
[Rule Change] Storyboard Max Dimensions for Tall Images

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Ranking Criteria wrote:

The maximum dimensions for tall or wide scrolling images are 640x1440 and 1920x480 respectively. This is for the sake of gameplay performance, image loading time, and filesize.
As storyboards have been able to use widescreen forever, the dimension size is 854x480. If you want to scroll an image vertically in widescreen, you have to reduce the widescreen (854) to standard (640) and then zoom back in to the image, ruining quality. I'm simply asking that the resolution for tall images on widescreen be bumped up to 854x1440.

I propose:

Ranking Criteria wrote:

The maximum dimensions for tall or wide scrolling images are 640x1440 (854x1440 for widescreen) and 1920x480 respectively. This is for the sake of gameplay performance, image loading time, and filesize.
Why not?
This hasn't been a really enforced rule from what i've heard. I'm totally for it since the end result is the same, but produces higher quality scrolling images.

Lanturn wrote:

The maximum dimensions for tall or wide scrolling images are 640x1440 (854x1440 for widescreen) and 1920x480 respectively. This is for the sake of gameplay performance, image loading time, and filesize.
Partially agreed. The problem here is that it's currently designed so that it takes equally big area. Because 640*1440 = 921600 and 1920*480 = 921600, which is the same area.

First thing, "640x1440 (854x1440 for widescreen)" means that non-widescreen would be limited to smaller images. Why? The scrolling can be both vertical and horizonal in such case, so you would still be able to use that bonus space. You cannot just prohibit someone to use such resolution just because he ticked the storyboard is widescreen. Reword it to just "The maximum dimensions ........ are 854x1440", because that would limit users for no reason.

Second thing is that the area allowed for vertical images would be bigger than the area for horizontal images. 854*1440 = 1229760 and that is definitely higher than 1920*480. This should be equal, there's no point in disadvantaging one of these.

What is anyway issue is that maximum resolution for any other SB image is 1366x768. That means if 1366*768 = 1049088, we are disadvantaging both vertical and horizontal images. My suggestion is to completely get a rid off this rule and base everything on this area. That will give more freedom when it comes to resolutions and everything will be 100% fair.

Storyboard images must be at a reasonable filesize and dimension for their usage. For most uses (e.g. full-screen images), the maximum is 1366x768 pixels. For widescreen storyboards 854x480 is preferred as it matches the internal resolution of the SB editor. For 4:3 aspect ratio images 640x480 is preferred.


The maximum dimensions for tall or wide scrolling images are 640x1440 and 1920x480 respectively. This is for the sake of gameplay performance, image loading time, and filesize.

Storyboard images must be at a reasonable filesize and dimension for their usage. The product of width*height must be lower or equal to 1049088 (1366x768). This is for the sake of gameplay performance, image loading time, and filesize. Storyboard resolution is 854x480 for widescreen or 640x480 for regular resolutions, these are therefore preferred for images.
I definitely don't think that higher resolutions than what I said will be allowed due to p/4068276 - Maybe for @2x
With the change of how the Ranking Criteria Subforum works from now on, topics like these are obsolete. I will send a PM to the author of the topic that encourages him to bring it up to one of the council members.
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