13:13 Gero: hey bro
13:13 Bakari: hey
13:14 Gero: I want to ask you for an opinion about something I'm mapping
13:14 Gero: I want to know if you think it looks good or not
13:14 Bakari: sure, let's see
13:14 Bakari: just give me a few minutes to finish the mod
13:15 Gero: sure thing
13:15 *Gero is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/1038400 cYsmix - Fright March [Insane]]
13:15 Gero: here you have
13:21 Bakari:
p/5359915 I'm done with this game
13:22 Gero: such a mod
13:22 *Bakari is editing [https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1038400 cYsmix - Fright March [Insane]]
13:22 Bakari: 00:22:934 (1,2) - slidershape does not match the glitchy sound
13:22 Bakari: try to curve it in some weird way
13:22 Gero: should I wubwub them?
13:22 Gero: I was thinking about it tbh
13:23 Bakari: 00:40:184 (3) - probably the curve makes it feel way too short. soften the curve?
13:23 Gero: sure, I'll apply it
13:24 Bakari: a couple of minor things, it's all cool apart from that
13:24 *Bakari is editing [https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1036655 cYsmix - Fright March [Hard]]
13:24 Bakari: 00:19:934 (1,3) - not a huge fan of this overlap
13:25 Gero: it was intentional, but yeah it coule be polished a little more
13:25 Bakari: 00:49:934 (1,2) - probably softening these two wouldn't hurt as well
13:25 Gero: sure
13:25 Bakari: just get yourself a nazi-modder or two
13:26 Bakari: it's a nice mapset
13:26 Bakari: Oh, and I'd CS4 Normal
13:26 Gero: I'm really trying to give me best at this
13:27 Bakari: Because CS4 is love
13:27 Gero: 4?
13:27 Gero: are you sure?
13:27 Gero: lol dude xD
13:27 Bakari: well, 3,5 at least :V
13:27 Bakari: and Easy doesn't really need Tick Rate 2
13:28 Gero: I think I should be consistent with all? I'll go with 1 on all diffs right?
13:28 Bakari: It's all about the rhythm used in the difficulty, I believe
13:28 Bakari: Like, Easy is 1/1 with a lot of long slider
13:29 Bakari: hence 1/2 ticks sound like spam of some beats
13:29 Bakari: while gaps feel empty
13:29 Bakari: In N/H/I the rhythm is heavily centered around 1/2 and 1/4, so it sounds a lot better
13:29 Gero: alrighty, I get it
13:32 Gero: applied everything so far~
13:32 Bakari: Is it still a thing?
13:32 Bakari: mapping with rewards, I mean
13:32 Gero: yeah
13:32 Gero: still
13:33 Bakari: I want an osu!hoodie and Moonlight sonata is hella epic
13:33 Gero: that's why I decided to try lucky
13:33 Gero: why you don't give a try?
13:34 Gero: btw post the short IRC mod if you want to