
Ceui - Giniro, Haruka

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  1. One more Think, the map exactly need Video?
  2. remove unused Greenline like This and This
  1. If you know Easy and normal Require End of spinner need 3 or 4 White tick. 00:29:256 (1) - 02:10:506 (1) - Fix it
  2. 00:11:092 (4) - 00:24:452 (2) - 00:55:389 (2) - 01:02:186 (2) - 01:06:874 (3) - 01:19:999 (1) - 01:27:499 (1) - 01:44:374 (4) - 01:45:780 (6,1) - 01:57:499 (1) - No Overlap.
  1. 00:41:092 (2) - no stack ?

00:25:155 (3) - DS気になった

01:22:811 (3) - (4)にStackした方が音的にも合うしやりやすいと思いました。


らんく頑張って :D
Topic Starter

_ Hatsune Miku wrote:

  1. One more Think, the map exactly need Video?
  2. remove unused Greenline like This and This
    Because this is not unrankable, I want to leave you unattended, tbh Very troublesome
  1. If you know Easy and normal Require End of spinner need 3 or 4 White tick. 00:29:256 (1) - 02:10:506 (1) - Fix it
    I do not know such a Ranking_Criteria rule. Can you show it?
    Easy the distance between spinner and Note least 4 beats, 1500ms, Normal 2beat 750ms, This does not have any problem
  2. 00:11:092 (4) - 00:24:452 (2) - 00:55:389 (2) - 01:02:186 (2) - 01:06:874 (3) - 01:19:999 (1) - 01:27:499 (1) - 01:44:374 (4) - 01:45:780 (6,1) - 01:57:499 (1) - No Overlap.
    no problem
  1. 00:41:092 (2) - no stack ?
    no, 1/1 beat here stack better
I cannot give you Kudosu, but maybe your new mapper. I see your map, i will mod it :!:

-Maruk- wrote:


00:25:155 (3) - DS気になった

01:22:811 (3) - (4)にStackした方が音的にも合うしやりやすいと思いました。


らんく頑張って :D

ビデオマジ神、両方直しといた!ありがとう :)
Your req.

  1. ちょと開始早くない?LeadIn足した方が良さげ
moon snow

  1. 00:14:608 (2) - whでなくfinishの方が合ってそ
  2. 01:16:483 (1) - ncいらなくない?
  3. 01:18:827 (1) - ^
  4. 01:37:811 (1) - ~ 01:42:381 (3) - 必要以上のnc数じゃない?こんなにいらないと思う
  5. 02:12:264 - この緑線いる?なんだが5%で終わらせる為に無理矢理1/2にぶっこんだ感。まーあっても問題ないんだろうけどspinne開始を40%ですればいいような気がする

  1. 01:38:749 (1,1,1) - この3つ音似てるので間隔をもう少し揃えた方が良いかも。このフレーズでの他のnotesは結構広い間隔なんで少なくともそれ以上はほしいと思いますた

  1. 00:44:374 (1,2,3,4) - hardで2回の往復stackはいかがなものかと。01:33:124 (1,2,3,4) - な感じがgood
  2. 01:12:499 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - なんか流れが急ぽい。緩やかな流れがほしい。01:13:670 (4,5,6) - を移動させると良いと思う
  3. 01:37:811 (1,2) - 妙に間隔離れてね?っとオモタ
  4. 01:52:576 (3,4,5,6) - 2往復stack

  1. 00:08:749 (1) - (2)への流れが少し微妙。だけどこれは多分好み。気に入らないならスルーで
  2. 00:36:874 (1,2,3) - これも好みで検討。素直に配置し過ぎなんでちょっとひねくれちゃいなyo! 次のntesの00:38:749 (1,2) - に似てる感
  3. 01:45:780 (6,1) - normalでこのoverlapはやばない?w
  4. 01:51:405 (4) - カーブは谷より山の方が良さげ

  1. 01:15:077 (1,2,3) - うまい事綺麗な配置ししない?例えばこんなのとか
Topic Starter

kunka wrote:

Your req.

  1. ちょと開始早くない?LeadIn足した方が良さげ
moon snow

  1. 00:14:608 (2) - whでなくfinishの方が合ってそ
  2. 01:16:483 (1) - ncいらなくない?
  3. 01:18:827 (1) - ^
  4. 01:37:811 (1) - ~ 01:42:381 (3) - 必要以上のnc数じゃない?こんなにいらないと思う
  5. 02:12:264 - この緑線いる?なんだが5%で終わらせる為に無理矢理1/2にぶっこんだ感。まーあっても問題ないんだろうけどspinne開始を40%ですればいいような気がする
    www個人的にどうでもいいけど02:12:030 - から始まる風の音?ってかヒューーーーンって音に合わせて入れたと思われ

  1. 01:38:749 (1,1,1) - この3つ音似てるので間隔をもう少し揃えた方が良いかも。このフレーズでの他のnotesは結構広い間隔なんで少なくともそれ以上はほしいと思いますた

  1. 00:44:374 (1,2,3,4) - hardで2回の往復stackはいかがなものかと。01:33:124 (1,2,3,4) - な感じがgood
  2. 01:12:499 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - なんか流れが急ぽい。緩やかな流れがほしい。01:13:670 (4,5,6) - を移動させると良いと思う
  3. 01:37:811 (1,2) - 妙に間隔離れてね?っとオモタ
  4. 01:52:576 (3,4,5,6) - 2往復stack

  1. 00:08:749 (1) - (2)への流れが少し微妙。だけどこれは多分好み。気に入らないならスルーで
    うーん、それだと00:08:280 (4,1) - の流れがぶさいくな気がする
  2. 00:36:874 (1,2,3) - これも好みで検討。素直に配置し過ぎなんでちょっとひねくれちゃいなyo! 次のntesの00:38:749 (1,2) - に似てる感
    sliderからsliderは遊んでもいいけどそうじゃないからパート的に素直に置きたいかな00:37:811 (3,1) - このシメントリーすこだし
  3. 01:45:780 (6,1) - normalでこのoverlapはやばない?w
  4. 01:51:405 (4) - カーブは谷より山の方が良さげ
    それはないかなぁ01:51:874 (1) - これ強調したいし01:51:405 (4) - でAIM上げて叩き落とす感じのが気持ちいいと思う

  1. 01:15:077 (1,2,3) - うまい事綺麗な配置ししない?例えばこんなのとか
    いいね!01:16:483 (2,3) - かませといた!
☆もModもありがとう! :oops:
So many unused green lines on easier diffs...
Topic Starter

KuranteMelodii wrote:

So many unused green lines on easier diffs...
I am saying the same thing again、Because this is not unrankable,Or did a Ranking Criteria rule change?
I do not want to do useless work
Lily Bread
i don't know why i can't download this map....
so i will shoot you 2 stars, and i will mod it when my network is good.
Topic Starter

Lily Bread wrote:

i don't know why i can't download this map....
so i will shoot you 2 stars, and i will mod it when my network is good.
mmm,It will be why;
anyway,thanks Lily酱 :oops:
Lily Bread
i will try to practice my japanese.



00:16:952 (2) - 00:17:186 は downbeat なので、こんな感じにすればいいと思うの 

00:33:827 (3) - vocalが中断しない上に、この辺りは静かで、- 00:33:827 (3) - を一度reverseしない?

01:45:780 (6,1) - さすがにこのoverlapがやばない?初心者には難しいと

will mod other diffs when i am free.
Topic Starter

Lily Bread wrote:

i will try to practice my japanese.


00:16:952 (2) - 00:17:186 は downbeat なので、こんな感じにすればいいと思うの 
01:58:202 (2) - みたいな感じで

00:33:827 (3) - vocalが中断しない上に、この辺りは静かで、- 00:33:827 (3) - を一度reverseしない?
そこをreverseにすると00:32:420 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ずっと1/2rhythmになっちゃうから、そんな音詰めるとこじゃないかなって
00:46:952 (2,3) - ここも同じ取り方だし

01:45:780 (6,1) - さすがにこのoverlapがやばない?初心者には難しいと
will mod other diffs when i am free.
Lily Bread

00:15:780 (4) - これはどう?3連がこちにと思うの

00:27:030 (4,5,6) - ^

01:34:530 (5,6,7) - ^


[moon snow]
01:11:561 (1,2,1) - 間隔がやばいじゃない?なんだか全部1/2に見えた

01:33:827 (4) - いきなりsvを変わったら、ncが必要と思う

good luck!
Topic Starter

Lily Bread wrote:

友達に私のsurfaceを病院に連れてと頼んだ www

00:15:780 (4) - これはどう?3連がこちにと思うの

00:27:030 (4,5,6) - ^

01:34:530 (5,6,7) - ^



[moon snow]
01:11:561 (1,2,1) - 間隔がやばいじゃない?なんだか全部1/2に見えた
01:33:827 (4) - いきなりsvを変わったら、ncが必要と思う
good luck!
ほんとありがとう :oops:
Lovely song.
Ceui my angel.

If you care about video quality Xd
Topic Starter

Shad0w1and wrote:

Lovely song.
Ceui my angel.

If you care about video quality Xd
I think that now is quality only a little.
I will use it in future when file size rises

Thank you support Pro encoder :oops:
ok i'm back again... somehow, it's a "serious mod" that you mentioned .-.

[moon snow]
  1. 00:04:999 (1,3) - looks like a fishy blanket here
  2. 00:07:342 (3) - you can move it to 363|159 as the middle point of the triangle pattern. same thing as 00:08:280 (7) - as a stack
  3. 00:59:139 (4,5) - u might wanna tidy the blanket a bit
  4. 01:12:030 (2) - for the SV change like this, it's rly confusing cuz since u didn't even NC this, this will lead them thinking that this is a 1/2 slider note :/
  1. 00:04:061 (4) - try to copy paste the slider from 00:03:124 (1) - and ctrl+h it for symmetrical play
  2. 00:09:452 (2,3,4,1) - try sth like triangle pattern thingy like
  3. 01:12:030 (2) - ok, the same reason from the highest diff
Topic Starter

lit120 wrote:

ok i'm back again... somehow, it's a "serious mod" that you mentioned .-.

[moon snow]
  1. 00:04:999 (1,3) - looks like a fishy blanket here ok
  2. 00:07:342 (3) - you can move it to 363|159 as the middle point of the triangle pattern. same thing as 00:08:280 (7) - as a stack It doesn’t matter
  3. 00:59:139 (4,5) - u might wanna tidy the blanket a bit u-m fine for me
  4. 01:12:030 (2) - for the SV change like this, it's rly confusing cuz since u didn't even NC this, this will lead them thinking that this is a 1/2 slider note :/
    Because I think that intuitive, I do not need it
  1. 00:04:061 (4) - try to copy paste the slider from 00:03:124 (1) - and ctrl+h it for symmetrical play ok
  2. 00:09:452 (2,3,4,1) - try sth like triangle pattern thingy like Done
  3. 01:12:030 (2) - ok, the same reason from the highest diff ^
Thank you for modding :)
[ Escapism ]
Great Beatmap Hope It Gets Qualified Soon.
Greetings! M4M request

  1. The soft-hitclap50 is unused.I see that you're using other hitclaps except the soft-hitclap50.If you're not gonna use it, I think you have to get rid of the unused hitsound
  2. The metadata appears to be fine if you see the Artist and Title in the official video of the game
  3. I know it sounds a bit weird but why don't you enable the Widescreen Support on all diffculties?You have a video as I can see so enabling the Widescreen Support wouldn't hurt.About the video, after I saw it, even if in a scene a girl with a boy are kissing,is fine since it does not have something 'NSFW' ><
  1. 00:09:920(2)- I don't think an 1/1 slider fits really well the piano here.I suggest to short the slider to 1/2 slider and then add to it a repeat to fit much better the piano which sounds like pam PAM pam (or whatever ==).Also it wouldn't be problematic to newbie players since the BPM is low (128 BPM) and same for SV I guess
  2. 00:41:092(3,1)- Here did you intend to do a blanket?If yes, you should move (3)-'s tail to left to look like in this picture for example then, you have to move the next slider to the middle of (3)- like this I guess so the blanket will look much better than before
  3. 00:49:999(4)- Seems like you have missed a New Combo here so I think you have to add it since here really represents the restarting of the instruments and vocal plus for the sake of New Combo consistency.By the way, don't forget to remove the New Combo from 00:51:639 (1)- then
  4. 00:53:749 (3,1)- Same as I said before ^ but here you have to swap the New Combos I mean the New Combo will be on (3)- and not on (1)- anymore
  5. 01:00:311(4)- Maybe extending the tail of the slider until the 1/1 tick (01:00:780 -)? It's really obvious that the piano ends there and having the tail there will give emphasis to the piano which ends on 1/1 tick and not on 1/2 tick as I can see :P
  6. 01:04:096(1)- I don't think you need to have New Combo here because the vocal are getting instensified,not repeating and same for instruments too.You have to remove this New Combo and placing it on 01:04:999 (3)- where the vocal and instruments are repeating and the New Combo will be useful,giving emphasize to the repeating of the vocal and instruments
    01:14:374(3,1,2)- Honestly saying, I would change the rhythm here because it feels weird in my opinion in how way was the rhythm structured here.Firstly,you are ignoring the beats from 01:14:842 - and 01:15:311 - which are really stronger and they are calling for emphasis.Secondly, it would make more sense if you will start 01:15:077 (1)- from 01:15:311 - where is the stronger beat which you slighty ignored it.Starting the respective slider from there,it would emphasize the stronger beat and moreover,it would make it clickable.Also,don't forget to resnap the tail of the slider back to 1/2 tick (01:16:014-) but you have to remove the repeat before resnapping the slider back to 1/2 tick.The rhythm should be like this you should add a note on 01:14:842 - since there is another stronger beat which calls for some emphasis.If this point makes you confused, you can call me in-game to explain to you much better
  1. The first thing which is frustating me is the spacing in Normal on some points for example 00:15:077 (3,4,5)- ; 00:19:999 (1,2,3)- ; 00:20:936 (3,4,1)- and so on.The spacing feels somehow crampy here and weird since their overlapping is really smaller.I think you have to increase the spacing a bit like using 1.3x distance?I don't want to go on a higher spacing like 1.5x or 1.6x to make it an Advanced then :?
  2. 00:16:249(1,2)- Here in the way on how you structured the rhythm feels out of nowhere because the 1/1 slider and 1/2 slider are emphasizing really weird the piano in my opinion so you if you want a rhythm to be really catchy to the piano,it should look like in this picture 1/1 slider + note + 1/1 slider rhyhtm will catch really well the piano as you did with the next objects to follow the piano
  3. 00:36:874 (1,2,3)- The piano sounds a bit different here so using this kind of rhythm like in this photo would fit much better the piano and also it will be really catchy to it too
  4. 00:41:327 (1)- The New Combo isn't supposed to be here because the vocal is getting intensified and same for the instruments.The New Combo would be useful on 00:42:264 (2)- since the vocal and the instruments are getting reseted there and the New Combo will give emphasis to their reset so ou have to swap the NCs here
  5. 00:53:749(5,1)- Same as above ^
  6. 01:00:545(6)- This note can be replaced with a 1/1 slider since the piano is ending on the 1/1 tick from 01:00:780 - so having the tail of the slider there, you will give emphasis to the stronger beat from the ending of the piano,even if it is not clickable
    01:38:749(4)- Why don't you add a New Combo here?The vocal and the instruments are reseting here and a New Combo will give emphasis to their reset.Moreover,the New Combo from 01:39:686 (1)- seems kinda useless so I think you have to remove it and placing it on 01:40:624 (3)- instead
  7. 01:57:499 (1,2)- Same thing as I said for 00:16:249 (1,2)-
The higher difficulties will be modded tomorrow.It's really late here :( Continue tomorrow
Topic Starter

- [ Silver ] - wrote:

Great Beatmap Hope It Gets Qualified Soon.
Thank you :)

ByBy13 wrote:

Greetings! M4M request

  1. The soft-hitclap50 is unused.I see that you're using other hitclaps except the soft-hitclap50.If you're not gonna use it, I think you have to get rid of the unused hitsound
    omg, remove it.
  2. The metadata appears to be fine if you see the Artist and Title in the official video of the game
  3. I know it sounds a bit weird but why don't you enable the Widescreen Support on all diffculties?You have a video as I can see so enabling the Widescreen Support wouldn't hurt.About the video, after I saw it, even if in a scene a girl with a boy are kissing,is fine since it does not have something 'NSFW' ><
    Well, I think that I do not have any problem, but ask alacat later
  1. 00:09:920(2)- I don't think an 1/1 slider fits really well the piano here.I suggest to short the slider to 1/2 slider and then add to it a repeat to fit much better the piano which sounds like pam PAM pam (or whatever ==).Also it wouldn't be problematic to newbie players since the BPM is low (128 BPM) and same for SV I guess
    sure, but I do not want to use 1/2slider as much as possible in Easy :(
  2. 00:41:092(3,1)- Here did you intend to do a blanket?If yes, you should move (3)-'s tail to left to look like in this picture for example then, you have to move the next slider to the middle of (3)- like this I guess so the blanket will look much better than before
  3. 00:49:999(4)- Seems like you have missed a New Combo here so I think you have to add it since here really represents the restarting of the instruments and vocal plus for the sake of New Combo consistency.By the way, don't forget to remove the New Combo from 00:51:639 (1)- then
    wow nice catch!!! thx :)
  4. 00:53:749 (3,1)- Same as I said before ^ but here you have to swap the New Combos I mean the New Combo will be on (3)- and not on (1)- anymore
  5. 01:00:311(4)- Maybe extending the tail of the slider until the 1/1 tick (01:00:780 -)? It's really obvious that the piano ends there and having the tail there will give emphasis to the piano which ends on 1/1 tick and not on 1/2 tick as I can see :P
    I feel that it is not correct, keep it
  6. 01:04:096(1)- I don't think you need to have New Combo here because the vocal are getting instensified,not repeating and same for instruments too.You have to remove this New Combo and placing it on 01:04:999 (3)- where the vocal and instruments are repeating and the New Combo will be useful,giving emphasize to the repeating of the vocal and instruments
    sorry no, I think that balance of the NC is bad, and 01:04:999 - does not have a strong sound so as to add NC
  7. 01:14:374(3,1,2)- Honestly saying, I would change the rhythm here because it feels weird in my opinion in how way was the rhythm structured here.Firstly,you are ignoring the beats from 01:14:842 - and 01:15:311 - which are really stronger and they are calling for emphasis.Secondly, it would make more sense if you will start 01:15:077 (1)- from 01:15:311 - where is the stronger beat which you slighty ignored it.Starting the respective slider from there,it would emphasize the stronger beat and moreover,it would make it clickable.Also,don't forget to resnap the tail of the slider back to 1/2 tick (01:16:014-) but you have to remove the repeat before resnapping the slider back to 1/2 tick.The rhythm should be like this you should add a note on 01:14:842 - since there is another stronger beat which calls for some emphasis.If this point makes you confused, you can call me in-game to explain to you much better
    Very nice :oops: :oops: :oops:
  1. The first thing which is frustating me is the spacing in Normal on some points for example 00:15:077 (3,4,5)- ; 00:19:999 (1,2,3)- ; 00:20:936 (3,4,1)- and so on.The spacing feels somehow crampy here and weird since their overlapping is really smaller.I think you have to increase the spacing a bit like using 1.3x distance?I don't want to go on a higher spacing like 1.5x or 1.6x to make it an Advanced then :?
    I tried 1.3 before. but I finally SD2.0 became near, and have difficult distance in 1/1rhythm.
    The influence of Stack Leniency is strange, but does not want to surely change it very much because I think that I have nothing to do with a play
  2. 00:16:249(1,2)- Here in the way on how you structured the rhythm feels out of nowhere because the 1/1 slider and 1/2 slider are emphasizing really weird the piano in my opinion so you if you want a rhythm to be really catchy to the piano,it should look like in this picture 1/1 slider + note + 1/1 slider rhyhtm will catch really well the piano as you did with the next objects to follow the piano
    sry I think that a flute is outstanding than a piano here.
  3. 00:36:874 (1,2,3)- The piano sounds a bit different here so using this kind of rhythm like in this photo would fit much better the piano and also it will be really catchy to it too
    00:34:764 (4,1,2,3,1) - Because 1/2rhythm spreads out, I think that it is not necessary here.
  4. 00:41:327 (1)- The New Combo isn't supposed to be here because the vocal is getting intensified and same for the instruments.The New Combo would be useful on 00:42:264 (2)- since the vocal and the instruments are getting reseted there and the New Combo will give emphasis to their reset so ou have to swap the NCs here
    I follow a NC pattern here 00:34:764 (4,1) - 00:46:014 (3,1) - 00:47:889 (3,1) - 00:57:264 (6,1) -
  5. 00:53:749(5,1)- Same as above ^
    sure, fix
  6. 01:00:545(6)- This note can be replaced with a 1/1 slider since the piano is ending on the 1/1 tick from 01:00:780 - so having the tail of the slider there, you will give emphasis to the stronger beat from the ending of the piano,even if it is not clickable
    Consistency with other Diff & Because it is the section that is new from 01:01:249 - , I want a break
  7. 01:38:749(4)- Why don't you add a New Combo here?The vocal and the instruments are reseting here and a New Combo will give emphasis to their reset.Moreover,the New Combo from 01:39:686 (1)- seems kinda useless so I think you have to remove it and placing it on 01:40:624 (3)- instead
  8. 01:57:499 (1,2)- Same thing as I said for 00:16:249 (1,2)-
    ^ It is a flute here in other Diff
The higher difficulties will be modded tomorrow.It's really late here :( Continue tomorrow
Pro modder :!:
Will use easier English for understanding, can you give me metadata?


  1. 00:17:186 - Remove clap?
  2. 00:44:374 (2,3) - Better have a 3/2 spacing than mapping on nothing imo, use this rhythm?
  3. 01:04:061 (1,3) - Swap NC? Because downbeat is on 01:04:999 .
  4. 01:15:311 - Missing clap?

  1. 00:08:749 (1,2) - Can you make the flow better? It feels very uncomfortable but I can't find any good suggestion.
  2. 00:18:124 (4) - NC? For consistency with 00:21:874 (1) .
  3. 00:27:499 (1,2) - Use a 1/1 repeat slider like 02:08:749 (1) ? 00:28:202 - isn't worth clickable imo.
  4. 00:42:967 (3) - Shouldn't skip 00:43:202 so how about this rhythm?
  5. 00:43:905 - 01:01:952 - Missing whistle?
  6. 01:10:624 - Add Normal-whistle?
  7. 02:03:124 (1,2,3) - Should use a different rhythm from 01:59:374 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) because piano played differently.
  8. 02:10:389 (3) - NC?

  1. 01:39:686 (1,2) - Change to a 1/2 slider to emphasize finish like 01:38:749 (1) ?
The rest looks good, call me when you're done fixing.
Topic Starter

Electoz wrote:

Will use easier English for understanding, can you give me metadata?
Thanks :)
Meta ↓
also Changed Metadata. add space
[Giniro, Haruka]


  1. 00:17:186 - Remove clap? nice catch :)
  2. 00:44:374 (2,3) - Better have a 3/2 spacing than mapping on nothing imo, use this rhythm?
    sure lol thanks :!:
  3. 01:04:061 (1,3) - Swap NC? Because downbeat is on 01:04:999
    umm but balance of the NC has bad, I follow the Vocal
  4. 01:15:311 - Missing clap? nice~ :oops:

  1. 00:08:749 (1,2) - Can you make the flow better? It feels very uncomfortable but I can't find any good suggestion.
    Okay, change this pattern
  2. 00:18:124 (4) - NC? For consistency with 00:21:874 (1)
  3. 00:27:499 (1,2) - Use a 1/1 repeat slider like 02:08:749 (1) ? 00:28:202 - isn't worth clickable imo.
    your right, fix it
  4. 00:42:967 (3) - Shouldn't skip 00:43:202 so how about this rhythm?
    u-m, slow section here, I follow vocal
  5. 00:43:905 - 01:01:952 - Missing whistle?
    ^ Because I ignored the piano, it is not necessary
  6. 01:10:624 - Add Normal-whistle?
    nnnnnice :!: :!: :!:
  7. 02:03:124 (1,2,3) - Should use a different rhythm from 01:59:374 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) because piano played differently.
    I'm not sure, Normal thinks that consistency is important, Can you show concrete rhythm?
  8. 02:10:389 (3) - NC?
    Remove NC at 00:29:139 -

  1. 01:39:686 (1,2) - Change to a 1/2 slider to emphasize finish like 01:38:749 (1) ?
    Because I want to gradually heap up it to music, I use circle
The rest looks good, call me when you're done fixing.
Very Nice Mod
Thanks Electoz :oops:

-Nanaka- wrote:

Electoz wrote:


  1. 02:03:124 (1,2,3) - Should use a different rhythm from 01:59:374 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) because piano played differently.
    I'm not sure, Normal thinks that consistency is important, Can you show concrete rhythm?
How about this rhythm?
Also I need to confirm metadata with other people(will take a few days).
Topic Starter

Electoz wrote:


  1. 02:03:124 (1,2,3) - Should use a different rhythm from 01:59:374 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) because piano played differently.
    I'm not sure, Normal thinks that consistency is important, Can you show concrete rhythm?
How about this rhythm?
Also I need to confirm metadata with other people(will take a few days).
It is not bad, but does not want to use 1/2slider because 1/2rhythm spreads out ;;

Thank you for suggestion! I ask metadata if necessary, in QAT
I got a confirmation regarding metadata with a QAT, looks good to me~
Topic Starter
Thx Electoz (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
To Next BN : I want to do volume adjustment. Thanks

2016-10-05 23:39 Karen: 01:19:295 (1,2,3,1) - this is a bit confusing i think
2016-10-05 23:40 Karen: 01:19:764 (3,1) - this jump too kowai
2016-10-05 23:40 -Nanaka-: www
2016-10-05 23:40 -Nanaka-: Okay try Othar pattern
2016-10-05 23:40 Karen: 01:19:295 (1,2) - because this is kawaii
2016-10-05 23:40 Karen: suddenly kowai is bad bad
2016-10-05 23:41 -Nanaka-: xixi
2016-10-05 23:42 Karen: 02:09:217 (2,3) - this is evil!!
2016-10-05 23:42 Karen: 02:09:452 (3,4,5) - triple is harder then one note and it's a big big jump
2016-10-05 23:44 -Nanaka-: umm,but Because there is not that I made a miss, I want to do Keep;;
2016-10-05 23:44 Karen: ok o.o
2016-10-05 23:45 Karen: do you want to change AR on the highest diff?
2016-10-05 23:45 Karen: insane is ar8
2016-10-05 23:46 Karen: maybe try 8.5 or something else
2016-10-05 23:46 -Nanaka-: 8.2?w
2016-10-05 23:46 Karen: ok ww
2016-10-05 23:47 -Nanaka-: tbh,BPM128=8.5 so fast imo
2016-10-05 23:47 -Nanaka-: www
2016-10-05 23:47 Karen: yes
2016-10-05 23:47 Karen: ok last thing, where do you get the diffname
2016-10-05 23:47 Karen: in the game? or anywhere else
2016-10-05 23:48 Karen: since the name is kinda strange o.o
2016-10-05 23:49 -Nanaka-: My most favorite character.wwwwwwwww  雪=Snow 月=Moon
2016-10-05 23:49 -Nanaka-:
2016-10-05 23:50 Karen: wooo 雪月
2016-10-05 23:50 Karen: where is 花
2016-10-05 23:50 Karen: www
2016-10-05 23:50 Karen: ok you can update now
omedetou 7ka ^-^
おめでと :)
おめでとう! :)
gratz o/
Topic Starter

Karen wrote:


2016-10-05 23:39 Karen: 01:19:295 (1,2,3,1) - this is a bit confusing i think
2016-10-05 23:40 Karen: 01:19:764 (3,1) - this jump too kowai
2016-10-05 23:40 -Nanaka-: www
2016-10-05 23:40 -Nanaka-: Okay try Othar pattern
2016-10-05 23:40 Karen: 01:19:295 (1,2) - because this is kawaii
2016-10-05 23:40 Karen: suddenly kowai is bad bad
2016-10-05 23:41 -Nanaka-: xixi
2016-10-05 23:42 Karen: 02:09:217 (2,3) - this is evil!!
2016-10-05 23:42 Karen: 02:09:452 (3,4,5) - triple is harder then one note and it's a big big jump
2016-10-05 23:44 -Nanaka-: umm,but Because there is not that I made a miss, I want to do Keep;;
2016-10-05 23:44 Karen: ok o.o
2016-10-05 23:45 Karen: do you want to change AR on the highest diff?
2016-10-05 23:45 Karen: insane is ar8
2016-10-05 23:46 Karen: maybe try 8.5 or something else
2016-10-05 23:46 -Nanaka-: 8.2?w
2016-10-05 23:46 Karen: ok ww
2016-10-05 23:47 -Nanaka-: tbh,BPM128=8.5 so fast imo
2016-10-05 23:47 -Nanaka-: www
2016-10-05 23:47 Karen: yes
2016-10-05 23:47 Karen: ok last thing, where do you get the diffname
2016-10-05 23:47 Karen: in the game? or anywhere else
2016-10-05 23:48 Karen: since the name is kinda strange o.o
2016-10-05 23:49 -Nanaka-: My most favorite character.wwwwwwwww  雪=Snow 月=Moon
2016-10-05 23:49 -Nanaka-:
2016-10-05 23:50 Karen: wooo 雪月
2016-10-05 23:50 Karen: where is 花
2016-10-05 23:50 Karen: www
2016-10-05 23:50 Karen: ok you can update now
many thanks Renchom! :oops:

BeatofIke wrote:

omedetou 7ka ^-^
arigatou Ikechan! :)

Akitoshi wrote:

ありがとうございます~ :)

Kagetsu wrote:

Thanks :)

-Maruk- wrote:

おめでと :)
Videoほんまありがとな! :)

KaedekaShizuru wrote:

谢谢 :)

Garden wrote:

おめでとう! :)
谢谢 Garden chan! :)

Kanau wrote:

ありがとー :)

yuzu__rinrin wrote:


Pururut wrote:

gratz o/
I love you :oops:
Lily Bread
as mapper's request
Topic Starter

KuranteMelodii wrote:

xixi、谢谢你啊 :)

Lily Bread wrote:

Thanks! :)

alacat wrote:

as mapper's request
Thank you alacat! :)

Easy Diff 01:28:905 - Missing Clap
Hard Diff 01:30:545 - Sample Drum
2Insane Diff 01:17:186 - I change pattern in reference to the replay of the player

  1. Add silent sliderslide for S:C2? Because there's a slider sound at 01:57:147 in Normal and Hard.

  1. 01:02:186 - Add whistle? Becuase Easy and Normal has it, please add in higher diffs too if you apply this.

  1. 01:20:702 - Add whistle? Same applies to Moon Snow.
Call me back again when you're done.
Topic Starter

Electoz wrote:


  1. Add silent sliderslide for S:C2? Because there's a slider sound at 01:57:147 in Normal and Hard.
    !!!Really nice catch,Many thanks to you! :oops:

  1. 01:02:186 - Add whistle? Becuase Easy and Normal has it, please add in higher diffs too if you apply this.
    Because the balance of the sound worsens, I keep this

  1. 01:20:702 - Add whistle? Same applies to Moon Snow.
    Okay,& add 01:21:170 -
Call me back again when you're done.
I’m so grateful for what you’ve done. :oops:
Hopefully we didn't miss anything this time~
Topic Starter
I'm sorry for troubling you.
Thank you Electoz & renchom! :)
regratz xD :)
Topic Starter

sahuang wrote:

Thanks~ :)

hikikuman wrote:

regratz xD :)
Thank you :)
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