
Hi guys!

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Hi guys, i just started to play this game today. I'm an avid League of Legends gamer and friends of mine told me about this game. I'm new to rhythm games, better to say that i've never actually played one before except guitar hero on Wii :9
So, to get better, are there songs that teach me how to move my mouse in a certain way rather than playing always the same map all the time?
Actually is it a good thing to play a lot at Osu or could i get some wrist/hand injury?
Also, i've got a drawing tablet (dunno how to call it), should i use it from the start? I've those friends of mine who are extremely good and don't use the mouse but they say they press different keys that i can set by myself.

I live in Italy, Naples, but i'm not really Italian. My parents are from Sri Lanka :) Does osu have different servers (eu,na,asia)? If i want to get ranked on my national ladder should i have to move over asian server and get higher ms which would mean that my cursor would move still fast but the time i press my mouse button would increase?

Thanks to anybody who would answer, really! Hope to have fun over here!
Donger Deluxe
Welcome to the game!
Which maps you play is up to preference, play songs you like, every map will make you better :)
Playing osu! can be pretty straining on your wrist, so make sure to take breaks and don't play when you have any pain.
I would recommend using a tablet if you have one, set the active area to something you can reach the whole screen fast on, without moving too much (to make it easier on your wrist), then use the keyboard keys (you can set 2 of them) to click circles.

There is only one server, and connection is no requirement for gameplay, as only scores get submitted after playing, not every single click, so there can be no lag.

Hope that answered everything, have fun! :)
Indeed, using a tablet right away is the best thing, so you are used to it right away! I started with mouse, then switched over to Tablet, but had massive troubles the first week since I needed to get used to it. Afterwards, I improved quite fast.

KawaiiNeega wrote:

So, to get better, are there songs that teach me how to move my mouse in a certain way rather than playing always the same map all the time?
Mmm, I know I might be stating the obvious but in case you don't know, you can download tons of beatmaps here: or even mappacks here:

Aand to improve faster, I'd say, play harder maps. (But don't just jump to Extra diff or sth, I understand that it would feel impossible lool xD) It is hard at first, but if you keep practising, you'll get used to that difficulty and it will feel easy eventually!
And no, you won't get RSI if you play moderately :lol: Just get a rest once your hand is tired and you'll be fine.

And yes, you can use keyboard keys to tap instead of the mouse button (you can use it too even if you're playing with a mouse). Like everybody's using it :lol:
Last but not least, welcome to the forums and enjoy osu!~
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Thanks guys, i've started playing with tablet after a few days and it seems much more easier (i just got 3 SS!)
Would there be problems changing flag actually? I'd like to put my actual national one ^^
Do i have to contact support somehow?

Thanks a lot, this is a really nice community!
You're welcome.

Theres 2 ways to download some beatmaps: paywall and free
Paywall is osu! Supporter witch it costs 4$ for one month. Youll get an avatar banner, an osu! backgroung and many others, but the most important part is osu! direct. With this bot you can download beatmaps during in-game. Its very cool to use it if you play on multiplayer or something like that.

Free is downloading maps in the website... Nothing to say

Oh and by the way, the real way to improve your skill is to play more

Good luck >w<

EDIT: you CAN change your flag and theres literally no problems with it. The only thing actually that osu! staff might say no OR no time to deal with. Just PM to and they'll help you (they also unbanning the accounts)
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