
Wall-ed ⚫ WubWoofBacon's Graphic Threads :>

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Coming Soon
Still making it look better :3


Close :>

Wall-ed : inactive :<

WubWoofBacon :3 : Inactive :)

My friends and I make Userpage Banners, Signatures, and Avatars; so I'm sorry if our editing skills aren't good enough.
But, we will Improve ourselves to be better editors :D
My friends can only make avatars, but their skills are better than mine


  1. Don't spam
  2. Use a high quality image
  3. Be patient (Max one week for waiting :3)
  4. You can cancel your request any time :3
  5. You can make multiple requests (an avatar and a userpage at the same time :3)
  6. Use our request form (this will make it easy to see what you want us to make : ) )
  7. Don't make a duplicate post on another thread with same request (asking someone else to make the same thing)
  8. Don't rush us please! We put forth a lot of effort in what we do!
  9. For Signatures, we will accept 1-2 requests per day (because we need sleep too xD)
  10. Please using our works at least 1 weeks



  1. Text : Yes / No (If yes, put some text in ( ),we will be confused if you don't)
  2. Request To : Wall-ed / My friend(pick which one)
  3. Bordered : Yes / No (Round, circle, line, etc. :D )
  4. Animated : Yes / No (It won't be animated in-game)
  5. Image link: <high quality image here>
  6. Type : Single / Collab
  7. Sugestion : Font, effect, size, etc. :3

Userpages / Signatures

  1. Text : Yes / No (If yes, put some text in ( ),we will be confused if you don't)
  2. Request To : Wall-ed / My friend(pick which one)
  3. Bordered : Yes / No
  4. Animated : Yes / No
  5. Image link: <high quality image here>
  6. Sugestion : Font, effect, size, etc. :3



Wall-ed's Examples



WubWoofBacon's Examples

Userpage Banners

psst... it's me, WubWoofBacon
Feel free to use this banner if you'd like :3
also, if you want the code to make this rainbow line, cuz it was hard for me to make; I don't want you guys to suffer :l just copy paste it into your own whateveryouwant...psst! highlight all of it, then copy
>Pain and suffering, I mean, rainbow line<

Support Me!

It would be AWESOME if you supported me!

Old Support banner


Whoaaa! Thanks AllRiseSilver, for the Support banner! :3




Here are some people who will be ignored because they ignored our rules (A.K.A. public shame >:>)

You must apologize if you want us to make you something again (Either in-game, PM, etc.)

I will not include the reason(s), just sit down and think for a short while why we put you here -_-)/

Please be respectful to the people in the art forums

Thank you for your attention!! :>

Ignore list
  1. Asahina Momoko
Thank WWB for fixed and some change for this thread :) /

If we make you something, please use it :) If you don't like it, PM us and we will edit it again


Sorry for my bad english :<

Please read our rules before you make a request :<

A note from WWB
I will periodically draw avatars if asked, but they'll take more time than edits
Bikinin userpage untuk ane dong :D /
Text : Yes
Bordered : Up to you
Animated : Yes
Image : Any image from boku dake inai machi
Suggession : Use good fonts :3

Good luck! :3
I love your animated userpage banners they are so beautiful <3
Good luck ya buat Wall-ed dan juga temanmu ridwan

pengen punya thread tapi gambar sama skill editingnya sedang pendalaman dan perbaikian pasca sibuk bikin skin
- K a t h -

MoE-Ayase wrote:

Good luck! :3
I love your animated userpage banners they are so beautiful <3
I agree! <3
Good luck~
Topic Starter

MoE-Ayase wrote:

Good luck! :3
I love your animated userpage banners they are so beautiful <3

- K a t h - wrote:

MoE-Ayase wrote:

Good luck! :3
I love your animated userpage banners they are so beautiful <3
I agree! <3
Good luck~

Thank You Very Much :D
Good luck!
Great animated banner!☆〜(ゝ。∂)
Topic Starter
Request Completed :3


Wall-ed wrote:

Request Completed :3

Whooaaaa thanks xD
bikinin userpage banner yaaa \'w')/

Text : Yes
Bordered : Yes
Animated : Yes
Image Link : any image from Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea
Sugesstion : pake font yang tulisan sambung ya, tapi yang bagus ;w; /mangkak
terus buat textnya 'aibee's userpage' aja gausah pake welcome
makasih >w<
good luck yhaaa~ :)
Hi :3
great animated sample 😆
good luck to your thread!
Topic Starter

aibee wrote:

bikinin userpage banner yaaa \'w')/

Text : Yes
Bordered : Yes
Animated : Yes
Image Link : any image from Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea
Sugesstion : pake font yang tulisan sambung ya, tapi yang bagus ;w; /mangkak
terus buat textnya 'aibee's userpage' aja gausah pake welcome
makasih >w<
Request Completed :3

aibee :3

first request here :)
Request to Wall-ed
Text : no
Bordered : yes rounded
Animated : no
Image Link:here
Type : Single
Sugesstion :your recommend

thanks before :)

Wall-ed wrote:

aibee wrote:

bikinin userpage banner yaaa \'w')/

Text : Yes
Bordered : Yes
Animated : Yes
Image Link : any image from Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea
Sugesstion : pake font yang tulisan sambung ya, tapi yang bagus ;w; /mangkak
terus buat textnya 'aibee's userpage' aja gausah pake welcome
makasih >w<
Request Completed ?

aibee :3
Seperti Gini Ngak?

HURYAAAAHHH BAGUS!!!! aku lupa bilang harusnya wadanoharanya ajaa, tapi gapapa udah bagus banget >w< nanti wadda nya lain kali aja, makasih yaaa
Topic Starter

-Mikorin- wrote:

first request here :)
Request to Wall-ed
Text : no
Bordered : yes rounded
Animated : no
Image Link:here
Type : Single
Sugesstion :your recommend

thanks before :)
Request Completed :3

Thanks :3

- Calendula -

Text : Yes, my name~
Bordered : Yes, rounded square, light-blue ,please.
Animated : No.
Image Link:
Type : Single
Sugesstion : Little hearts and stuff

Thank you.
Topic Starter

Index wrote:


Text : Yes, my name~
Bordered : Yes, rounded square, light-blue ,please.
Animated : No.
Image Link:
Type : Single
Sugesstion : Little hearts and stuff

Thank you.

Request Completed :3

edit : Thank you ! :D

- Calendula -
That's good~
I like it, thank you.
wow.. niceeeee :o

Goodluck~ >w<)/
Text : Yes : mina's userpagee
Bordered : No
Animated : Yes
Image Link : here
Sugesstion : font nya yang cute ya soalnya gambarnya cute , effect nya buat kayak gini aja , size nya buat jadi 623x145 yaa , yang lainnya rekomendasi aja deh,gudlak >w< /
Text : Yes
Bordered :Yes Round
Animated :No
Image Link:Ini URL
Type : Single
Sugesstion :Fontnya tulis ID ane lengkap ya :D

Maaf klo ada salah kata maklum baru pertama kali request
Umm, Yeah
Request Avatar with me ok
If you request banner, to wall-ed :)
Topic Starter

mina- wrote:

Text : Yes : mina's userpagee
Bordered : No
Animated : Yes
Image Link : here
Sugesstion : font nya yang cute ya soalnya gambarnya cute , effect nya buat kayak gini aja , size nya buat jadi 623x145 yaa , yang lainnya rekomendasi aja deh,gudlak >w< /
HMM Gambarnya transparan,mungkin agak lama saya edit jadi sabar ya :D

Wall-ed wrote:

HMM Gambarnya transparan,mungkin agak lama saya edit jadi sabar ya :D
okee ~
Topic Starter

mina- wrote:

Text : Yes : mina's userpagee
Bordered : No
Animated : Yes
Image Link : here
Sugesstion : font nya yang cute ya soalnya gambarnya cute , effect nya buat kayak gini aja , size nya buat jadi 623x145 yaa , yang lainnya rekomendasi aja deh,gudlak >w< /

Request Completed :3

Thank you :3 dan sorry dah saya lupa ngatur ukurannya

Wall-ed wrote:

mina- wrote:

Text : Yes : mina's userpagee
Bordered : No
Animated : Yes
Image Link : here
Sugesstion : font nya yang cute ya soalnya gambarnya cute , effect nya buat kayak gini aja , size nya buat jadi 623x145 yaa , yang lainnya rekomendasi aja deh,gudlak >w< /

Request Completed ?

Begini udh bagus?
udah kok owo,thanks yaa
Topic Starter

mina- wrote:

udah kok owo,thanks yaa
hmm oke dah btw sorry masalah ukurannya saya lupa mengaturnya :o
Rakha Np
Good luck say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wall-ed wrote:

hmm oke dah btw sorry masalah ukurannya saya lupa mengaturnya :o
saya juga baru inget pas udah agak lama,jadi ngedit form nya telat
- O r d P -
Avatar mz

Text : -OrdP-
Request To : Wall-ed
Bordered : Yes (Rounded )
Animated : No
Image Link:
Type : Single
Sugesstion : Font : RixLovefool BB_by_El
Effect : Just make it awesome

thanks mz :)
Topic Starter

- O r d P - wrote:

Avatar mz

Text : -OrdP-
Request To : Wall-ed
Bordered : Yes (Rounded )
Animated : No
Image Link:
Type : Single
Sugesstion : Font : RixLovefool BB_by_El
Effect : Just make it awesome
thanks mz :)

Request Completed :3

- O r d P -
Thank Ya XD (sorry saya lupa kasih transparan pojokannya XD)

- O r d P -

Wall-ed wrote:

- O r d P - wrote:

Avatar mz

Text : -OrdP-
Request To : Wall-ed
Bordered : Yes (Rounded )
Animated : No
Image Link:
Type : Single
Sugesstion : Font : RixLovefool BB_by_El
Effect : Just make it awesome
thanks mz :)

Request Completed ?

- O r d P -
kek gini ya :3 ?

leh uga tuh mz xD but pojokannya masih belum transparant mz

Yatogami901 wrote:

Text : Yes
Bordered :Yes Round
Animated :No
Image Link:Ini URL
Type : Single
Sugesstion :Fontnya tulis ID ane lengkap ya :D

Maaf klo ada salah kata maklum baru pertama kali request

Ralat:Ane request ke Ridwan-sama ya

Sekian Terima Kasih
Hi Walet dan Ridwan cie yang berduaan xD awkawkawkawkawk

Text : Yes
" I'm Fine"
Request to : Both xD lol
Bordered : No
Animated : No
Image Link : just use my BG Noragami Aragoto in my maps (Diff Maximum Hiyori)
Sugesstion : Font bisa pakai Exo v2.0? lalu sizenya aku pakai cover Facebook aja ^^, yha segitu aja kali ya Goodluck
Topic Starter

Lina Sintyadewi wrote:

Hi Walet dan Ridwan cie yang berduaan xD awkawkawkawkawk

Text : Yes
" I'm Fine"
Request to : Both xD lol
Bordered : No
Animated : No
Image Link : just use my BG Noragami Aragoto in my maps (Diff Maximum Hiyori)
Sugesstion : Font bisa pakai Exo v2.0? lalu sizenya aku pakai cover Facebook aja ^^, yha segitu aja kali ya Goodluck
Request Completed :3

Lina Sintyadewi
Lah saya Kira Userpage Banner Padahal Cover facebook -_-Btw Kurang jernih gambar yg ad di beatmapmu

Good Luck \ :v /
Topic Starter

Areha11Fz wrote:

Good Luck \ :v /

Yeaaahh Thank you \ :D /
Text : Yes (nick gue yaa :) )
Request To : Wall-Ed a.k.a Abdul
Bordered : Yes (kotak tpi jgn yg sudutnya lancip)
Animated : No
Image Link: tanganya jgn diilangin (kalo bisa)
Type : Single
Sugesstion : Fontnya jangan yg imut" :) , BGnya kalo bisa ilangin yaa :D , dan jgn dikasih BG lain lagi, biarin aja bolong 8-)

btw maaf merepotkan 8-)

Yatogami901 wrote:

Yatogami901 wrote:

Text : Yes
Bordered :Yes Round
Animated :No
Image Link:Ini URL
Type : Single
Sugesstion :Fontnya tulis ID ane lengkap ya :D

Maaf klo ada salah kata maklum baru pertama kali request

Ralat:Ane request ke Ridwan-sama ya

Sekian Terima Kasih
bisa aja sih minta gimana2 aja dan edit ulang, tapi karena gambarnya render dluan, jadi saya edit background nya dikit
Topic Starter

PoPoii wrote:

Text : Yes (nick gue yaa :) )
Request To : Wall-Ed a.k.a Abdul
Bordered : Yes (kotak tpi jgn yg sudutnya lancip)
Animated : No
Image Link: tanganya jgn diilangin (kalo bisa)
Type : Single
Sugesstion : Fontnya jangan yg imut" :) , BGnya kalo bisa ilangin yaa :D , dan jgn dikasih BG lain lagi, biarin aja bolong 8-)

btw maaf merepotkan 8-)
Request Completed ?

Apa Begini udah Bagus


Wall-ed wrote:

PoPoii wrote:

Text : Yes (nick gue yaa :) )
Request To : Wall-Ed a.k.a Abdul
Bordered : Yes (kotak tpi jgn yg sudutnya lancip)
Animated : No
Image Link: tanganya jgn diilangin (kalo bisa)
Type : Single
Sugesstion : Fontnya jangan yg imut" :) , BGnya kalo bisa ilangin yaa :D , dan jgn dikasih BG lain lagi, biarin aja bolong 8-)

btw maaf merepotkan 8-)
Request Completed ?

Apa Begini udah Bagus

sudutnya jgn lancip :o >:(
Topic Starter

Wall-ed wrote:

PoPoii wrote:

Text : Yes (nick gue yaa :) )
Request To : Wall-Ed a.k.a Abdul
Bordered : Yes (kotak tpi jgn yg sudutnya lancip)
Animated : No
Image Link: tanganya jgn diilangin (kalo bisa)
Type : Single
Sugesstion : Fontnya jangan yg imut" :) , BGnya kalo bisa ilangin yaa :D , dan jgn dikasih BG lain lagi, biarin aja bolong 8-)

btw maaf merepotkan 8-)
Request Completed ?

apa masih kurang ?


Yatogami901 wrote:

Yatogami901 wrote:

Text : Yes
Bordered :Yes Round
Animated :No
Image Link:Ini URL
Type : Single
Sugesstion :Fontnya tulis ID ane lengkap ya :D

Maaf klo ada salah kata maklum baru pertama kali request

Ralat:Ane request ke Ridwan-sama ya

Sekian Terima Kasih

Menurut saya sih itu kurang
Jadi saya edit ulang
Semoga suka
bisa aja sih minta gimana2 aja dan edit ulang, tapi karena gambarnya render dluan, jadi saya edit background nya dikit
Okelah klo begitu req selanjutnya ane pikirkan hal2 itu

BTW Sankyu Ridwan-Sama :)

Yatogami901 wrote:

bisa aja sih minta gimana2 aja dan edit ulang, tapi karena gambarnya render dluan, jadi saya edit background nya dikit
Okelah klo begitu req selanjutnya ane pikirkan hal2 itu

BTW Sankyu Ridwan-Sama :)

yang ke 2 gambarnya yg bener om
yang ke 2 gambarnya yg bener om
Om? Ane baru 14 tahun kak :o
Banner Request
Text : Yes - Welcome to Kyero's Userpage
Request to : Wall-Ed
Bordered : Yes, Square would be nice.
Animated : Oh Yeah. Definitely.
Image Link :
Sugesstion : Make it look cool :)
Topic Starter

Kyer0 wrote:

Banner Request
Text : Yes - Welcome to Kyero's Userpage
Request to : Wall-Ed
Bordered : Yes, Square would be nice.
Animated : Oh Yeah. Definitely.
Image Link :
Sugesstion : Make it look cool :)

Oke Looks Like You Change the Image :3
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