the rest of the map

• 03:26:984 (7,8,9,10,1) - 03:28:364 (7,8,9,10,1) - ^ I wont comment for it anymore

• 03:29:915 (10,11,1) - you always make the sexiest blanketswhen i dont mess them up

• 03:31:898 (4) - dont hear a note under this circle I hear a slight tap, of a drum maybe? but even so, it's more mapped to the reverberating sound than it is to anything else

• 03:33:881 (9,3) - space i think its fine tbh

• 03:41:122 (1,2,3) - spacing seems harsh o_o slightly reduced, even if i disagree.

• 03:43:536 (9,10,11) - dont understand your rhythm in general here 03:43:536 (9,10) - focuses mainly on the background trills as they are the most prominent part here, 03:43:881 (1) - is the jump you desired.

• 03:44:226 (3,4,5,6) - sounds better for 2 sliders here I feel as though both are equally viable

• 03:48:364 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Why mapped so differently from 03:46:726 (1,2,3,4,5) - ? Not sure what you mean as these are two completely different styles of section, the first being more jumpy whereas the second being more wub based

• 04:00:605 (2,3) - make it a slider for consistency done

• 04:01:122 (5,6) - plays like a 1/4 because of the sliderhead spacing moved further away

• 04:08:708 (1) - space mroe? exaggeration *o* might aswell.

• 04:10:605 (2,3) - notes in the very top left like this interfere with the health bar moved down

This map is everything. sakuraburst, crazy slidershapes, awesome slow parts. Have some stars *u* you didn't have to but thanks :o

Good luck!!!! :)
Heyo, M4M from my queue~

[holy sliders]
  1. Combo color 2 and 4 are little bit too similar I think.
  2. 00:03:191 - You should have the hitsound volume gradually increase from here. It's minor but it helps.
  3. 00:35:605 (5) - The look of this slider doesn't fit with the previous ones imo. The first slider segment should curve more perhaps?
  4. 00:50:346 - Might wanna fix the two timing points in the place.
  5. 01:20:088 (8) - This one looks out of place. It's relatively more complex than all the other ones before and after it.
  6. 01:26:812 (6,7,8) - Curve this burst a bit?
  7. 02:01:812 (1,2,3,4) - The slidertrack of these are fairly hard to see. I think it would be better if you just increase the SV a bit. (Like at 00:16:984 (1))
  8. 02:11:726 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - This stream isn't timed correctly. I'm not sure if the BPM is increase or if it's a different beat snap though. This is what I could do in 1/16 snap. I'm sure someone who has a better ear than me can help you with it.
  9. 02:12:846 - For sections like these, instead of setting the hitsound volume to 5%, set to maybe 25% (whatever you like) and mute the sliderend when necessary. Maybe use a custom hitsound to lower the volume of the slidertrack too.
  10. 03:15:950 (4) - Mute sliderend.
  11. 03:45:605 (4,5) - The curve of these two don't actually blanket each other. Pretty minor though.
  12. 04:00:433 (1,2) - You have all the previous 1/4 sliders go the opposite direction of the 1/2 sliders. I suggest Ctrl+G on 04:00:605 (2) then moving it down-right.
  13. 04:19:744 (1,2,3,4) - Slidertrack hard to see.
  14. 04:29:915 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Same problem with this stream timing.
  15. 04:41:553 (1) - Hmm, I don't like the look of this one. I think it should curve inwards instead or just curve more outwards.
  16. 04:53:708 (1) - Put a note down and use it for a blanket. Like so: The circle will be a lot more, uh, circular.
  17. 05:09:743 (2) - Since you used one slider for only one piano sound earlier, I think this should be 2 clickable objects instead of one.
Topic Starter

1Computer wrote:

Heyo, M4M from my queue~

[holy sliders]
  1. Combo color 2 and 4 are little bit too similar I think.made less similar and colour haxxed
  2. 00:03:191 - You should have the hitsound volume gradually increase from here. It's minor but it helps. added gradual increase
  3. 00:35:605 (5) - The look of this slider doesn't fit with the previous ones imo. The first slider segment should curve more perhaps? added a wobble like in the previous slider
  4. 00:50:346 - Might wanna fix the two timing points in the place.not sure what you mean..
  5. 01:20:088 (8) - This one looks out of place. It's relatively more complex than all the other ones before and after itmade simpler.
  6. 01:26:812 (6,7,8) - Curve this burst a bit?curved
  7. 02:01:812 (1,2,3,4) - The slidertrack of these are fairly hard to see. I think it would be better if you just increase the SV a bit. (Like at 00:16:984 (1))increased
  8. 02:11:726 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - This stream isn't timed correctly. I'm not sure if the BPM is increase or if it's a different beat snap though. This is what I could do in 1/16 snap. I'm sure someone who has a better ear than me can help you with it. heres what I found the timing to be: and, regardless of whether its right or not, I wont be changing to this timing for the simple reason that at 100% and even at 75% and 50% the stream sounds on beat, as such I see no reason to take such an awkward route
  9. 02:12:846 - For sections like these, instead of setting the hitsound volume to 5%, set to maybe 25% (whatever you like) and mute the sliderend when necessary. Maybe use a custom hitsound to lower the volume of the slidertrack too.done
  10. 03:15:950 (4) - Mute sliderend. muted
  11. 03:45:605 (4,5) - The curve of these two don't actually blanket each other. Pretty minor though. although facotring the distance between them into account, they were blanketed, i Decided to make the even more blanketed
  12. 04:00:433 (1,2) - You have all the previous 1/4 sliders go the opposite direction of the 1/2 sliders. I suggest Ctrl+G on 04:00:605 (2) then moving it down-right. done
  13. 04:19:744 (1,2,3,4) - Slidertrack hard to see. made visible
  14. 04:29:915 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Same problem with this stream timing. ^^^
  15. 04:41:553 (1) - Hmm, I don't like the look of this one. I think it should curve inwards instead or just curve more outwards. curved inwards
  16. 04:53:708 (1) - Put a note down and use it for a blanket. Like so: The circle will be a lot more, uh, circular.noob mapper mistake xd
  17. 05:09:743 (2) - Since you used one slider for only one piano sound earlier, I think this should be 2 clickable objects instead of one.changed
00:50:346 - Might wanna fix the two timing points in the place.not sure what you mean..
Check with AIMod and you'll see what I meant.
Topic Starter

1Computer wrote:

00:50:346 - Might wanna fix the two timing points in the place.not sure what you mean..
Check with AIMod and you'll see what I meant. ah i see, fixed

resize bg to 1366 x 768. currently 1365 x 768
unused hitsounds:

i think ur hp setting is a little too forgiving here. maybe try 6.5 or 7
00:00:433 (1) - slider end hitsound seems really loud here
00:06:639 (2) - make sure you have muted sliderslides on sampleset 4. they seem to randomly get introduced and i dont think you intended that
00:11:812 (2) - can you raise hitsound volume here? 5% is normally used for silencing and you've silenced a whole section giving no feedback to the player on what theyre hitting. i get that you are making it sound atmospheric with the inaudible hitsounds but i don't think this is ok in terms of ranking the map. try 20% since the following section uses 35%
00:43:881 (6) - why not use a coloured nc
00:54:743 (4,5) - i would turn this into a kick slider to avoid confusion. in play, the triplet looks very similar to a kick slider and they represent the same sounds therefore players will play the same rhythm. look how similar they look ->
00:58:019 (4) - 01:00:777 (5) - i kind of expected coloured brown/orange nc's on these notes based on your previous ncs
01:02:157 (5,6) - swap the position of these beats on the timeline. you had your sliders going from bottom to top so you should keep this pattern. also the flow will be a lot better to 01:02:501 (1)
01:12:588 (4) - this beat doesn't exist in the music and for that reason you shouldn't try force a stream here.
01:23:622 (3) - ^
01:30:605 (3,4) - can you make this a 1/2 slider? the 1/4 + circle doesn't make sense here because there is no drum on 01:30:777 (4) - to be emphasised. whereas something like 01:31:639 (2,3) - makes sense because you are emphasising the clap on 01:31:812 (3)
01:52:846 (3) - missing whistle on head. for some reason you made did whistle sliderslide instead
01:54:915 (1) - whistle on head
01:55:433 (2) - the transition of samplesets could be a lot nicer here. if you slowly reduced the volume of your S:C4, transition to S:C3 and slowly build back up in volume i reckon it'd work really well
03:08:364 (1) - move this up a bit, currently the score hit meter overlaps a bit of it
03:12:674 (4,5) - kick
03:15:950 (4) - 03:18:708 (4) - coloured nc
03:23:708 (4,5) - kick
03:29:053 (3,4,5,6) - i feel the small -> big -> small -> big spacing movements are quite jarring, especially since 03:29:312 (5,6) - flows linearly with 03:29:139 (4) - and is such a deceleration of motion. could you try something else?
04:04:398 (6,7,1) - you should start with a smaller ds and gradually increase for a bigger effect. like u did during the last kiai
04:12:846 (1) - maybe try that transition thing if u can be bothered lo. i still feel the hitsounds change too obviously
04:30:777 (1) - 20% hitsounds imo
04:36:524 - this inherited timing point doesn't do anything
04:46:208 (1) - slider should start and end on 1/6 purple tick
04:49:800 (1) - ^
05:10:346 (4) - polarity changes a quite awkward here. maybe nc'ing this would help
05:20:433 (1) - you should mute this slider from the blue tick after the first (so on 05:20:519 - ). this way the slider ticks aren't audible

Topic Starter

Pentori wrote:


resize bg to 1366 x 768. currently 1365 x 768 edited
unused hitsounds:

i think ur hp setting is a little too forgiving here. maybe try 6.5 or 7 upped to 6
00:00:433 (1) - slider end hitsound seems really loud hereintentional
00:06:639 (2) - make sure you have muted sliderslides on sampleset 4. they seem to randomly get introduced and i dont think you intended that intended, moved start of slider slides to better coincide with the music
00:11:812 (2) - can you raise hitsound volume here? 5% is normally used for silencing and you've silenced a whole section giving no feedback to the player on what theyre hitting. i get that you are making it sound atmospheric with the inaudible hitsounds but i don't think this is ok in terms of ranking the map. try 20% since the following section uses 35% not really intending to create an atmosphere : I listened tio this using a few popular skins and the hitsound volume is ok, but seen as its too low with the default hitsounds, I increased it to 20%
00:43:881 (6) - why not use a coloured nc added nc and colour
00:54:743 (4,5) - i would turn this into a kick slider to avoid confusion. in play, the triplet looks very similar to a kick slider and they represent the same sounds therefore players will play the same rhythm. look how similar they look -> increased DS
00:58:019 (4) - 01:00:777 (5) - i kind of expected coloured brown/orange nc's on these notes based on your previous ncs other wubby part just before wasnt nc'd
01:02:157 (5,6) - swap the position of these beats on the timeline. you had your sliders going from bottom to top so you should keep this pattern. also the flow will be a lot better to 01:02:501 (1) swapped
01:12:588 (4) - this beat doesn't exist in the music and for that reason you shouldn't try force a stream here. stream is following trill in the background, not the drums to which there is an audible sound
01:23:622 (3) - ^
01:30:605 (3,4) - can you make this a 1/2 slider? the 1/4 + circle doesn't make sense here because there is no drum on 01:30:777 (4) - to be emphasised. whereas something like 01:31:639 (2,3) - makes sense because you are emphasising the clap on 01:31:812 (3) made
01:52:846 (3) - missing whistle on head. for some reason you made did whistle sliderslide instead moved
01:54:915 (1) - whistle on headadded
01:55:433 (2) - the transition of samplesets could be a lot nicer here. if you slowly reduced the volume of your S:C4, transition to S:C3 and slowly build back up in volume i reckon it'd work really well made transition better
03:08:364 (1) - move this up a bit, currently the score hit meter overlaps a bit of it a lot of my stuff ovberlap the score meter especially on lower res's and the largest score meter setting, I don't see it as an issue
03:12:674 (4,5) - kicknot feeling any kick sounds
03:15:950 (4) - 03:18:708 (4) - coloured nci dont want to overuse this
03:23:708 (4,5) - kick ^
03:29:053 (3,4,5,6) - i feel the small -> big -> small -> big spacing movements are quite jarring, especially since 03:29:312 (5,6) - flows linearly with 03:29:139 (4) - and is such a deceleration of motion. could you try something else? I see what you're saying however I think that this suits the style of the parts of the song that it is mapped to, yes it could be a little more linear however the movement isn't so awkward as to be unplayable - The first jump in particular, the one that you dislike 03:29:053 (3,4) - 03:31:122 (8,9) - althogh not as flowy as say 03:40:088 (3,4) - still sets up the motion of flow
04:04:398 (6,7,1) - you should start with a smaller ds and gradually increase for a bigger effect. like u did during the last kiai changed
04:12:846 (1) - maybe try that transition thing if u can be bothered lo. i still feel the hitsounds change too obviously done
04:30:777 (1) - 20% hitsounds imo changed
04:36:524 - this inherited timing point doesn't do anything removed
04:46:208 (1) - slider should start and end on 1/6 purple tickchanged
04:49:800 (1) - ^^
05:10:346 (4) - polarity changes a quite awkward here. maybe nc'ing this would help nc'd
05:20:433 (1) - you should mute this slider from the blue tick after the first (so on 05:20:519 - ). this way the slider ticks aren't audibledone

rename this to "Burst" for better aesthetics for song select. The title "burst" reeks "Not Submitted." Yes, I am telling you to be more posh with your title.
00:00:433 (1) - - this sliderend deserves a silence, maybe not 5% but some sort of silence, yes. I would also consider ending the slider 00:01:467 - here as there is a small percussion beat there.
00:16:984 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - lower the after-hit hitsounds because the rhythm is rather difficult and it is hard to click the rhythm perfectly when you can't hear the song due to hitsounding.
00:18:277 (6) - doesnt seem like there is any brrrrrrrrrrrr here.
00:38:019 (3) - I am already going rather lenient in the entire section, how differently you've mapped the beeps. Never have you mapped the second beep on a hitcircle. It is really confusing. Make the second beep start on a slider
00:38:364 (1) - there is something fun goin on in the song u could work on this mayb
00:46:639 (2) - same sound happening as 00:45:950 (1) - not sure why you lower the possible difficulty by smashing a hitcircle when you could have a slider and a 1/4 jump to another slider somewhere around here. Even if no jump, it plays 10 times more schlick anyway. Just make it a slider. This you made a slider too 00:49:398 (2) -
00:53:191 (2,5,3) - beeps and non-beeps could be somehow differentiated from each other, would be cool, I couldn't feel any response to different sounds in the mop.
00:58:019 (4) - a problem of lack of response rises again. I would recommend breaking the circular flow here because everything is vastly different from the rest of the sounds habbening.
01:02:846 (3) - nc here instead of 01:02:501 (1) -
01:04:743 (3) - beep being on the sliderend is rather confusing
01:09:398 - it is hard to tag the specific part I'm talking about, but this is repeating over and over again. It is not even about the circular flow remaining the same, but rather slider positions being the same and also the same complect of jumps being the same twice (you could say three times, though one of those times the jumps are smaller). Do something different, don't leave this being the same for like three measures. Remap! Leave one of the reoccuring patterns, remap everything else!
02:01:812 (1,2,3,4) - so uncalled for. I understand what ur going for here, but it is completely unneccessary. I'd rather put hitcircles.
02:12:846 (1) - I think to be rankable, all clickable objects have to be hitsounded and not silenced. You should really put hitsounds on hitcircles and sliderstarts.
02:44:312 (3,2) - mayb exchange this for slow two-tick sliders? These are really hard to acc
03:31:122 (8,9,10,1) - idk why you stopped mapping these weird sounds differently from this part
03:33:708 (8,9,10,1,2) - six kicksliders for the two different sound patterns, out of which one wasn't mapped this way before. Plays weird, feels too continuous jumping like this tbh. Same in some more places, won't mention em all.

Everything I've said goes for the rest of the map too.

Also, make sure to check whether HDHR can pass the ending if many 100s on hitcircles cuz its really hard to acc.
Topic Starter

Haganenno wrote:

rename this to "Burst" for better aesthetics for song select. The title "burst" reeks "Not Submitted." Yes, I am telling you to be more posh with your title. Capitalising it would be the opposite of better aestetics givemn that the song name and author are all in lower case. The no capitals gives a deserved not submitted look given that this is my first map (that I will commit to), so, unless theres a better reason, i dont see any reason to
00:00:433 (1) - - this sliderend deserves a silence, maybe not 5% but some sort of silence, yes. I would also consider ending the slider 00:01:467 - here as there is a small percussion beat there. Made quieter, moved end to right place (one tick forward)
00:16:984 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - lower the after-hit hitsounds because the rhythm is rather difficult and it is hard to click the rhythm perfectly when you can't hear the song due to hitsounding. Lowered
00:18:277 (6) - doesnt seem like there is any brrrrrrrrrrrr here. After increasing the volume to 100%, gain to 10 db and placing my headphones right next to my eardrum I can testify that there is infact a sound here
00:38:019 (3) - I am already going rather lenient in the entire section, how differently you've mapped the beeps. Never have you mapped the second beep on a hitcircle. It is really confusing. Make the second beep start on a sliderChanged it
00:38:364 (1) - there is something fun goin on in the song u could work on this mayb dont really see a problem with it as it is right now
00:46:639 (2) - same sound happening as 00:45:950 (1) - not sure why you lower the possible difficulty by smashing a hitcircle when you could have a slider and a 1/4 jump to another slider somewhere around here. Even if no jump, it plays 10 times more schlick anyway. Just make it a slider. This you made a slider too 00:49:398 (2) - The sound followed here was the sudden swipe however i realise the swipe carries over so it would probably be better as a slider too
00:53:191 (2,5,3) - beeps and non-beeps could be somehow differentiated from each other, would be cool, I couldn't feel any response to different sounds in the mop.i feel like this is trying to fit too much into this section
00:58:019 (4) - a problem of lack of response rises again. I would recommend breaking the circular flow here because everything is vastly different from the rest of the sounds habbening. made it a circle
01:02:846 (3) - nc here instead of 01:02:501 (1) - sure
01:04:743 (3) - beep being on the sliderend is rather confusing shortened sldie and made it a circle
01:09:398 - it is hard to tag the specific part I'm talking about, but this is repeating over and over again. It is not even about the circular flow remaining the same, but rather slider positions being the same and also the same complect of jumps being the same twice (you could say three times, though one of those times the jumps are smaller). Do something different, don't leave this being the same for like three measures. Remap! Leave one of the reoccuring patterns, remap everything else! There is not much i can do to change the motif for the map, this style of two kicksliders and two circles is intrinsic to the map. You could possibly argue that it is over-imposed in this short secction which I would disagree with as this is the only part to explain to the players "this is what to expect in the next 32 measures"
02:01:812 (1,2,3,4) - so uncalled for. I understand what ur going for here, but it is completely unneccessary. I'd rather put hitcircles. I dopnt think so; the sound happens so i reflect it happening, this isn't like other parts where 5 sounds are happening at once
02:12:846 (1) - I think to be rankable, all clickable objects have to be hitsounded and not silenced. You should really put hitsounds on hitcircles and sliderstarts.done
02:44:312 (3,2) - mayb exchange this for slow two-tick sliders? These are really hard to acc So are you saying I need OD 10 because 9 is too easy? I don't think its too hard to click the circles to the beat here, if its hard because its slow then its a challenge, it certainly shouldn't be harder than other parts
03:31:122 (8,9,10,1) - idk why you stopped mapping these weird sounds differently from this part Lapse in concentration, fixed
03:33:708 (8,9,10,1,2) - six kicksliders for the two different sound patterns, out of which one wasn't mapped this way before. Plays weird, feels too continuous jumping like this tbh. Same in some more places, won't mention em all.Tried to emphasise some jumps more than others

Everything I've said goes for the rest of the map too.

Also, make sure to check whether HDHR can pass the ending if many 100s on hitcircles cuz its really hard to acc. git good idfk
haven't played this map in forever, was this remapped?
Topic Starter
hurry up
forget it ill do it myself, since you asked xp

no kd
• offset 427 is correct

• 00:07:329 - around here volume gets way too high to fit the quieter ambiance

• 00:16:978 (1,2,3,4,5) - 00:28:019 (1,2,3,4,5) - 00:39:053 (1,2,3,4,5) - i know i brought this up like a year ago but i still think that 1/16 slider are too harsh and cause way too many sliderbreaks

• 00:19:829 (1,2) - these are touching space these a tiny bit so theres at least a small gap because otherwise it doesn't look nice xp same for 00:23:191 (5,1) - 00:26:036 (6,7,1) -

• 00:49:915 (4) - in this case i think it would be better to nc here because this part of the music sounds a lot different, so it takes priority over a downbeat

• 01:17:933 - this is p strong, sounds like it would be better clickable / as a circle?

• 01:35:260 (5,6,1) - would feel a lot better with some sort of angle in between these, same idea for 01:35:605 (1,2,3) -

• 01:48:019 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - i feel like this section should be getting more intense, you should space these more to reflect that (either the triples themselves or the jumps)

• 02:01:812 (1,2,3,4) - 04:19:744 (1,2,3,4) - 1/16 REEEEEEEEEE

• 02:32:157 (1) - why does this end on the blue tick before the white tick? it sounds more fitting on the one after

• 02:34:915 (1,2) - you should do something more here to indicate that you skipped this white tick weirdly

• 03:01:898 (4,5) - incorrect snapping here, this is correct. i kno that 1/12 isnt recommend for anyone ever but don't kill the 1/12 dream k

• 03:08:364 (1,2,1,2) - why do you decide to map these slow sliders differently here? if you have a reason for spacing these can you transition toward using this spacing in the previous patterns like this?

• 03:22:846 (4,1) - also space these for cleaner aesthetic

• 03:23:881 (5) - imo nc would work best here because clear change in sounds, same for 01:05:950 (5) -

• 03:46:984 (3,4) - same as the intro, add more space for a clearer aesthetic, also i thnk nc would be good here to convey change in sound

• 04:05:950 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - same as before with spacing

• 04:30:777 - yeahhh youre gonna need a timing point (or points) here for this piano seperately, unrankable otherwise

• 04:36:524 (1,2,1,1) - 04:47:961 (2,1) - these use the same timeline gaps but use very different spacing, would advise against this since its very quick

• intro is cool i could care less about 1/16 there

yes call :)
rank when :(
Topic Starter

squirrelpascals wrote:

forget it ill do it myself, since you asked xp

no kd
• offset 427 is correct thankyou

• 00:07:329 - around here volume gets way too high to fit the quieter ambiance rebalanced

• 00:16:978 (1,2,3,4,5) - 00:28:019 (1,2,3,4,5) - 00:39:053 (1,2,3,4,5) - i know i brought this up like a year ago but i still think that 1/16 slider are too harsh and cause way too many sliderbreaks changed all to 1/8 i dont want to make it any lower or do anything else though

• 00:19:829 (1,2) - these are touching space these a tiny bit so theres at least a small gap because otherwise it doesn't look nice xp same for 00:23:191 (5,1) - 00:26:036 (6,7,1) - fixed with remap

• 00:49:915 (4) - in this case i think it would be better to nc here because this part of the music sounds a lot different, so it takes priority over a downbeat nc'd

• 01:17:933 - this is p strong, sounds like it would be better clickable / as a circle?made clickable

• 01:35:260 (5,6,1) - would feel a lot better with some sort of angle in between these made angle, same idea for 01:35:605 (1,2,3) -i feel like this reflects intensity, as the section gets more intense the angles become sharper and jumps bigger, changed the first as its just before the start of that section

• 01:48:019 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - i feel like this section should be getting more intense, you should space these more to reflect that (either the triples themselves or the jumps)spaced tripples more, but reasonably

• 02:01:812 (1,2,3,4) - 04:19:744 (1,2,3,4) - 1/16 REEEEEEEEEE i agree!

• 02:32:157 (1) - why does this end on the blue tick before the white tick? it sounds more fitting on the one after fixed

• 02:34:915 (1,2) - you should do something more here to indicate that you skipped this white tick weirdly semi stacked should feel better to play now

• 03:01:898 (4,5) - incorrect snapping here, this is correct. i kno that 1/12 isnt recommend for anyone ever but don't kill the 1/12 dream k dream is real

• 03:08:364 (1,2,1,2) - why do you decide to map these slow sliders differently here? if you have a reason for spacing these can you transition toward using this spacing in the previous patterns like this? changed to match previous slow sliders

• 03:22:846 (4,1) - also space these for cleaner aesthetic spazced

• 03:23:881 (5) - imo nc would work best here because clear change in sounds, same for 01:05:950 (5) - changed

• 03:46:984 (3,4) - same as the intro, add more space for a clearer aesthetic, also i thnk nc would be good here to convey change in sound nc'd

• 04:05:950 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - same as before with spacing changed aspacing reasonably

• 04:30:777 - yeahhh youre gonna need a timing point (or points) here for this piano seperately, unrankable otherwise potentially the hardest xD I've ever experienced in my whole entire life

• 04:36:524 (1,2,1,1) - 04:47:961 (2,1) - these use the same timeline gaps but use very different spacing, would advise against this since its very quick changed

• intro is cool i could care less about 1/16 there same but changesd anyway

yes call :)

Suzuki_1112 wrote:

rank when :(
00:28:845 (4,5) - very closely spaced, also applies to my point about sliders touching like this lol

00:46:733 (2) - opps? also why is it spaced like this grrrrr

03:02:465 (1) - hello there. this circle is overmapped

04:38:028 - this timing beat should have 2 white ticks, its paced the same way as 04:36:579 -
04:39:649 - same as above piano is getting slower not faster
04:52:323 - should actually be 93 bpm
other than that your timing seems pretty accurate

also something i just realized, i know you like silent sliderends but you have to remove the blank file for them under rc rules

ok fix these important things
Topic Starter

squirrelpascals wrote:

00:28:845 (4,5) - very closely spaced, also applies to my point about sliders touching like this lol i diagree and feel as though this type of spacing is very asethetic

00:46:733 (2) - opps? also why is it spaced like this grrrrr opps fixed

03:02:465 (1) - hello there. this circle is overmapped say goodbye to circle

04:38:028 - this timing beat should have 2 white ticks, its paced the same way as 04:36:579 -
04:39:649 - same as above piano is getting slower not faster
04:52:323 - should actually be 93 bpm
other than that your timing seems pretty accurate fixed thanks to shiguma for everything ever

also something i just realized, i know you like silent sliderends but you have to remove the blank file for them under rc rules


ok fix these important things
needs to be hitsounded further
you can always use like a soft clap or whistle if you don't know what to use / don't feel like adding customs

00:01:858 - to 00:11:341 - missing hitsounds
00:44:961 (1) - would prefer you put at least one on all of these patterns too
00:55:651 - 03:13:582 (1) - silencing this is unrankable, lowest volume i would recommend is %20
01:50:823 - to 02:12:030 - all missing hitsounds
02:12:892 - to 03:02:892 - - ^
03:02:547 - can't silence this either
02:45:737 - doesnt need to be fixed but maybe make this note quieter?
04:12:892 - accidental pew noise?
04:12:892 - to 05:24:030 - hitsounds all of this aaaaa

sorry for not including this earlier i totally forgot to look over hitsounds. tell me when you fixxxxx
Topic Starter

squirrelpascals wrote:

needs to be hitsounded further
you can always use like a soft clap or whistle if you don't know what to use / don't feel like adding customs

00:01:858 - to 00:11:341 - missing hitsounds
00:44:961 (1) - would prefer you put at least one on all of these patterns too
00:55:651 - 03:13:582 (1) - silencing this is unrankable, lowest volume i would recommend is %20
01:50:823 - to 02:12:030 - all missing hitsounds
02:12:892 - to 03:02:892 - - ^
03:02:547 - can't silence this either
02:45:737 - doesnt need to be fixed but maybe make this note quieter?
04:12:892 - accidental pew noise?
04:12:892 - to 05:24:030 - hitsounds all of this aaaaa

sorry for not including this earlier i totally forgot to look over hitsounds. tell me when you fixxxxx
all mandatory suggestions applied
finally, a bubble for this map!
no format because this is already spicy lul

soft-hitwhistle4.wav unused?
The green/red line at 04:30:823 needs to have matching samplesets.

00:08:754 (1,2,1,2) - This really abuses slider leniency imo, if it's for building tension into the next section of the song I think you can make these end on the red ticks instead, because the large spacing increases between the objects develop that since the SV is so slow. To make this a little more reasonable I recommend snapping these 4 sliders to the red tick.
00:58:754 (2,1), 01:07:547 (5,5) - 03:44:444 (4,2,3,4) - 03:48:927 (6,3) - Stack?
01:07:030 (2,3) - Make visual spacing a bit more consistent here, 3 should be closer
02:01:858 (1,2,3,4) - SV feels unusually high here compared to other instances of this fuzzy sound 1/8. Same at 04:19:789 (1,2,3,4) -
02:19:789 (1) - , 02:30:823 (1) - sliderends feel out of time
04:00:996 (4,7) - Could space these out a bit more

excellent map, great flow control and cool design, call me back after 24 hours total have passed :)
Topic Starter

Plaudible wrote:

no format because this is already spicy lul

soft-hitwhistle4.wav unused? removed
The green/red line at 04:30:823 needs to have matching samplesets. fixed

00:08:754 (1,2,1,2) - This really abuses slider leniency imo, if it's for building tension into the next section of the song I think you can make these end on the red ticks instead, because the large spacing increases between the objects develop that since the SV is so slow. To make this a little more reasonable I recommend snapping these 4 sliders to the red tick. sure
00:58:754 (2,1), 01:07:547 (5,5) - 03:44:444 (4,2,3,4) - 03:48:927 (6,3) - Stack? stacked
01:07:030 (2,3) - Make visual spacing a bit more consistent here, 3 should be closer imo they look virtually the same
02:01:858 (1,2,3,4) - SV feels unusually high here compared to other instances of this fuzzy sound 1/8. Same at 04:19:789 (1,2,3,4) - reduced sv
02:19:789 (1) - , 02:30:823 (1) - sliderends feel out of time made in time
04:00:996 (4,7) - Could space these out a bit more spaced

excellent map, great flow control and cool design, call me back after 24 hours total have passed :) sure
Who would win?

Powerful thought bubble icon that pushes innovative maps through a fairly established ranking system
Some random red lines
watery wet wubs

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