
Taiko scoring?

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How come kanopu has FC and such higher accuracy then Rokodo, but is only 1000 points ahead?
Can someone explain exactly how taiko is scored? I'm curious x)
I don't know the map, but perhaps these are a lot of rolls, and Rodoko happened to get more ticks than kanopu during those rolls.

Although, that is a giant "perhaps"...
1. Big note score bonus
2. Roll note bonus
3. Spin bonus

I bet these thing would be matter about this
Score discrepancies are always usually a case of big note hits and drumroll hits. Rarely, it can also be denden hits.
The inaccurate hits happening during Go-Go Time counts too, prolly.
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How does the spinning give you extra points? When I spin really fast in taiko, the spinner just ends early, theres not really a bonus shown
rokodo cheats and has his keys to hit both sides of the drum per press so he always gets bonus points for big notes even on the streams, therefor much higher score
I heard he also multi monitor, not that it can be detected anyway. :roll:

FruitTingles wrote:

How does the spinning give you extra points? When I spin really fast in taiko, the spinner just ends early, theres not really a bonus shown
When one doesn't clear the spinner, that's obviously lesser points; I wasn't saying extra points, but rather the lack of points, which is why I said rare case since almost everyone can just clear dendens anyway
look at the replays o/

Roko hits everything with both sides of the drum. He does it in, "Happy!? Sorry!" as well. ;;

JesusYamato wrote:

I heard he also multi monitor, not that it can be detected anyway. :roll:
yeah he has alot of hidden+flashlight illegitimate scores, + whatever he does to hit both drums for extra points

pretty fucking disgusting
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Zekira wrote:

When one doesn't clear the spinner, that's obviously lesser points; I wasn't saying extra points, but rather the lack of points, which is why I said rare case since almost everyone can just clear dendens anyway
Oh I was referring to ariens post and I didn't know the dendens in your post meant spinner xD I'm new to taiko

How many points does the drum rolls give? Is it substantial enough to be bothered with? (I mean like the ticks in osu! give like 10 points)
@FruitTingles: 300 per tick.(360 with Kiai.) Considering highest points per note of Taiko is 1100(1320 with Kiai) and tick of drum roll usually appears to be 1/4, it can be quite big bonus if you hit all of them.
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