
Your local PP farmer here

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c l o u d s_old
So I don't know if I'm just a retard or what but I didn't even know osu! had forums.

Here's the rundown of who c l o u d s is:
19 years old/Female/pp farm

Aims to complete all maps I own (~2k beatmaps) with HDHRNCFL

Doesn't understand how streaming ar10 works

Hates herself for single tapping streams in ar8

Really gay
welcome to the forums!! i don't understand streaming too
Hey Welcome to the forums!
Hi there, welcome to osu! forums.

Also how much pp crop do you harvest per day?
Do they yield alot and is it organic?
Topic Starter
c l o u d s_old

Rilene wrote:

Hi there, welcome to osu! forums.

Also how much pp crop do you harvest per day?
Do they yield alot and is it organic?
Yesterday I farmed ~200pp crops. It is organic and working up to maintain maximum pp crop yield.
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c l o u d s_old
If you actually check my top ranks you can see my pp crops
hay Clouds or C l o u d s :)

welcom to osu! and i hope you enjoy your farm :D
Keep living the dream my friend
welcome to the forums :3
Hi and welcome to the forums.
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