
Hi I'm new to OSU!

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Hey guys so I started playing OSU! A few days ago, and I thought I should introduce myself with some facts!
I am roshan117, 14, and some of my hobbies include programming (Java, HTML, CSS), videogames, and color guard! So like I said, I've been playing for a few days, and I'm starting to get the hang of it (although I can't play insane maps yet)
So, uh, yeaa
Welcome to forums!
Welcome to the game and forums! :)

roshan117 wrote:

some of my hobbies include programming (Java, HTML, CSS)
I just got into programming a few months ago, and I first learned how to use HTML and CSS. I want to learn how to use Java, but it seems pretty hard :o I'll surely get into learning it one day, though xD
Read the Rules First

[-Alv-] wrote:

Read the Rules First
He didn't do anything wrong ;_;

And anyways, welcome!
Getting good in osu! is not an instant process, but if you keep practising, you will surely get better before you know it!!
And enjoy the game~! :)
Welcome to osu! man :D
Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here! ;)
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