
Completely new

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Hey, just joined in the evening. Im completely new and I can honestly say this got me hooked. Can't wait to play tomorrow. + I hope I'm using these forums right. :0
Donger Deluxe
Welcome to the game! Glad you're enjoying yourself :) if you have any questions feel free to shoot me a message, I'll gladly help :3

rkay223 wrote:

I hope I'm using these forums right. :0
Don't worry, as long as you read the rule threads stickied with each sub forum, it's not hard. But welcome, and hope you enjoy the game and the forums.
Welcome to the forums! There is no real way of using the forums right. Nor is there on using them left...

Just make sure to read the stickies (as Zafufu said) and you'll be alright!
Hey, welcome to the forums!
It's nice that you're enjoying osu! so far~ ^^
Welcome to the forums and click the circles!
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