Looking For Hard/Easy Mappers *Top Priority*
Looking For GD Mappers *Priority*
Here is the link to the song thread-https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/t/451898
Have some questions regarding the map? Message me or Post here
Recent Updates or People who have taken an Interest in creating the song with me will be also Posted here:
Submitted-May 7, 2016
-Includes Easy and Normal
Revival Updates
Revivalv3.01- Tiny Update on Normal Difficulty (You won't notice it, probably...)
Revivalv3.0-*Update on the Hard Diff.* It is HALF WAy finished expect it with in the Next 2-3 Weeks
Revivalv3.0-*BIG UPDATE* Easy is now Close to Perfection thanks to golden pepe (Would give kudosu if he does not to continue to mod this beatmap)
Revivalv2.0-Easy is now Playble and notes are in sync but still working on it for further Improvement
Revivalv2.0-Normal Diffuclty Slider/Circle Placements has been altered
Revivalv1.1-Simple Combo Colour Fixes
Revivalv1.1-Simple Sync Fixes In Normal Mode
Revivalv1.0-Normal and Insane are now Playable and ready for ranking (I will change some things If I or the community finds errors or complications in the beatmap)
Revivalv1.0-Easy and Hard still in Progress (Easy is still unsynced *Not recommended to play*)
Interested People:
Pinguino has Taken Insane- Still Looking for others (The more the merrier)- Finished and added
GD Finished and Added:
-New Insane Difficulty mady by Pinguino- Huge Shoutout and Thanks
Thank you and Have a nice day
*Old Question*Hi there, It took more that hours of work to edit a beatmap I found in the graveyard
And I'm actually confident about it but as you can see I cannot upload it since "it's not mine" is there a way to make it so that I can upload ofc I will give credit
Looking For GD Mappers *Priority*
Here is the link to the song thread-https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/t/451898
Have some questions regarding the map? Message me or Post here
Recent Updates or People who have taken an Interest in creating the song with me will be also Posted here:
Submitted-May 7, 2016
-Includes Easy and Normal
Revival Updates
Revivalv3.01- Tiny Update on Normal Difficulty (You won't notice it, probably...)
Revivalv3.0-*Update on the Hard Diff.* It is HALF WAy finished expect it with in the Next 2-3 Weeks
Revivalv3.0-*BIG UPDATE* Easy is now Close to Perfection thanks to golden pepe (Would give kudosu if he does not to continue to mod this beatmap)
Revivalv2.0-Easy is now Playble and notes are in sync but still working on it for further Improvement
Revivalv2.0-Normal Diffuclty Slider/Circle Placements has been altered
Revivalv1.1-Simple Combo Colour Fixes
Revivalv1.1-Simple Sync Fixes In Normal Mode
Revivalv1.0-Normal and Insane are now Playable and ready for ranking (I will change some things If I or the community finds errors or complications in the beatmap)
Revivalv1.0-Easy and Hard still in Progress (Easy is still unsynced *Not recommended to play*)
Interested People:
GD Finished and Added:
-New Insane Difficulty mady by Pinguino- Huge Shoutout and Thanks
Thank you and Have a nice day
*Old Question*Hi there, It took more that hours of work to edit a beatmap I found in the graveyard
And I'm actually confident about it but as you can see I cannot upload it since "it's not mine" is there a way to make it so that I can upload ofc I will give credit