
Rokka no Yuusha- Nameless Heart *Now Looking for GD Mappers*

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Looking For Hard/Easy Mappers *Top Priority*

Looking For GD Mappers *Priority*

Here is the link to the song thread-

Have some questions regarding the map? Message me or Post here

Recent Updates or People who have taken an Interest in creating the song with me will be also Posted here:

Submitted-May 7, 2016
-Includes Easy and Normal

Revival Updates

Revivalv3.01- Tiny Update on Normal Difficulty (You won't notice it, probably...)
Revivalv3.0-*Update on the Hard Diff.* It is HALF WAy finished expect it with in the Next 2-3 Weeks
Revivalv3.0-*BIG UPDATE* Easy is now Close to Perfection thanks to golden pepe (Would give kudosu if he does not to continue to mod this beatmap)
Revivalv2.0-Easy is now Playble and notes are in sync but still working on it for further Improvement
Revivalv2.0-Normal Diffuclty Slider/Circle Placements has been altered
Revivalv1.1-Simple Combo Colour Fixes
Revivalv1.1-Simple Sync Fixes In Normal Mode
Revivalv1.0-Normal and Insane are now Playable and ready for ranking (I will change some things If I or the community finds errors or complications in the beatmap)
Revivalv1.0-Easy and Hard still in Progress (Easy is still unsynced *Not recommended to play*)

Interested People:
Pinguino has Taken Insane- Still Looking for others (The more the merrier)- Finished and added

GD Finished and Added:
-New Insane Difficulty mady by Pinguino- Huge Shoutout and Thanks

Thank you and Have a nice day

*Old Question*
Hi there, It took more that hours of work to edit a beatmap I found in the graveyard

And I'm actually confident about it but as you can see I cannot upload it since "it's not mine" is there a way to make it so that I can upload ofc I will give credit :shock:
Well, you can try mapping a new map with the same music and putting your work on that map...
t/23976 please read before posting okay :)
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Ah.. Sorry about that but I am not requesting for someone to map that song but I would like to know if I could extract the mp3 and bgm from an osz file so that I could remake it without changing it's already perfect timing.

Again, sorry

dJ-Es wrote:

Ah.. Sorry about that but I am not requesting for someone to map that song but I would like to know if I could extract the mp3 and bgm from an osz file so that I could remake it without changing it's already perfect timing.

Again, sorry
If it's nothing else than that, no need to say sorry but you can also ask this in general question forum.
Assuming that you don't know about the beatmap folders, here's an explanation:

Beatmap Folders store the files information for each beatmap, they can be found manually in the songs folder in the osu! folder or by going into editor mode for the beatmap and under thr option "File" up top of the screen there should be the option "Open Beatmap Folder"."
Beatmap Folders contain the BG(s), the .mp3 file, the difficulties (in form of .osu files) and extras such as a corresponding video or custom hitsounds. These can be copied out of the folder (without removing the file out of the folder). Thus the .mp3 can be extracted that way.
The difficulty itself can be copied like this:
The .osu file is a file editable by text editors such as Notepad. When opened, you can find the metadata, colors, timing points and hit objects scripted in text form (Colors are written down in RGB format, hit objects are written down with location (x,y coordinate), type of hitsound, etc.).
The text can be copied to another text file too.
My suggestion is this:
1. Copy the .mp3 file to another folder and then drag it into edit mode to create a new beatmap (by you)
2. Add in the metadate
3. Adjust the BPM to what the correct BPM is.
4. Copy the .osu text from the difficulty you were editing into the .osu text of your NEW BEATMAP DIFFICULTY (found in it's respective new beatmap folder)
NOTE: The creator should still be the original creator of the beatmap. You can edit the .osu text to make it say that it's your beatmap (but don't just only edit the .osu file directly. This can lead to complications)
That's it. Hope it helped (And that it is not made for nothing) :)
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@TurtleStuffs- Thanks for the help, really helped me alot.

As of now I have finished mapping the normal difficulty. However I am confused in how can I add different difficulties in a single song. Also I do have 3 Main questions.

1.Does the Beat increase/decrease depending on the difficulty?
2.How do you add different difficulties in 1 song?
3.Anyone wanna collab? (New to collab *I know nothing about collab*)

Again Thank you and hope to upload my first beatmap soon!!
1.) what do you mean with beat? The speed of the sliders? You can set that using slider velocity on the 'timing' panel (f3)
2.) Press file --> Create new difficulty. If you are on Mac, click on alt f first
3.) Do you mean Collab as in a collab difficulty (you map certain parts of a difficulty, the other mapper does the other) or are you looking for difficulties for your map?
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Bara- wrote:

1.) what do you mean with beat? The speed of the sliders? You can set that using slider velocity on the 'timing' panel (f3)
2.) Press file --> Create new difficulty. If you are on Mac, click on alt f first
3.) Do you mean Collab as in a collab difficulty (you map certain parts of a difficulty, the other mapper does the other) or are you looking for difficulties for your map?

1)I mean does the whole beat of the song change depending on the difficulty?

2)Thanks, Working on Easy now

3)Yes I am looking for other difficulties which other people created such as Hard/Insane

Thanks for replying

dJ-Es wrote:

Bara- wrote:

1.) what do you mean with beat? The speed of the sliders? You can set that using slider velocity on the 'timing' panel (f3)
2.) Press file --> Create new difficulty. If you are on Mac, click on alt f first
3.) Do you mean Collab as in a collab difficulty (you map certain parts of a difficulty, the other mapper does the other) or are you looking for difficulties for your map?

1)I mean does the whole beat of the song change depending on the difficulty?

2)Thanks, Working on Easy now

3)Yes I am looking for other difficulties which other people created such as Hard/Insane

Thanks for replying
1) The beat (by means of BPM) does not change. It stays constant through out all diffs. But the harder the diffs get. The more complicated the rhythm patterns get. You then start working with the red and blue ticks (half/quarter of a beat).
3) I suggest you at least give a link to the music so that people can listen to the music and see if they like it if not upload your normal already.
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@TurtleStuffs -Thanks again for the help

I have uploaded the Easy and Normal here.

Mapping Hard and Insane would be hard for me since I am new
If you're still looking for someone to map i could do hard or another, if not sorry xD.
Trick Witch
If You want i can map a insane-another diff.
I can do a Insane or Hard if you'd like.
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Back from the Dead After I finished Exams and Thesis Report and also Depression from watching Re:Zero Episode 15

Right Now I am looking for Hard Mappers.

I will be active for the next 2 weeks, then after that i can only be active every 2 days.

Again Sorry if I did not reply. I was dead, but now I am ALIVE and Kicking
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Quick Update:

Due to some changes in my "Easy" Difficulty it has evolved into a 2.03 star I Guess which makes it NOT passable for Ranking?

So due to that I am now looking for Easy Mappers As well ;/
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