
Simple tutorial to make your own art.

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will never fc
Just wanted to make this simple guide for people who has Photoshop and would want to make their own picture.

First off, you have to have Photoshop. There are other editing software (online or offline) which you could also use, but imo PS gives off the most amount of flexibility. I use CS5.1 because that was installed on my laptop for my modules that I'm studying.

Depending on what you want to create, pick a canvas size, Avatars can be the standard 128x128, Banners and signatures can be something like 622x192(B) / 640x150(S). Make sure that this is in pixels or you're going to have the wrong size.

After you have your canvas size, look for a background (if you want), make sure it fits your canvas size or bigger. You can choose a smaller size, and free transform it to fit, but it sacrifices quality. Save that image into your computer, and open that image. Drag that image to your canvas, and adjust accordingly.

For characters, find one with good quality and that it does not have too many edges. Careful, because if you choose one with lots of outline, it's going to be hard cropping it. So, find a character you like, and save that picture.

Open that picture, and duplicate that. Click on the duplicated copy and select 'magnetic lasso tool'. What this does is trace the outline of the object, you can click on it to ensure it goes the right way, sometimes lines close together will not be properly done by the system. After tracing the image, your object should have this moving outline surrounding it, click your move tool, don't remain in your lasso tool as if you click anywhere you have to trace the object again. Drag to your canvas.

At this point, you have your background and character/ object. Use your marquee tool and free transform to the desired shape/ size and direction that you want.

To put in a text, simply use a text box in a new layer. Most of the default fonts aren't as nice to see, so you can go and download fonts online and find your desired fonts. This should cover the basic elements of a avatar/ banner/ signature.

Of course, if you want a border, you can find border pngs online and put that inside or you can make custom shapes.

The newer the layer( which means the most top) is like a sequence, If I have overlapping elements, the top layer will cover the bottom layer.

So that's basically it if you want to create a simple, custom picture to use as your avatar/ signature or banner. Upload to some site to have the url, and post it wherever you want (banners and signatures). Upppy is convinient :D

I understand that this isn't a request, but if you have the software it's worth a shot :D

I'm also not sure if I'm in the correct part of the forum, but this is for people to create their own personal art so.. yeah :D

Everybody has their own unique sense of style, and it's best to express it. This isn't a comprehensive guide, it's very simple, and I'm also new to this. I skipped out on several technical details such as color, shadowing etc. If you guys are interested/ have any questions I could continue posting :D

Till then,

bye c:
tl;dr, would be nice if its in a video tutorial form :3
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will never fc

Flanster wrote:

tl;dr, would be nice if its in a video tutorial form :3

Noted, will make a video in the future :D, in the meantime, if anybody needs help feel free to leave a comment or PM me personally!
But, I'm shy so I won't probably talk in the video >.<
Hmm, this doesn't seem like much a guide. Looks more like a tutorial to me. Maybe screenshots would help instead? That sort of thing seems to be standard procedure in all the guides and tutorials I've looked at.
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will never fc

SSShaymin wrote:

Hmm, this doesn't seem like much a guide. Looks more like a tutorial to me. Maybe screenshots would help instead? That sort of thing seems to be standard procedure in all the guides and tutorials I've looked at.
Alright ~ Edited to header to clear the confusion. I've considered the possibility of using screenshots, as Flanster pointed out, the text itself is too wordy. Maybe I'll upload it in parts so that it's easier for the eye to read!

Thanks for your suggestion :D
save format file avatar

128x128 --> jpg or png
130x130 - 200x200) --> jpg only (because use "png" total size avatar > 88kb)
Maybe you can do a video, please?
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will never fc

JackBezarius18 wrote:

Maybe you can do a video, please?
Yeap! I'm just wondering if the video containing the tutorial, some background music and a notepad will be boring to watch, since the mic quality is T.T
I'm currently working, and maybe I'll do it when I'm on break, maybe the weekend etc. :D
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