
//PROJECT VOEZ/Casual Fun! Max Graphics ❖ Aesthetic//

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*on 4 JUL 2019

This is a skin thats based on the game VOEZ by Rayark inc. It was first started by OSUxTEA a while back. I found his project, and felt it had great potential, So I decided to join. Soon enough, the original thread was bursting with comments. The project soon became quite big, with 5 people who actively collaborated, and five more who donated a bit of help for some elements. Now, it's one of the most popular skins, nearing 5000 downloads in 6 months.
(i'm quite amazed myself... thanks to all who downloaded and commented!)

For the best experience, you should...
Use 15% background dim on mania maps. It looks better, and it looks really cool on storyboarded maps!

Open up OSU!'s options panel and turn this setting on:
'Ignore all beatmap skins' [ON]

Also, If you don't like a certain aspect of the skin, you can change it using the options folder!

(Warning: Huge 2K images!)

Song Select


Ranking Screen


Gameplay 4K

Gameplay 5K

Gameplay 8k

Gameplay 9k

Gameplay 10k

[v1.0] BETA
  • First version released. Dodgy normal OSU mode.
[v1.1] BETA
  • Standard Definition is now supported thanks to Agrrox. THANKS!! :P
    *nothing has been fixed except for the major 'no SD' problem.
    Scoreentry numbers incomplete [have the , . % x left to do]
    Normal OSU is supported.
    Scoreboard is not misaligned and chopped off near the edge of the screen for 16:9 users
    Play-warning-arrow and mania warning arrows skinned
    Mania 1k to 7k now supported
    Tabs are now updated
    Key Overlay now skinned
    New Hitsound normal-normal and soft-normal
    New menuclick-short
[v1.3] BETA
  • Instability fixed
    Normal osu now stable
    Mania 8k and higher now supported, but has judgement line errors
    Mania keys now properly centred.
    Standard Definition is stable
    16:9 release [beta]
[ ∞ ] BETA CUTTINGEDGE released
  • Frequent live updates. Check what's new in the mode select panel.
[v2.0] FULL VERSION CUTTINGEDGE Closed, Skin Completed
  • I have too much to say so i'll just say "Its a massive update from v1.3."
[v2.0] OPTIMISED Optimised Version Released
  • For those people who want less distractions, and those computers that just cant handle the full version
[v2.1] VARIOUS Bug Fixes and Minor Changes
  • FULL VERSION OPTIMISED Key input now based on 'like' and 'tweet' tabs found on the VOEZ official website on mobile.
    FULL VERSION OPTIMISED Taiko combo burst removed
    FULL VERSION OPTIMISED Small alignment problems fixed - Thanks to -Redya- !
    OPTIMISED Section Pass and Fail optimised
[v2.2] VARIOUS Bug Fixes and Minor Changes, Options folder released
  • FULL VERSION OPTIMISED Improved mania keys, they are now even more similar to voez.
    FULL VERSION OPTIMISED Mania key Hit lighting discolouration fixed
    FULL VERSION OPTIMISED Added a main menu background for supporters
    FULL VERSION OPTIMISED Added Score v2 mod
    OPTIONS Options folder is out! Some items are still a work in progress, you won’t be able to see them.
  • Fixed squished mania for standard definition
  • Fixed misalignments on 16:10 FULL VER
    UI Sound quality increase and spinner-bonus added
[28 feb 2018] Bug Fixes
  • My server was killed by somone, and I had a lot of trouble finding some spare time to move the links to a new site. Also, I didn't really find any service I was happy with, untill I found out there was a hack to get links from Google Drive to automatically download. I hope this is a more stable server and I'm not fired.
  • After a great run with this skin and the skinning community, I thank you all for your support and appreciation with a massive UI overhaul.

    Check the screenshots out for yourself, I hope you enjoy it!
    (Full version only, optimised remains the same as it makes the skin even heavier :D )

    (I'm aware of small pixel misalignments... I'm still pressed for time, but I decided to get this out for everyone today so that it can be out sooner!)

  • - Cursor Restyled to be more visible
    - Mode Select Menu debugged, optimised and refined
    - Pixel alignments improved
    - Ranking Panel Alignments Improved
    - Song Select Transition improved



I forgot to add some help file to the options folder;

When editing lane (mania key) colours, RENAME THE ITEMS FIRST before copying and replacing them into the skin. Exchange '#' for the following:

'1' - The keys on the edge of the stage, alternating with key2-type keys until the centre is reached
'2' - Fills in the middle-parts between the key1-type keys
'S' - The middle key on odd keycounts.

Types '1' and '2' alternate until they reach the middle, but on some occasions, differ. Generally type 1 will always display on the outer edge of the stage, and type 2 will fill the 'in-betweens' of type 1. See the mania screenshot up there for an example.

:? confusing lol

-yuo- - Creator and Management
OSUxTEA- founder / Mania Kickstart
Koppa 715 - osu! Kickstart
Chinrur - osu!taiko Kickstart
rainanshimuzu - osu!catch Kickstart
Aggrox - Standard Defenition
Mineshafter365 - Mods and Menu Bar templates (v2)
Lookie - Mania-Hit Scores Fix
Angsul - 16:9 Mania Playfield Centring
Futon - Standard Resolution Help
DJNightmare - Created the Mania Hitburst
Galvit - v3.1 Fixage Help

Topic Starter
hahaha its coming... i'm just testing it right now...

UO 073 wrote:

I'll be continuing this project, and i'll try get a problematic but reasonably stable HD only beta by today, and a better post..
And read the comments from here: to find out what happened / what's happening
How soon will you finish it!
I Can't wait XD
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Geez i dunno... Pretty soon i guess.. It depends on many things

Thanks for your support tho!
is it only for Mania? or there will be more update for another mode?

Send me skin
mannn those rectangles are damn pretty. i'll notify this thread once the skin has already been published for beta release. Good Luck! :D
Topic Starter

Shiv wrote:

is it only for Mania? or there will be more update for another mode?
NormalOsu is in progress, but it's dodgy... it'll be a priority after the mania beta.

I aim to release mania beta first (for troubleshooting, especially on different screen ratios, and bad hitsounds), then other modes some time in the future.

P.S. would anyone like to help me make hit sounds? VOEZ only has one, and i'm not good at making sounds...
RIP Collab
good luck
Impatiently waiting :3:3:3:3:3
I noticed that the notes are 1 pixel off to the left...

Maybe you can check it out?
Rama Aditya_old
Where Link ??
for those who asking for the link, "YOU GUYS SERIOUSLY NEED TO CHILL A BIT"
Topic Starter

O2MasterFX wrote:

I noticed that the notes are 1 pixel off to the left...
Thanks!!! I didn't realise that... Nice pickup! (Ugh it's gonna take me ages to make that HD and move 20 layers 1px left then recolour 9 times then copy and save the lighting ver, then rename... 18 files to edit damn ...)

Shiv wrote:

for those who asking for the link, "YOU GUYS SERIOUSLY NEED TO CHILL A BIT"
Try to contain yourself :P Nah it's ok... just joking... I'm going crazy about it too... as... uh... you can see... previously...
YOU'RE AMAZING. Can't wait ! ;-;
Pls make public soon, this would be so much fun to use
cant wait qwq
thats nice, i hope quickly completed
i want this skin :(

UO 073 wrote:

Try to contain yourself :P
you got me there lol
Unbelievable skin, very fantastic.
Waiting for the download link of the skin.
And I would like to feature this in osu!weekly if it is possible.

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Shiv wrote:

you got me there lol
hahaha ;) its ok

-KousakaHonoka- wrote:

...And I would like to feature this in osu!weekly if it is possible.

To ease your uh... excitement??? i've decided to let you see my mostly ignored to-do list:
(and put more pressure on myself...)
Good luck! ...again

UO 073 wrote:

I saw your skin (even though I haven't tried it yet) and I admit this is one of good skin.
The interface is very colorful, as colorful as the original VOEZ game.
The ScreenStage, the notes, the HitLight are very neat, it makes me feel like I'm playing VOEZ not osu!mania.

Well, I can push this skin as a suggestion for osu!weekly, but the final decision to let this skin be highlighted in osu!weekly or not is depends on others.
It's worthy enough to try.

Until then, keep going on and good luck for the rest of your work!
Topic Starter

-KousakaHonoka- wrote:

Well, I can push this skin as a suggestion for osu!weekly, but the final decision to let this skin be highlighted in osu!weekly or not is depends on others.
It's worthy enough to try.

Until then, keep going on and good luck for the rest of your work!
Wahh thanks!!

------------------ ↓ BETA VERSION 1.0 ↓ ------------------

Comments are related to beta version 1.0.

it's a rushed download link... it looks bad. I'll make it look as awesome as the rest of the post later i'm so tired...

if you find anything wrong, reporting it is very helpful. thanks! :)
i already download this skin but it's not the same like in the screenshot or is it just beta version?
Topic Starter
Could you screenshot the problem and explain in more detail? Also are there any error messages? Sorry I need to know details to fix problems... Thanks for your support!
Hi, nice skin u got there.
I've already download and try it on 768p (1366x768 16:9 ratio)
here what i found


mod didn't working properly


5k not placed on the center

6k not placed on the center

7k not placed on the center

score board

pause screen

fail screen

and... 8k (?) i guess this one still on progress lol

i'll give u some fix for 768p
in case u need it
center mania for 1366x768
4k ColumnStart: 252
5k ColumnStart: 212
6k ColumnStart: 169
7k ColumnStart: 124

For the notes and mods, i guess the problem is on "@2x" files (doubled size image maybe? for hd res)
other skin have both, one with "@2x" and other without "@2x"

that's it
good luck! :)
i looks great but can you make it for osu too ?? ^^
Topic Starter

Angsul wrote:

"I found some problems"
Fail screen: 'Oh no' :)

It seems your screen is not HD. I haven't made the SD 'Standard Defenition' files yet. Some dot points for you:

> Score board is a legit problem... Thanks for that!
> most of your problems would be fixed on a HD screen (I forgot the minimum size) my screen is 2560 x 1600 @ 13.3" 16:10 ratio
> mania modes with more keys are not centred so they fit on smaller (laptop) screens (like mine) and 'skinnier' aspect ratios - at one point two lanes were completely hidden on my screen lol

Cyber Ene wrote:

i looks great but can you make it for osu too ?? ^^
Yeh that's 'In progress' A less-than-half done version (you can see when you play osu.. i suppose you have...)

UO 073 wrote:

Angsul wrote:

"I found some problems"
Fail screen: 'Oh no' :)

It seems your screen is not HD. I haven't made the SD 'Standard Defenition' files yet. Some dot points for you:

> Score board is a legit problem... Thanks for that!
> most of your problems would be fixed on a HD screen (I forgot the minimum size) my screen is 2560 x 1600 @ 13.3" 16:10 ratio
> mania modes with more keys are not centred so they fit on smaller (laptop) screens (like mine) and 'skinnier' aspect ratios - at one point two lanes were completely hidden on my screen lol
yep, my screen not HD yet :(
and.. not all of osu player use HD screen, too.
if u planning to make the SD version, that's good! so, u can gettin more user.

imo,screen size doesn't affect anything if the resolution still the same
Topic Starter

Angsul wrote:

yep, my screen not HD yet :(
and.. not all of osu player use HD screen, too.
if u planning to make the SD version, that's good! so, u can gettin more user.
Yes, i'm aware of that... I just haven't made the workflow (a small program you can make on macs) that converts HD to SD yet. I really do want to reach the most people though, so thanks for your support

friendly personal comments ;)

Angsul wrote:

imo,screen size doesn't affect anything if the resolution still the same
If you're replying to

UO 073 wrote:

mania modes with more keys are not centred so they fit on smaller (laptop) screens (like mine) and 'skinnier' aspect ratios - at one point two lanes were completely hidden on my screen lol
then yeh thats true. Its the ratio that matters, developer wise.

But if you're replying to:

UO 073 wrote:

my screen is 2560 x 1600 @ 13.3" 16:10 ratio
then i say:
More pixels in a smaller space (retina screen) are amazing to use they don't strain your eyes... you just need to use it for at least 3 months to understand its awesomeness. :) (seriously 2560 x 1600 at 13.3 inches is amazing)
P i k u
This. Is. Too. Professional.

No really, keep it up man.
Things that need fixing:

:arrow: Make the hitcircle 236x236 instead of 204x204. It just destroys reading when you switch over to another skin, especially when you use an approachcircle that is for 236x236 circles. Don't make circles fit inside the sliderbody, make it overlap with the sliderborder. You give players a false sense of the actual hitbox.
Stuff like this becomes almost unreadable since it gets hidden by the sliderborder.

:arrow: Give them score numbers some edges. They can blend in too much with that ranking panel, even more on bright or white-based map backgrounds.

:arrow: Also I find it rather hard to differentiate 100s from 300s. It also uses almost the same colour as the sliderfollowcircle. It would be better to make the 100s green.

:arrow: PLEASE, make the followpoint not blink. Just use one frame. The framerate just makes this hurt my eyes.

:arrow: Your hitsounds have a delay that can mess with timing. Also I don't find that kind of sound (open hihat) suitable as the base rhythm sound.
its impossible to read mania, the contrast is very low and lanes are too wide...
i play 7k and 10k its very hard to read with it i suggest ColumnWidth: with value around 30-40

either make notes 100% and cover whole lane or make lane background (in this case keys) dark

EDIT: i really like style of UI ranking screen and extraterrestrial mania look :D
Topic Starter

Haskorion wrote:

Some things that need fixing
Yeah sorry about that... There are like a billion wrong things with normal osu mode... Thanks for the tips though !

As for the ranking panel, it seems I've missed that. Thanks! (Also reminds me of the half-buried combo on normal osu...)

Uh follow points are THE most annoying thing ever. I hate them. I was focused on the mania side so yeh... I'm going to base them on VOEZ's moving long note followpoint.

As for the hitsound, I also dislike them but I don't have any ideas for a replacement... it seems you haven't played VOEZ yet , as it's what they use, but I leave I off... :( do you have any hitsound suggestions? It would be really REALLY helpful...

Hit is based on voez. Using their colour pallete. I have plans for that followdiamond too...

All in all, thanks for your help! This is what betas are for!! :)
This is amazing, but I'll have to wait for the SD version, because 1024x600 :(
Anyway, looks impressive!

blackcow30 wrote:

This is amazing, but I'll have to wait for the SD version, because 1024x600 :(
Anyway, looks impressive!
i can batch it for you :D
actually checked how original voez skin looks :D cant imagine reading dense mania patterns with it

blackcow30 wrote:

This is amazing, but I'll have to wait for the SD version, because 1024x600 :(
Anyway, looks impressive! ... ETA%5D.osk HD+SD

Agrrox wrote:

blackcow30 wrote:

This is amazing, but I'll have to wait for the SD version, because 1024x600 :(
Anyway, looks impressive! ... ETA%5D.osk HD+SD
How you did it? D: Woow, thanks a lot!

I've been testing it, it's amazing. But I think there's "vibrations" in Long Notes, and it's a little bit difficult to read notes. Anyway, i'm in love with this project
Topic Starter
Comment For Agrrox

Agrrox wrote:

The Mania Skin is hard to read when playing 7k & 10k

i can batch SD for you :D

actually checked how original voez skin looks :D cant imagine reading dense mania patterns with it
1: Only 4k-7k is supported. Pay attention to the 'Not Skinned' warnings!! (i guess it isn't clear enough.... i should make the post clearer... maybe [image of icon] This icon means that the mod, or the mode you're using is not supported yet, or ever. Watch out for it!

2: THANKS THANKS THANKS THANKS THANKS THANKS THANKS!!!!!!!!!!! I'll use this and replace the download link with it thanks!

3: Despite how the gameplay looks, i had my doubts too when i first looked at the gameplay. but then when you see it in action (in video) and playing it yourself it's amazing.

Comment For blackcow30

blackcow30 wrote:

I've been testing it, it's amazing. But I think there's "vibrations" in Long Notes, and it's a little bit difficult to read notes. Anyway, i'm in love with this project

How you did it? D: Woow, thanks a lot!
Again sorry i need more detail to fix your problem... Vibrations in long notes are from 'VOEZ' (a game by rayark inc. <visit this its awesome) so i'll make an option to disable it but yeh it came from 'VOEZ'.
As of 'Difficult to read notes' i need to know what type of 'i cant read notes' that is, so is it you cant see them, or when they are close together it's hard to read etc. Also please tell me what speed and level map you are playing, so i can find out the source of the problem.

How i did it... I think my source of power came from peoples comments and support to be honest... (if you're talking to me)

(i just had to add that in.. lol)

I'll add more precautions and stuff to read on the post soon...
The selection-mods-x and the selection-x text are too small, makes it unreadable imo,
It would be better to shorten the text, or just remove the text and use icons instead.

On that note, I have several unused Voez selection-mods-x and selection-x text that uses icons.
I don't really have any use for it, hope you'll have some. (includes a .psd)

Also, i think it'd be better if the fail and pause menu buttons stays static when you hover it.

Aside from that, The issues I have are already addressed by someone else.
The skin itself is really good, really nails the Voez look.
need more space for mania-hit.

you don't know what happened if you got 1000 combo or higher :P

or here i've fixed it
it's time to try this skin :D
nice job dude, i like it ^^)b
Hunter Howl
i'm planning to gives you the SD ver but someone has bested me lol

also i'm interested to skinning osu!Catch but uh, i'm out of resource pics to do it
Topic Starter
Here are some comments for you guys:


Mineshafter365 wrote:

The selection-mods-x and the selection-x text are too small and unreadable. Here are some fixes for you
Wow thanks!! i'll use these as a base template! or might use the mods two letter codes. Personally i dont really like them because users new to osu won't know what they mean and its harder to find what you want


Lookie- wrote:

need more space for mania-hit. here i've fixed it
Thanks for this! It's really done well thank you so much!!


-Redya- wrote:

it's time to try this skin :D
nice job dude, i like it ^^)b
I'm glad you like it! Stay in touch for updates.


raianshimuzu wrote:

i'm planning to gives you the SD ver but someone has bested me lol

also i'm interested to skinning osu!Catch but uh, i'm out of resource pics to do it
Lol, In the first place, OSUxTEA beat me to making this skin... I said 'Oh well, how bout we help him! which comes to this osu!catch collab

I'll be more than happy to let you help!! Me and TEA have built quite a resources folder that we share, i can give you access to it and all PSDs ever made on this skin. If you want to join, feel free to PM me i'll really appreciate it!!
Wow, this is something. I love it.
Thank you for such a great work <3

This is incredible. It's just a beta but that's amazing!

Continue please. Good Luck with the proyect. 8-)
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