Hello everyone, Yuii- here better known as Minecraft tool #69, with some exciting news! Sorry for the obligatory meme section!
So, we all know what a BN does, what is capable is and how we use to behave. They know us for one or another reason.
Why wouldn't the queue proposed by ztrot and HR88 work? Because showing the amount of BNs that modded a map will most likely tell other people how much work that map needs and/or needed. Getting 40 BN mods will most likely tell another BN (who hasn't checked the map so far) the low quality of that beatmap in particular. If a map got ranked with only 2 BNs will most likely tell the community (in a majority) that X person barely needed any help from us. That's how things are working nowadays, believe it or not.
What Sonnyc said about the BN"G" not being a team is more than right. That was a mistake that should've never been done. Instead of asking for help some BNs prefer to do things by themselves and leaving that inquiry with them. As BNs, as I already mentioned, we have no kind of power whatsoever besides iconing maps. That's it, that's everything we can do. Is this what the staff wanted from the beginning? Then my apologies for this, in my opinion, it was not the greatest idea.
Reworking the Star Priority wouldn't help either. If any, why do we pay attention to that? Exactly, we should "pay more attention to maps with higer SP" because they have been getting more mods (or maybe they are more hype'd by the community) than the original map we wanted to mod. Star Priority and Kudos don't work in the way it should be intended. And what could be its purpose? I don't really have anything to say about this. Personally, I hate having such a system. A modder with 900 kudos should have more experience to someone with 200, right? In some cases this does not apply.
But I'm not here to talk about how bad the Kudos system is, so let's leave that aside.
My suggestion would be to open a global BN queue in which we give a proper explanation to new mappers on what they shouldn't be doing and/or how to fix their own disturbances. It'll most likely be a "I'm new, what should I do?" kind of queue. We shouldn't post our names in "imma mod this map!!!, hey hey!!". We should allow mappers with 0 ranked beatmaps and encourage them to keep on mapping by either suggesting what they should avoid doing in their own style or by just giving a proper mod. And let me highlight the word proper, because lately I've been many BNs are literally modding nothing but some new combos.
Why I'm suggesting this queue to be for mappers who don't have any ranked maps? Because experienced/well-known mappers will most likely get a BN check in less than a day. Because we already know they are safe, because we already know there are none to low chances of them to make big mistakes, because we already know their styles.
Someone like pishifat can get a ranked map in a very short period of time, whilst some other mappers who worked really hard and whose sets can be really, really decent might wait up to 2 years to get at least one BN to check their maps.
Would this require every single BN to take a look at it on a daily basis? Not at all. BNs who don't feel like helping new mappers because they just like to circlejerk and/or mod maps from only experienced mappers, shouldn't feel bad for not taking part of this. That being said, this queue should not add any kind of benefits for those who participate. They should feel (if anything) good about themselves for helping people that really need assistance.
I would, although, love to see everyone taking part of it at least once a month. Even if you have your own queue, let's make this BN one feel a bit different than the typical ones.
More suggestions that I would like to be discussed because I'm not sure how they should work.
Thank you all so much for reading until the very bottom, I really appreciate the initiative ztrot and HR88 had even if it wasn't received as they were expecting. Hope all of you can have a wonderful day and keep on working like you've always done, great job so far everyone!!
EDIT 1: Everyone can ask any kind of questions, regardless of the amount of ranked maps.
EDIT 2: Make this section a whole FORUM instead of one single THREAD.
EDIT 3: Someone mentioned a mentoring program. I'll keep this project in mind. Done!
So, we all know what a BN does, what is capable is and how we use to behave. They know us for one or another reason.
Why wouldn't the queue proposed by ztrot and HR88 work? Because showing the amount of BNs that modded a map will most likely tell other people how much work that map needs and/or needed. Getting 40 BN mods will most likely tell another BN (who hasn't checked the map so far) the low quality of that beatmap in particular. If a map got ranked with only 2 BNs will most likely tell the community (in a majority) that X person barely needed any help from us. That's how things are working nowadays, believe it or not.
What Sonnyc said about the BN"G" not being a team is more than right. That was a mistake that should've never been done. Instead of asking for help some BNs prefer to do things by themselves and leaving that inquiry with them. As BNs, as I already mentioned, we have no kind of power whatsoever besides iconing maps. That's it, that's everything we can do. Is this what the staff wanted from the beginning? Then my apologies for this, in my opinion, it was not the greatest idea.
Reworking the Star Priority wouldn't help either. If any, why do we pay attention to that? Exactly, we should "pay more attention to maps with higer SP" because they have been getting more mods (or maybe they are more hype'd by the community) than the original map we wanted to mod. Star Priority and Kudos don't work in the way it should be intended. And what could be its purpose? I don't really have anything to say about this. Personally, I hate having such a system. A modder with 900 kudos should have more experience to someone with 200, right? In some cases this does not apply.
But I'm not here to talk about how bad the Kudos system is, so let's leave that aside.
My suggestion would be to open a global BN queue in which we give a proper explanation to new mappers on what they shouldn't be doing and/or how to fix their own disturbances. It'll most likely be a "I'm new, what should I do?" kind of queue. We shouldn't post our names in "imma mod this map!!!, hey hey!!". We should allow mappers with 0 ranked beatmaps and encourage them to keep on mapping by either suggesting what they should avoid doing in their own style or by just giving a proper mod. And let me highlight the word proper, because lately I've been many BNs are literally modding nothing but some new combos.
Example with a map
Lince Cosmico posts this map on our queue. Natsu, Sonnyc and Monstrata like the song and Lince's attitude, so they decide to take a look at the map. Once they open it they notice the amount of mistakes the map has so they decide to give the mapper some nice suggestions on what he should do with certain patterns and/or how to avoid a weird flow.
Example with a question
Stefan (let's take this as an example, please) is a really noobish mapper without ranked maps (let's remember... this is an example, read it as such) asks in the queue what he should do with one of his patterns: why he thinks it doesn't work and what it could be a solution, an alternative for it. Therefore, Okorin and Yuii- tell Stefan how it should be done (from their points of view) and why.
Why I'm suggesting this queue to be for mappers who don't have any ranked maps? Because experienced/well-known mappers will most likely get a BN check in less than a day. Because we already know they are safe, because we already know there are none to low chances of them to make big mistakes, because we already know their styles.
Someone like pishifat can get a ranked map in a very short period of time, whilst some other mappers who worked really hard and whose sets can be really, really decent might wait up to 2 years to get at least one BN to check their maps.
Would this require every single BN to take a look at it on a daily basis? Not at all. BNs who don't feel like helping new mappers because they just like to circlejerk and/or mod maps from only experienced mappers, shouldn't feel bad for not taking part of this. That being said, this queue should not add any kind of benefits for those who participate. They should feel (if anything) good about themselves for helping people that really need assistance.
I would, although, love to see everyone taking part of it at least once a month. Even if you have your own queue, let's make this BN one feel a bit different than the typical ones.
More suggestions that I would like to be discussed because I'm not sure how they should work.
- You must be capable of giving an adequate reply for the mods you refuse. Being someone new should not mean you can refuse with a simple "no" or with a math problem to any mod at all. For those people who are unable to properly reply to a specific mod, they should be warned and/or penalized somehow by our queue in the future. No explanation for the mods you don't apply = no more mods.
- Separate mods into different sections. With this I want to (if possible) create spoilerboxes in the main thread/post if X person's post was about Timing / Mod / Question type of request in order to maintain the queue more organized.
- The mapset must be completed. Actually being very important, please do comment about this.
- Post your own map. Should be obligatory, to my point of view.
Thank you all so much for reading until the very bottom, I really appreciate the initiative ztrot and HR88 had even if it wasn't received as they were expecting. Hope all of you can have a wonderful day and keep on working like you've always done, great job so far everyone!!
EDIT 1: Everyone can ask any kind of questions, regardless of the amount of ranked maps.
EDIT 2: Make this section a whole FORUM instead of one single THREAD.