
Catch the Beat player, looking for a game or two

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Hey there

I consider myself pretty good at ctb but I only really play against the same three people so I have no idea

I wanna test my mettle and talk to some people so, if anyone would like a game just drop me a PM, im online most of the time

What I am saying is simply

1v1 me scrub les go hmu fam

(also 1st post on the forums after 2+ years of playing ohmygoshhi)
Nice job and welcome to the forums as they would usually say.
Welcome to the forums! I hope you find someone to play ctb with!
Welcome to the forums! Too bad I don't play ctb :^(
I wouldn't be any challenge in CTB, but welcome anyway. Hope you enjoy the forums.
I play a lot of CTB and you're more than welcome to ask me for multi, also, welcome to the forums!
I wouldn't mind playing CTB with you, I'm only level 47 though and I'm not good with the fast beatmaps. You can add me if you'd like. cx
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