Hii! If there are about 100maps in one's beatmap library, it's hard to find what you looking for already. Yet I think a little option to go to View Only Unranked, Only Maps What Need Update and Greavyarded Maps would make it easier for Modders to see what is happening with beatmaps they are helping to mod or want to mod when they go back to Pending,...
Is not as if I am truly one of them, yet I just had this idea as every second in life really count, and if we lose 1minute to look for a map which we forgotten the name of and had modded a few days ago and want to see if theres an update for it, that feature would be priceless!
Is not as if I am truly one of them, yet I just had this idea as every second in life really count, and if we lose 1minute to look for a map which we forgotten the name of and had modded a few days ago and want to see if theres an update for it, that feature would be priceless!