
DragonForce - Soldiers of the Wasteland [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 6 Şubat 2017 Pazartesi at 18:48:28

Artist: DragonForce
Title: Soldiers of the Wasteland
Tags: metal powermetal speedmetal rock englishrock
BPM: 200
Filesize: 9630kb
Play Time: 09:43
Difficulties Available:
  1. Tatsujin (6,4 stars, 4747 notes)
Download: DragonForce - Soldiers of the Wasteland
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Another DragonForce on Taiko. Hope you will enjoy!
Beatmap has finished till the end, open to mods.

Not enough DragonForce on Taiko guys come on! WE NEED THIS TO BE RANKED!

Special thanks to the modders!

Last Edit
Vulkin's mod.

TEAM DRAGO- *AAAAAAAaaaaaaaa* -ORCE, YEAH!1!1!1!!
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Too fast in slow motion LOL!
Shadowa Pinkman
Bunları mapte uygulamalısın
Slider Hızını 1.30'a düşürmeni öneririm,ayrıca zorluğun adını Legend yerine Tatsujin yaparsan daha hoş olur xD.
07:15:186 (351) - fix this slider, seems not snapped well
04:22:778 - green lines unsnap

00:50:263 - cymbal sound, fill finisher
00:53:113 (155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165) - kkddkdkkkkd
01:09:388 - kat
01:10:363 (328,329,330,331) - kat these
01:11:788 - kat
01:16:813 (395,398,401) - kat these
oke I stop to give your suggestion variety coloring, I wanna looking your error things (like odds alternating or.. ) seems is not had like that

actually is fun to play, but I doubt this map had whole colors ddk kdkdkdkdkdkdk dddd kkkk dd kk are mostly repeating in stream/pattern. try to make more variation pattern on repeating ddk pattern *try to make opposite pattern/differen 3plet eg: kkd(opposite) kdd dkd dkk kdk or long stream 5plet+* and more coloring on existing longstream

well, I dont have more words.. but just try to throw out dull things on this map.

Shadowa Pinkman
Bunu mapin klasöründeki dosya ile değiştirip uploadla.
Bu arada unutmuşum başını yapmayı upload etmeden önce orayı da hallediver :D
edit:tfw i'm shit tier about modding
You don't need dragonforce in then tags since it's already in the artist.

Check AIMod. You have a few unsnapped objects. Also, your SV is a little off of 1.4. You'll need to edit the .osu file to correct that. Also, your preview point isn't snapped correctly.

Your structure in the 00:49:072 - 01:08:272 section seems kind of random, like you placed notes without much thought. Compare 00:49:072 - 00:51:472 to 00:51:472 - 00:53:872. The only real difference between these two phrases is the guitar sounds towards the end (that you've mapped the stream at 00:52:672 to). Yet despite this, the latter phrase is much more dense. The stream at the end is fine, but for the rest of it you really need to be more consistent with these almost identical sounding phrases. The same thing goes for the rest of this section. Look at 01:01:822 (305,306,307,308). There's no significant difference between this and an of the prior phrases in the music, yet you've used a completely different pattern. I suggest going through this section and fixing these inconsistencies. The same goes for the similar rhythms in the following section.

The long streams in the following section (01:08:422 (374,375,376,377,378,379,380,381,382,383,384,385,386,387,388,389,390,391,392,393,394,395,396,397,398,399,400,401,402) etc) feel really out of place to me. Compared to the previous section, this one seems a lot calmer. Sure the drums are a lot more prominent, but that's just because there are no other strong sounds overpowering them. Having these long, difficult streams in a calmer section in between more intense sections which have been mapped with much less intensity flows very poorly, and feels really weird to play. I suggest changing these to simpler, shorter 1/4 and 1/2 patterns.

I see no reason to stray from the pattern you've established at 01:40:672. Remove 01:40:822 (19)? Same thing goes for the end of this section (01:43:222 (30)). The 1/4 at 01:43:822 (33,34,35) in particular is really jarring, since you've mapped to all of the similar sounds with 1/2. Having a sudden 1/4 like this with no justification in the music plays very strangely. I strongly suggest changing these patterns to be consistent with the previous patterns.

The two halves of the 01:46:672 - 02:05:872 section (01:46:672 - 01:56:272 and 01:56:272 - 02:05:872) have an almost identical rhythm, yet you've mapped them completely differently. The second half is a little more intense, so it's okay to use harder patterns there, but you've completely changed the structure, and used patterns like 01:57:622 (164,165,166,167) which don't fit with the music and are completely different from the prior half of the section. You should remap the second half of this at least to make it more consistent with the first.

I don't think the stream at 02:07:222 is appropriate here. I suggest breaking it up a little. Maybe try removing some notes to make it start at 02:08:272. The strong bass sounds come in here so I think it's the best place to start this stream.

I think it would sound really nice if you mapped more closely to the drums at 02:22:672. There are some really nice drums sounds here that I think would be really fun to play to. That said, what you already have here isn't bad so it's okay if you don't change it.

Okay so it seems like you're really overusing kd dk patterns throughout the map. I think that almost all of them are not fitting for the song. I think that you'd be best off replacing most of them with some odd-length patterns.

It seems like the second half of your first Kiai is mostly just copy-pasted from the first half. There are a few differences, I can see but for the most part, it's identical. Having consistency between the two halves is great, but copy-paste is not a good mapping technique. You should really rethink this section and try to remap it so that it's structurally consistent, but without just copying the same exact patterns.

The rest of the map seems to have similar issues to what I've already mentioned (03:01:822 (816,817,818) is the same as 01:43:822 (33,34,35), the second and final Kiai sections have the same issues as the first etc). I suggest going through the rest of the map with these suggestions in mind and seeing if you think it can be improved.
Topic Starter

Aloda wrote:

You don't need dragonforce in then tags since it's already in the artist.Fixed.

Check AIMod. You have a few unsnapped objects. Also, your SV is a little off of 1.4. You'll need to edit the .osu file to correct that. Also, your preview point isn't snapped correctly.Fixed.

Your structure in the 00:49:072 - 01:08:272 section seems kind of random, like you placed notes without much thought. Compare 00:49:072 - 00:51:472 to 00:51:472 - 00:53:872. The only real difference between these two phrases is the guitar sounds towards the end (that you've mapped the stream at 00:52:672 to). Yet despite this, the latter phrase is much more dense. The stream at the end is fine, but for the rest of it you really need to be more consistent with these almost identical sounding phrases. The same thing goes for the rest of this section. Look at 01:01:822 (305,306,307,308). Actually, most of the DragonForce songs has the exact rhythm even if the drum sounds are harmonious with the pattern "d k ddk". So i change one or two of them only, not all of them. There's no significant difference between this and an of the prior phrases in the music, yet you've used a completely different pattern. I suggest going through this section and fixing these inconsistencies. The same goes for the similar rhythms in the following section.

The long streams in the following section (01:08:422 (374,375,376,377,378,379,380,381,382,383,384,385,386,387,388,389,390,391,392,393,394,395,396,397,398,399,400,401,402) etc) feel really out of place to me. Compared to the previous section, this one seems a lot calmer. Sure the drums are a lot more prominent, but that's just because there are no other strong sounds overpowering them. Having these long, difficult streams in a calmer section in between more intense sections which have been mapped with much less intensity flows very poorly, and feels really weird to play. I suggest changing these to simpler, shorter 1/4 and 1/2 patterns. Again, i only edited this part but not changed to shorter 1/4 and 1/2 patterns. Because, the drum sounds are strong enough to keep the pattern long. For instance, this map has so many long streams which are harmonious with the drum sounds.

I see no reason to stray from the pattern you've established at 01:40:672. Remove 01:40:822 (19)? Applied. Same thing goes for the end of this section (01:43:222 (30)). Applied. The 1/4 at 01:43:822 (33,34,35) in particular is really jarring, since you've mapped to all of the similar sounds with 1/2. Having a sudden 1/4 like this with no justification in the music plays very strangely. I strongly suggest changing these patterns to be consistent with the previous patterns. You are right, applied.

The two halves of the 01:46:672 - 02:05:872 section (01:46:672 - 01:56:272 and 01:56:272 - 02:05:872) have an almost identical rhythm, yet you've mapped them completely differently. The second half is a little more intense, so it's okay to use harder patterns there, but you've completely changed the structure, and used patterns like 01:57:622 (164,165,166,167) which don't fit with the music and are completely different from the prior half of the section. You should remap the second half of this at least to make it more consistent with the first. Some parts of the 2nd section have edited,but the pattern you said ( 01:57:622 (164,165,166,167) ) is used most of the DragonForce songs even the drums don't sound like that, so i will keep some of these patterns.

I don't think the stream at 02:07:222 is appropriate here. I suggest breaking it up a little. Maybe try removing some notes to make it start at 02:08:272. The strong bass sounds come in here so I think it's the best place to start this stream. Actually, the strong drum sounds start from 02:05:872 - here. But i already cut the stream, so i didn't change this pattern.

I think it would sound really nice if you mapped more closely to the drums at 02:22:672. There are some really nice drums sounds here that I think would be really fun to play to. That said, what you already have here isn't bad so it's okay if you don't change it. You are right, i missed some of the sounds there. Edited.

Okay so it seems like you're really overusing kd dk patterns throughout the map. I think that almost all of them are not fitting for the song. I think that you'd be best off replacing most of them with some odd-length patterns.

It seems like the second half of your first Kiai is mostly just copy-pasted from the first half. There are a few differences, I can see but for the most part, it's identical. Having consistency between the two halves is great, but copy-paste is not a good mapping technique. You should really rethink this section and try to remap it so that it's structurally consistent, but without just copying the same exact patterns. Actually, a friend of mine suggested that. But you are right, there are sounds in the 2nd chorus which are different at some sections in the 1st chorus. Some of the parts have edited.

The rest of the map seems to have similar issues to what I've already mentioned (03:01:822 (816,817,818) is the same as 01:43:822 (33,34,35), the second and final Kiai sections have the same issues as the first etc). I suggest going through the rest of the map with these suggestions in mind and seeing if you think it can be improved.
Well, I didn't apply all the suggestions you said but there were helpful ones that I applied. I used some different rhythms which the song do not have because of the length of the song (well, 10 minutes long.). Thanks for your mod and stars.
Hi Here's my mod


It's long please keep this in mind for the player because there aren't a lot of 8min maps in taiko. Also map compilations and marathons aren't the same as one long 9 min song. So I think you should keep the long streams to a minimum and only use them during kai time when you feel it really stands out. I noticed when you hear the fast guitar picking in the song you like to map a long stream to it. Normally that would be fine but I don't think most players want to play 8 min map that has frequent use of 18+ note streams for 8 mins no offence. I would change the 18+ notes streams to 6 notes mini streams or change them to triple note patterns. I think the main reason why I was hesitant about this map was because it was mapped fairly correctly to the song, But, its not comfortable at all for the majority of high level players. There are plenty of examples in your map so I don't feel the need to pick out one. I understand if you don't want to give me kudos for this mod but if you map another map that's under > 6 mins and its a rank able map set ill try mod it for the other to mods you gave me.

Good luck :)
Topic Starter

IControl wrote:

Hi Here's my mod


It's long please keep this in mind for the player because there aren't a lot of 8min maps in taiko. Also map compilations and marathons aren't the same as one long 9 min song. So I think you should keep the long streams to a minimum and only use them during kai time when you feel it really stands out. I noticed when you hear the fast guitar picking in the song you like to map a long stream to it. Normally that would be fine but I don't think most players want to play 8 min map that has frequent use of 18+ note streams for 8 mins no offence. I would change the 18+ notes streams to 6 notes mini streams or change them to triple note patterns. I think the main reason why I was hesitant about this map was because it was mapped fairly correctly to the song, But, its not comfortable at all for the majority of high level players. There are plenty of examples in your map so I don't feel the need to pick out one. I understand if you don't want to give me kudos for this mod but if you map another map that's under > 6 mins and its a rank able map set ill try mod it for the other to mods you gave me.

Good luck :)
Well, players who want to play DragonForce maps are always aware of 18+ notes streams. As you can see, not most, but ALL of DragonForce taiko maps have loong streams, even including a death stream sometimes. I mean, look at the solo parts. They are always long, and if someone see a map's artist is DragonForce, they already know that they'll deal with something like that. So no, these parts you mentioned are neccesary and i will not change them. Thanks for your opinion.
Hello m4m promise


02:07:372 (260) - d 02:07:447 (261,262) - ctrl + g 02:07:672 (264) - d 02:07:747 (265) - d 02:07:822 (266) - k 02:07:972 (268) - d 02:08:047 (269) - k 02:08:197 (271) - d 02:08:272 (272) - d 02:08:347 (273) - k It could be better this way. Only if you want.

02:49:897 (720) - k
03:03:022 (814) - d
03:09:397 (854) - k
04:12:847 (1522,1523) - ctrl + g
04:13:672 (1528) - k
04:15:247 (1541,1542) - ctrl + g
Move this spinner 04:19:972 - to here: 04:20:422 - And add k 04:19:972 - Here and 04:19:972 - D (finisher) Here.
04:23:133 - This pinner end here: 04:26:133 - And you can start mapping here: 04:26:364 - You can map what you hear in the background and put an SV to lower the volume, it would be much better.
Move this note 04:40:556 (15) - To here: 04:40:095 -
04:57:172 (106) - d
04:59:364 (118,119) - ctrl + g
Make a 1/6 pattern from here 05:02:595 - Up here: 05:02:825 - And that is dddk
Put 1/4 and move this note 06:18:979 (566) - to here: 06:18:864 (566) -

The rest of the map seems fine. Good luck!
Topic Starter

JessiChan wrote:

Hello m4m promise


02:07:372 (260) - d 02:07:447 (261,262) - ctrl + g 02:07:672 (264) - d 02:07:747 (265) - d 02:07:822 (266) - k 02:07:972 (268) - d 02:08:047 (269) - k 02:08:197 (271) - d 02:08:272 (272) - d 02:08:347 (273) - k It could be better this way. Only if you want. I followed drums with vocals here, and the kat notes are at vocal sounds. Because the classical rhythm is kdddkdddkdddkddd and it just gets me bored after a while.

02:49:897 (720) - k Applied.
03:03:022 (814) - d Applied.
03:09:397 (854) - k Not sure about this one, but i'll consider making it kat later.
04:12:847 (1522,1523) - ctrl + g To keep consistency i applied the one you said before and changed the pattern as kkdkd.
04:13:672 (1528) - k Well, the next note is higher so i keep that.
04:15:247 (1541,1542) - ctrl + g I want to keep consistency. Since the first part has this pattern, i'll keep this as it is now.
Move this spinner 04:19:972 - to here: 04:20:422 - Applied And add k 04:19:972 - Here There is no sound here. and 04:19:972 - D (finisher) Here. Applied.
04:23:133 - This pinner end here: 04:26:133 - And you can start mapping here: 04:26:364 - You can map what you hear in the background and put an SV to lower the volume, it would be much better. Applied but started mapping 04:30:056 - here.
Move this note 04:40:556 (15) - To here: 04:40:095 - Applied.
04:57:172 (106) - d Applied.
04:59:364 (118,119) - ctrl + g Applied.
Make a 1/6 pattern from here 05:02:595 - There is no 1/6 sound here. Up here: 05:02:825 - And that is dddk
Put 1/4 and move this note 06:18:979 (566) - to here: 06:18:864 (566) - Actually, there is a timing fault here instead of grid snapping. So i will solve this by adding another timing point later.

The rest of the map seems fine. Good luck!
i can't mod you very well but... i can give you KDS :( sorry bro... i'll mod later but i can't right now
Topic Starter

[_Chichinya_] wrote:

i can't mod you very well but... i can give you KDS :( sorry bro... i'll mod later but i can't right now
Well, if you mod i can give kudos ^^ And thanks for the stars btw :)

00:50:272 (192) - Remove this finisher? Even though there is a strong sound here I don't feel it is necessary for it to be here.
01:01:972 - Add a don here, it feels weird to play where there is nothing here as there is a strong drum and guitar sound here.
01:14:197 (443) - Move this to 01:14:047 and change to a don as this reflects the music much better and it sounds weird to have two kkd when you've set up a pattern to be kkd k d.
02:49:072 (719) - Change this to a kat, the guitar rises in pitch here and the sound also matches in with the note at 02:49:222
For the stream starting at 03:56:272 I would suggest changing it to be more 'don' dominated, for example changing it to something like kdddkkddkdddkkd as this reflects the long drum stream you can hear by not having a don stream (If that makes sense ;w;)
04:06:772 (1488,1489,1490,1491,1492) - Since you are using kats to emphasise the guitar after this point, I would suggest changing this part to be ddddk, so that it emphasises the guitar more.
04:23:133 (1) - I would suggest moving this 1/2 a beat back as I don't think it suits the music having it start at 04:23:133
05:02:595 - Add a don here, it feels very weird to play a dk here as opposed to a ddk
05:54:441 (474) - Change this to a don, it seems really confusing to establish a pattern of dddk and then suddenly use ddkk here when the sound is basically the same.
05:54:748 (476) - I would remove the finisher on this note as it gives more emphasis on the next note which is long and strong.
The part starting from 06:04:210 is so awkward to play, the sudden 1/6's here seem so weird to play. They fit the music, yes, but it feels so sudden as all you've been using before this are 1/6 dddk. I would definitely suggest changing this just to fit the guitar like you have been doing before so that it doesn't ruin the pattern you've already made.

Good Luck ~!!!
Topic Starter

Ceryuia wrote:


00:50:272 (192) - Remove this finisher? Even though there is a strong sound here I don't feel it is necessary for it to be here. Actually, that was Surono's idea. But applied, yours makes more sense.
01:01:972 - Add a don here, it feels weird to play where there is nothing here as there is a strong drum and guitar sound here. Applied.
01:14:197 (443) - Move this to 01:14:047 and change to a don as this reflects the music much better and it sounds weird to have two kkd when you've set up a pattern to be kkd k d. Good idea, applied.
02:49:072 (719) - Change this to a kat, the guitar rises in pitch here and the sound also matches in with the note at 02:49:222 Makes sense, applied.
For the stream starting at 03:56:272 I would suggest changing it to be more 'don' dominated, for example changing it to something like kdddkkddkdddkkd as this reflects the long drum stream you can hear by not having a don stream (If that makes sense ;w;) Actually, there are same drum attacks at different places in this song but you know, the song is long so i used some different patterns to give some variety.
04:06:772 (1488,1489,1490,1491,1492) - Since you are using kats to emphasise the guitar after this point, I would suggest changing this part to be ddddk, so that it emphasises the guitar more. Actually i followed the drum sounds here and i hear 4 snare sounds which matches perfectly with kat sounds.
04:23:133 (1) - I would suggest moving this 1/2 a beat back as I don't think it suits the music having it start at 04:23:133 Applied.
05:02:595 - Add a don here, it feels very weird to play a dk here as opposed to a ddk The reason I didn't put a don here is there is no kick sound there actually.
05:54:441 (474) - Change this to a don, it seems really confusing to establish a pattern of dddk and then suddenly use ddkk here when the sound is basically the same. I noticed it earlier. So, applied.
05:54:748 (476) - I would remove the finisher on this note as it gives more emphasis on the next note which is long and strong. There is a strong cymbal that makes a finisher neccessary imo.
The part starting from 06:04:210 is so awkward to play, the sudden 1/6's here seem so weird to play. They fit the music, yes, but it feels so sudden as all you've been using before this are 1/6 dddk. I would definitely suggest changing this just to fit the guitar like you have been doing before so that it doesn't ruin the pattern you've already made. It was filled full 1/6 notes before and it wasn't good. But like this, I think these patterns give some variety to the song and it matches perfectly with the drum attack like you said.

Good Luck ~!!! Thank you! This mod is really helpful~
Beatmap updated.
Edit: Thanks for the star!
omg this song is so cool dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyum

btw shouldnt you be using OD=7?
  1. you could move the offset to here 00:10:672 - since theres nothing mapped since there lol
  2. 02:27:097 - you could move this to 02:27:172 - (or maybe keep it as is, as i suspect you made this pattern *kd dk* just for variations, otherwise it would be just some sequences of ddk d k ddk d k) and same at 02:36:697 -
  3. 02:43:072 - change it to d, has the same drum sound as 02:43:372 - and the following don
  4. optional: you could add a d here 02:44:197 - or change 02:44:047 (677) - to k , or do both lol
  5. 02:50:647 - maybe add d
  6. 03:00:322 - k < 03:02:722 - same here
  7. 04:13:447 - add d
  8. 04:42:864 - ^ ?
  9. 07:34:167 - ^ ?
  10. 08:45:867 (926,927,928,929,930,931,932,933) - Ctrl+g maybe? (so it turns into kdkdkdkdkkdkdkdkddkd... )
  11. 09:34:767 - add note , even here 09:35:217 - optional, but you could place a k here
  12. VERY IMPORTANT : 09:41:892 - from here it starts to desync, maybe its something with timing, im a disaster with timing so i cant help, but i suggest that you take some time to fix it as 09:43:392 (1476) - feels way out of rhythm

y ea ea aey yea y
ay yea yea
y yea

Hope it helps, theres not much to point out as the streams looks very nice
teach me how to map streams someday
Good luck!
Topic Starter

-TheHateD- wrote:

omg this song is so cool dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyum

btw shouldnt you be using OD=7? Well, OD=6.5 is better. Changed to 6.5
  1. you could move the offset to here 00:10:672 - since theres nothing mapped since there lol Yeah, makes sense. Changed.
  2. 02:27:097 - you could move this to 02:27:172 - (or maybe keep it as is, as i suspect you made this pattern *kd dk* just for variations, otherwise it would be just some sequences of ddk d k ddk d k) and same at 02:36:697 - Yeah, since this map is too long, it needs some variations to not boring to play ^^
  3. 02:43:072 - change it to d, has the same drum sound as 02:43:372 - and the following don Actually, the pattern you said is full of snare sounds which goes well with kkkkkkkkk but monostreams will be boring. And to keep consistency, changed to d.
  4. optional: you could add a d here 02:44:197 - or change 02:44:047 (677) - to k , or do both lol Added don to 02:44:197.
  5. 02:50:647 - maybe add d Hmm. Not sure about this one. Because i followed the guitar sound since this section is some kind of middle solo. But i will consider it later, if other modders say so.
  6. 03:00:322 - k < 03:02:722 - same here Nope. There is no drum sound.
  7. 04:13:447 - add d Mentioned about that at 02:50:648.
  8. 04:42:864 - ^ ? Yeah, why not? I added some notes elsewhere. Added don.
  9. 07:34:167 - ^ ? Added.
  10. 08:45:867 (926,927,928,929,930,931,932,933) - Ctrl+g maybe? (so it turns into kdkdkdkdkkdkdkdkddkd... ) That would confuse the player. And also, that pattern is harmonious with drums.
  11. 09:34:767 - add note , even here 09:35:217 - optional, but you could place a k here To keep consistency with other similiar parts, i won't add notes to these sections.
  12. VERY IMPORTANT : 09:41:892 - from here it starts to desync, maybe its something with timing, im a disaster with timing so i cant help, but i suggest that you take some time to fix it as 09:43:392 (1476) - feels way out of rhythm I've gotta say, nice catch. Never thought that the last notes are out of time. Added 09:41:592 - 195 bpm red timing section to fix this.

y ea ea aey yea y
ay yea yea
y yea

Hope it helps, theres not much to point out as the streams looks very nice Thank you!
teach me how to map streams someday
Good luck! It was a nice mod, and thanks!
Hi o/
M4M as request :)

[ Tatsujin]

  1. Check the song's file, you have one more mp3 file.
  2. I think you can make a bit different between 00:10:672 - ~00:19:672 - and 00:20:272 - ~00:24:472 - .The range of guitar is higher on later one. if you agree this, 00:25:072 - ~00:29:272 - also needs to be fixed.
  3. The background music becomes vigorous on 00:39:472 - ~00:46:672 - compare with 00:29:872 - ~00:39:472 - ,I think the notes density on 00:29:872 - ~00:39:472 -should be lower than 00:39:472 - ~00:46:672 -
  4. Due to the structure on 00:49:072 - is 1/2 d k d k ...., so reverse the notes on 00:48:847 (180,181) - would make the pattern more smooth.
  5. 00:52:447 (212) - ,00:52:747 (215) - and 00:52:897 (217) - could be removed in order to emphasize the background music like you did on 00:50:122 (191,192,193) - .
  6. The instrument is much more clear on 00:56:872 (257,258,259,260) - compare with 00:56:497 (253) - ,so i think move 00:56:497 (253) - to 00:56:947 - and change 00:56:872 (257) - to k would be better imo
  7. 01:06:472 (355,356,357,358,359) - ^
  8. ddkkddkk... spam on 00:57:472 - is not really a good choice for this kind of song maybe change 00:57:697 (265,266,267,268,269,270) - to dkkddk would be more strong like the song's characteristic.
  9. 01:02:272 - ~01:03:472 - same as above
  10. 01:24:322 (567,568,569,570,571,572,573) - same as above, try ddkdddk
  11. Although follow the drum fully is not bad on 01:37:072 - ~ 01:43:972 - , I think it still have improvement to make this part more fun, try this
  12. 02:59:872 - ~03:05:572 - ^
  13. 01:48:172 (62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69) - I think make similar structure with 01:46:972 (51,52,53,54,55,56,57) - would be better
  14. 02:05:872 - ~02:10:672 -due to the vocal is on long tone on 02:06:022 (246,247,248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255,256,257,258) - ,but I feel you did very well on 02:08:572 - ~02:10:522 - so I think you may follow the drum and vocal more precisely like this
  15. 03:28:672 - ~03:33:472 - ^
  16. 02:14:572 (346,347,348,349,350,351,352,353,354,355,356) - try to change them to kdkkddkdkkd to make consistent with 02:13:522 (333,334,335,336,337) -
  17. 02:15:472 - ~02:23:722 - well done!
  18. 02:34:072 (573,574,575,576,577,578,579) - try to make similar pattern with 02:24:472 (474,475,476,477,478,479,480) -
  19. the structure on 02:43:072 (664,665,666,667,668,669,670,671,672,673,674,675,676,677,678,679,680) - conflict to 02:41:872 (651,652,653,654,655,656,657,658,659) - ,maybe using similar structure would be better imo
  20. Consider you follow the guitar's pitch on 02:44:872 (685) - , you can reverse 02:45:247 (689,690) - .
  21. You could add notes on 02:46:147 - and 02:46:597 - to follow the guitar
  22. 02:50:422 - ~02:51:472 - ^
  23. 03:06:922 (856) - move to 03:07:522 - and 03:08:197 (862) - move to 03:07:597 - to make consistent with former part
  24. 03:13:672 (915,916,917,918,919,920,921) - how about dkddkkd? it would be more fit the drum and vocal
  25. I think move 03:12:097 (901) - to 03:12:172 - would be more fit the drum.
  26. 03:15:097 (931) - ^
  27. 03:24:622 (1020,1021,1022,1023) - ^
  28. 03:28:072 (1055,1056,1057,1058,1059,1060,1061) - try to make similar pattern with 02:05:272 (238,239,240,241,242,243,244) -
  29. 03:46:822 (1284,1285,1286,1287,1288,1289,1290,1291,1292,1293,1294,1295,1296) - trying ddkdkkddkdkkd, to make better flow with 03:46:672 (1283) -
  30. the density on 04:30:056 - ~04:37:441 - is a bit high for calm part, try this
  31. 04:37:441 - ~05:06:979 - this part's density also too high imo. try to make some break, you can add break by following the background music like this
  32. 07:05:892 (266,267,268) - kdk would be more fit the guitar imo
  33. 07:12:942 (342,343,344,345,346,347,348,349) - could add some notes like this
  34. 07:15:942 - ~07:17:892 - could add notes to follow drum like this
  35. 07:18:792 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ^
  36. 07:21:192 - ~07:33:192 - This part focus too much on guitar, trying to follow drum would be more better imo.
  37. 07:33:567 (140) - move to 07:33:417 - and change 07:33:792 (142,143,144,145) - to ddkdkkd and remove 07:34:317 (146) - .It would be more fit the guitar
  38. 07:35:592 - ~07:36:792 - ^
  39. 08:00:792 - ~08:01:992 - should use 1/4 stream to connect the upcoming stream like this
  40. 08:25:392 (713,714,715,716) - ^
  41. 08:29:592 - ~08:30:642 - could use 1/4 stream to follow drum
  42. 08:30:792 - ~08:34:392 - you may follow drum like use did on former part
Some parts you follow drum pretty well, but you focus on guitar too much on guitar solo part.
Good Luck! :)
Topic Starter

qoot8123 wrote:

Hi o/
M4M as request :)

[ Tatsujin]

  1. Check the song's file, you have one more mp3 file. Fixed.
  2. I think you can make a bit different between 00:10:672 - ~00:19:672 - and 00:20:272 - ~00:24:472 - .The range of guitar is higher on later one. if you agree this, 00:25:072 - ~00:29:272 - also needs to be fixed. Agreed on the 2nd part. The others follow the guitar perfectly ex: if note goes high it's have a kat, otherwise it has don. But 2nd part is changed a bit.
  3. The background music becomes vigorous on 00:39:472 - ~00:46:672 - compare with 00:29:872 - ~00:39:472 - ,I think the notes density on 00:29:872 - ~00:39:472 -should be lower than 00:39:472 - ~00:46:672 - Mainly followed the idea. Deleting notes at the first part you said makes the notes very spaced-out so i fill the 2nd part with 1/2 notes.
  4. Due to the structure on 00:49:072 - is 1/2 d k d k ...., so reverse the notes on 00:48:847 (180,181) - would make the pattern more smooth. Applied.
  5. 00:52:447 (212) - ,00:52:747 (215) - and 00:52:897 (217) - could be removed in order to emphasize the background music like you did on 00:50:122 (191,192,193) - . The first one is actually for variety but deleting it makes sense. But, the 2nd and 3rd ones are actually following the guitar sounds which are higher than normal.
  6. The instrument is much more clear on 00:56:872 (257,258,259,260) - compare with 00:56:497 (253) - ,so i think move 00:56:497 (253) - to 00:56:947 - and change 00:56:872 (257) - to k would be better imo Sounded good, applied.
  7. 01:06:472 (355,356,357,358,359) - ^ Didn't get it what you point because if it is the one above, they are totally different.
  8. ddkkddkk... spam on 00:57:472 - is not really a good choice for this kind of song maybe change 00:57:697 (265,266,267,268,269,270) - to dkkddk would be more strong like the song's characteristic. Good idea, changed.
  9. 01:02:272 - ~01:03:472 - same as above Changed and reversed.
  10. 01:24:322 (567,568,569,570,571,572,573) - same as above, try ddkdddk Ok, changed.
  11. Although follow the drum fully is not bad on 01:37:072 - ~ 01:43:972 - , I think it still have improvement to make this part more fun, try this This part is short, and i followed the drums like you said. The harder part is starting 01:44:272 - here and that is not far away from the first note after break.
  12. 02:59:872 - ~03:05:572 - ^ ^
  13. 01:48:172 (62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69) - I think make similar structure with 01:46:972 (51,52,53,54,55,56,57) - would be better This song is long, and it needs some variety. Because of that, i emphasied the vocals at some parts, like you mentioned about.
  14. 02:05:872 - ~02:10:672 -due to the vocal is on long tone on 02:06:022 (246,247,248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255,256,257,258) - ,but I feel you did very well on 02:08:572 - ~02:10:522 - so I think you may follow the drum and vocal more precisely like this
  15. 03:28:672 - ~03:33:472 - ^
  16. 02:14:572 (346,347,348,349,350,351,352,353,354,355,356) - try to change them to kdkkddkdkkd to make consistent with 02:13:522 (333,334,335,336,337) - That part is following drums.
  17. 02:15:472 - ~02:23:722 - well done!
  18. 02:34:072 (573,574,575,576,577,578,579) - try to make similar pattern with 02:24:472 (474,475,476,477,478,479,480) - The drum attack is way different than ddddkkk. So i keep it as it is now.
  19. the structure on 02:43:072 (664,665,666,667,668,669,670,671,672,673,674,675,676,677,678,679,680) - conflict to 02:41:872 (651,652,653,654,655,656,657,658,659) - ,maybe using similar structure would be better imo Snare sounds will go perfectly with kats. And 02:41:872 (651,652,653,654,655,656,657,658,659) - this part has a classical drum rhythm and the pattern is emphasizing the vocals. But 02:43:072 (664,665,666,667,668,669,670,671,672,673,674,675,676,677,678,679,680) - this one is actually emphasizing the drums.
  20. Consider you follow the guitar's pitch on 02:44:872 (685) - , you can reverse 02:45:247 (689,690) - . 02:45:247 (689) - This one is lower than 02:45:322 (690) - this one so instead of swapping, i changed 02:45:097 (687) - this to kat because this note is higher than all.
  21. You could add notes on 02:46:147 - and 02:46:597 - to follow the guitar Actually, there are no guitar sounds there.
  22. 02:50:422 - ~02:51:472 - ^ ^
  23. 03:06:922 (856) - move to 03:07:522 - There is a solid kick sound. and 03:08:197 (862) - move to 03:07:597 - to make consistent with former part This one is on a kick sound too.
  24. 03:13:672 (915,916,917,918,919,920,921) - how about dkddkkd? it would be more fit the drum and vocal Good idea, applied.
  25. I think move 03:12:097 (901) - to 03:12:172 - would be more fit the drum. Applied.
  26. 03:15:097 (931) - ^ Applied.
  27. 03:24:622 (1020,1021,1022,1023) - ^ Applied.
  28. 03:28:072 (1055,1056,1057,1058,1059,1060,1061) - try to make similar pattern with 02:05:272 (238,239,240,241,242,243,244) - Applied.
  29. 03:46:822 (1284,1285,1286,1287,1288,1289,1290,1291,1292,1293,1294,1295,1296) - trying ddkdkkddkdkkd, to make better flow with 03:46:672 (1283) - This drum attack is full of snares, so a pattern with kats more than dons like this one is sounding better imo.
  30. the density on 04:30:056 - ~04:37:441 - is a bit high for calm part, try this Deleted some notes instead.
  31. 04:37:441 - ~05:06:979 - this part's density also too high imo. try to make some break, you can add break by following the background music like this Some of them applied.
  32. 07:05:892 (266,267,268) - kdk would be more fit the guitar imo Good idea, changed.
  33. 07:12:942 (342,343,344,345,346,347,348,349) - could add some notes like this I thought about make them 1/8 doubles as in Road of Resistance but for this song they are too much. And the patterns are following guitar perfectly, hence this part is the guitar solo.
  34. 07:15:942 - ~07:17:892 - could add notes to follow drum like this Sounds good, changed.
  35. 07:18:792 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ^ Well, this part is better for the sake of the guitar.
  36. 07:21:192 - ~07:33:192 - This part focus too much on guitar, trying to follow drum would be more better imo. Yeah well, i know the solo is long but this is the best part of it. I don't wanna change these patterns :D
  37. 07:33:567 (140) - move to 07:33:417 - and change 07:33:792 (142,143,144,145) - to ddkdkkd and remove 07:34:317 (146) - .It would be more fit the guitar Some of them applied. And the 2nd part is changed since the sounds are the same.
  38. 07:35:592 - ~07:36:792 - ^
  39. 08:00:792 - ~08:01:992 - should use 1/4 stream to connect the upcoming stream like this I followed the keyboard sounds here and they are 1/3.
  40. 08:25:392 (713,714,715,716) - ^ Sorry, didn't understand what you are referring to.
  41. 08:29:592 - ~08:30:642 - could use 1/4 stream to follow drum Thought about that, but following the guitar is better i think.
  42. 08:30:792 - ~08:34:392 - you may follow drum like use did on former part Added some notes referring to drum sounds.
Some parts you follow drum pretty well, but you focus on guitar too much on guitar solo part.
Good Luck! :) Thank you! And thanks for this beautiful mod too ^^ Thanks for the star aswell ~

modmod on the only diff here
00:34:672 (114) - a kat here plays better (it follows the same kkdk patterns in 00:35:872 (120,121,122,123) - and 00:37:072 (126,127,128,129) - also it has a similar sound as the following note 00:34:822 (115) - )
00:39:472 (136) - and 00:44:272 (165) - same as above
In my opinion the following 2 streams are a bit weird to play (mostly the second one)
01:10:822 (418,419,420,421,422,423,424,425,426,427,428,429,430,431,432,433,434,435,436,437,438,439,440,441,442,443,444,445,446) -
01:18:022 (497,498,499,500,501,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509,510,511,512,513,514,515,516,517,518,519,520,521,522,523,524,525,526,527,528,529,530,531,532,533,534,535,536,537,538,539,540,541,542,543,544,545,546,547,548,549,550,551,552,553,554,555,556,557) -
02:43:072 (664,665,666,667,668,669,670,671,672,673,674,675,676,677,678,679,680) - also weird to play (the kkk patterns in the middle of the stream to be more exact)
02:47:422 (706,707,708,709,710) - this sounds better with a kat at the end (kdkkk?) if you agree, do the same on similar parts
02:48:472 (715,716,717,718,719,720,721,722) - you could do a whole stream in this part since there is a drum sound here 02:48:697 - sth like kdddkkddk
02:49:072 (722) - could change to kat the same way you did here 02:44:272 (680) - where there's a similar guitar note
02:49:822 (728,729,730,731,732) - also sounds better with a kat at the end (kkddk?) if agree do the same on similar parts
02:52:222 (748,749,750,751,752) - kat at the end (kkddk? so the handswitch to the following stream isn't as weird as finishing the pattern with 2 kats)
03:13:672 (915,916,917,918,919,920,921) - I'd recommend changing to a simpler ddkkddk or kkddkkd pattern since it follows the vocals nicely and the current pattern really breaks the flow of this part
03:16:822 (946) - change to a kat, 03:16:897 (947) - delete, 03:16:972 (948) - change to a don and 03:17:047 - add a don. This will keep the flow of the kats in the red line and will cover the drum sound at 03:17:047 -
03:18:172 (957,958,959) - change to dkk or ddk. The missing kat at the red line really breaks the rhythm here (sorry for repeating that)
03:23:722 (1013) - katkat
03:27:622 (1049,1050) - ctrl+g makes this sound better (kat at red line thing) and the stream plays so much better xD
03:30:922 (1089,1090,1092,1093) - ctrl+g same reason as above
03:42:397 (1227) - change to kat. the ddddd being the only "5 same note" part in the middle of the stream (the other one is at the end) makes that part weird to play. Also, changing this would make this part similar to 03:39:772 (1192,1193,1194,1195,1196,1197,1198,1199) - , 03:40:972 (1208,1209,1210,1211,1212,1213,1214,1215) - , 03:43:372 (1240,1241,1242,1243,1244,1245,1246,1247) - and 03:44:572 (1256,1257,1258,1259,1260,1261,1262,1263) - which are all in the same stream.
03:46:822 (1284,1285,1286,1287,1288,1289,1290,1291,1292,1293,1294,1295,1296) - I'd recomend changing a bit since the 2 kkk pattern in the middle of the stream make it hard and strange to play. 03:47:347 (1291) - changing to don might fix this.
to be honest (for me) most of the streams at the end are fine fine except:
07:23:667 (48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77) - this part is really hard to listen to (and map too) and a kddkddk/dkkdkkd pattern really doesnt help here. Try to keep to more basic patterns;
07:58:192 (415,416,417,418,419,420) - Recomend changing something since this is really hard to play;
08:45:192 (924,925,926,927,928,929,930,931,932,933,934,935,936,937,938,939,940,941,942,943,944,945,946,947,948,949,950,951,952,953,954,955) - Recomend finishing the kdkdkdkdkd... pattern earlier since this long one is unexpected and might make may people miss (I don't know if it's intentional)

sorrysorrysorry for late mod.
don't hate me :c
Topic Starter

Marm wrote:


modmod on the only diff here
00:34:672 (114) - a kat here plays better (it follows the same kkdk patterns in 00:35:872 (120,121,122,123) - and 00:37:072 (126,127,128,129) - also it has a similar sound as the following note 00:34:822 (115) - ) I mapped this section based on the guitar sound and the don one is lower than the kat ones. So im keeping it.
00:39:472 (136) - and 00:44:272 (165) - same as above Same as above.
In my opinion the following 2 streams are a bit weird to play (mostly the second one) Both of them are mapped based on the drum sounds and the drum sounds are constant at these 2 sections.
01:10:822 (418,419,420,421,422,423,424,425,426,427,428,429,430,431,432,433,434,435,436,437,438,439,440,441,442,443,444,445,446) -
01:18:022 (497,498,499,500,501,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509,510,511,512,513,514,515,516,517,518,519,520,521,522,523,524,525,526,527,528,529,530,531,532,533,534,535,536,537,538,539,540,541,542,543,544,545,546,547,548,549,550,551,552,553,554,555,556,557) -
02:43:072 (664,665,666,667,668,669,670,671,672,673,674,675,676,677,678,679,680) - also weird to play (the kkk patterns in the middle of the stream to be more exact) Tried kkkdkkkdkkkd instead but it didnt work. The kats have to be more than dons because the snare sounds and this is the only way that sounds good in my opinion.
02:47:422 (706,707,708,709,710) - this sounds better with a kat at the end (kdkkk?) if you agree, do the same on similar parts I know the sounds are exactly the same but i put those streams to give some variety.
02:48:472 (715,716,717,718,719,720,721,722) - you could do a whole stream in this part since there is a drum sound here 02:48:697 - sth like kdddkkddk Changed to kkkkdddd instead. Because the first 4 sounds are snares.
02:49:072 (722) - could change to kat the same way you did here 02:44:272 (680) - where there's a similar guitar note Again, for variety.
02:49:822 (728,729,730,731,732) - also sounds better with a kat at the end (kkddk?) if agree do the same on similar parts Again, for variety.
02:52:222 (748,749,750,751,752) - kat at the end (kkddk? so the handswitch to the following stream isn't as weird as finishing the pattern with 2 kats) Good idea. Applied to the others too.
03:13:672 (915,916,917,918,919,920,921) - I'd recommend changing to a simpler ddkkddk or kkddkkd pattern since it follows the vocals nicely and the current pattern really breaks the flow of this part Actually, it is following drums and vocals together.
03:16:822 (946) - change to a kat, 03:16:897 (947) - delete, 03:16:972 (948) - change to a don and 03:17:047 - add a don. This will keep the flow of the kats in the red line and will cover the drum sound at 03:17:047 - Added don only.
03:18:172 (957,958,959) - change to dkk or ddk. The missing kat at the red line really breaks the rhythm here (sorry for repeating that) Applied.
03:23:722 (1013) - katkat It's better as it is now.
03:27:622 (1049,1050) - ctrl+g makes this sound better (kat at red line thing) and the stream plays so much better xD This one is for variety actually.
03:30:922 (1089,1090,1092,1093) - ctrl+g same reason as above ^
03:42:397 (1227) - change to kat. the ddddd being the only "5 same note" part in the middle of the stream (the other one is at the end) makes that part weird to play. Also, changing this would make this part similar to 03:39:772 (1192,1193,1194,1195,1196,1197,1198,1199) - , 03:40:972 (1208,1209,1210,1211,1212,1213,1214,1215) - , 03:43:372 (1240,1241,1242,1243,1244,1245,1246,1247) - and 03:44:572 (1256,1257,1258,1259,1260,1261,1262,1263) - which are all in the same stream. This part is following drums and vocals together perfectly. I'll keep these ones.
03:46:822 (1284,1285,1286,1287,1288,1289,1290,1291,1292,1293,1294,1295,1296) - I'd recomend changing a bit since the 2 kkk pattern in the middle of the stream make it hard and strange to play. 03:47:347 (1291) - changing to don might fix this. There is a snare sound in 03:47:347 so im keeping it.
to be honest (for me) most of the streams at the end are fine fine except:
07:23:667 (48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77) - this part is really hard to listen to (and map too) and a kddkddk/dkkdkkd pattern really doesnt help here. Try to keep to more basic patterns; Nope, this stream is following guitar.
07:58:192 (415,416,417,418,419,420) - Recomend changing something since this is really hard to play; Most of the songs have 1/4 1/3 mixed and the keyboard sounds are the main reason that I mapped that section like this.
08:45:192 (924,925,926,927,928,929,930,931,932,933,934,935,936,937,938,939,940,941,942,943,944,945,946,947,948,949,950,951,952,953,954,955) - Recomend finishing the kdkdkdkdkd... pattern earlier since this long one is unexpected and might make may people miss (I don't know if it's intentional) About 2 months ago, the entire map has this pattern but now there is the only one that has this pattern. And it follows the guitar & vocal together so no im not changing it.

sorrysorrysorry for late mod. No problem :)
don't hate me :c
allright, final mod from queue, then closing it because i wanna focus in other stuff so yea :c
thanks for using our services :^)

00:22:222 (55,57) - Make these k to make difference between pitch from that and 00:17:272 - this
00:33:772 (110) - make this d, has lower pitch than 00:33:472 (109,111) - those two
00:38:572 (132) - ^
00:43:372 (157) - ^
01:16:672 - Im no good at streams, but i would suggest kkddkddkddkkdkk or similar?
04:06:922 (1500,1501) - make these d so theres not that many k in there
04:07:672 (1507) - ^
04:30:056 - i dont know anything about volume control, but isnt this a bit too low? 30 should work

Welp i cant find that much, its pretty good
Good luck!
Topic Starter

Vulkin wrote:

allright, final mod from queue, then closing it because i wanna focus in other stuff so yea :c
thanks for using our services :^)

00:22:222 (55,57) - Make these k to make difference between pitch from that and 00:17:272 - this Not really, kdddk fits the sounds which are going like high low low low high.
00:33:772 (110) - make this d, has lower pitch than 00:33:472 (109,111) - those two Applied 3 of them.
00:38:572 (132) - ^
00:43:372 (157) - ^
01:16:672 - Im no good at streams, but i would suggest kkddkddkddkkdkk or similar? It sounds good to me
04:06:922 (1500,1501) - make these d so theres not that many k in there Intentional, there are 4 snare sounds. The last one is a k because of consistency.
04:07:672 (1507) - ^ Sounds good, applied to the others too.
04:30:056 - i dont know anything about volume control, but isnt this a bit too low? 30 should work The hitsounds are hearable, 30 is much for this section.

Welp i cant find that much, its pretty good Thanks!
Good luck! Thank you for your mod :D
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