Barbie Young - CARTOON HEROES (Speedy Mix) | Mapped by Skyripper
RevenG vs DE-SIRE - TSUGARU | Mapped by Zelos
dj TAKA - .59 | Mapped by Zelos
RevenG - SAKURA | Mapped by Kharl
NAOKI underground feat. EK - TEARS |Mapped by silasw
ROSE - SPEED OVER BEETHOVEN |Mapped by EchoOkuyatos - Kind Lady | Mapped by Ekaru
Des-ROW feat. TSUBOI for ALPHA - DAIKENKAI |Mapped by EiJi
JULIA - HEAVEN IS A PLACE ON EARTH (German Election Mix) | mapped by Leorda
JULIA - HEAVEN IS A PLACE ON EARTH (German Election Mix) | mapped by Leorda
DJ YOSHITAKA feat. G.S.C. license - NIJIIRO | mapped by ouranhshc
NC feat. NRG Factory - Seduction (Vocal Remix) | mapped by ouranhshc
TERRA - MUGEN | mapped by CrimmiSkye
NAOKI feat. Becky Lucinda - My Only Shining Star | mapped by Samah
NAOKI feat. YUKI - BLUE IMPULSE (for EXTREME) | mapped by CrimmiSkye (Crimmi)
L.E.D.-G vs GUHROOVY fw/asuka - Love is Dreaminess | Mapped by silasw
Tatsh - Xepher | Mapped by Happy30
Ryu* - rainbow rainbow | Mapped by Takuma
jun - HAPPY ANGEL |Mapped by ztrot
jun with Alison - SUNKiSS DROP |Mapped by silasw
BeForU - Morning Glory |Mapped by James
BeForU - Chikara | Mapped by James
BeForU - PEACE(^^)v |Mapped by James
NAOKI & Tatsh - RED ZONE | Mapped by Henkie
DAISUKE ASAKURA - stealth | mapped by ouranhshc
neuras - on the bounce | mapped by Zekira - Koko Soko | mapped by ouranhshc
jun with Alison - SUNKiSS DROP |Mapped by silasw
dj TAKA - Freeway Shuffle | mapped by osuplayer111
DAISUKE ASAKURA - stealth | mapped by ouranhshc
DAISUKE ASAKURA ex. TERRA - switch | mapped by ouranhshc
DJ YOSHITAKA feat. G.S.C. license - NIJIIRO | mapped by ouranhshc
Sanxion7 - EternuS | mapped by ouranhshc
NC feat. NRG Factory - Seduction (Vocal Remix) | mapped by ouranhshc
[url]iconoclasm - Votum stellarum -forest #25 DDR RMX-[/url]
jun feat. PAULA TERRY - Raspberry Heart (English version)| Mapped by silasw
TERRA - Sacred Oath | Mapped by ouranhshc
NAOKI feat. Aleisha G - A Brighter Day | mapped by LaunchedthousandShip
jun - KIMONO <3 PRINCESS | mapped by ouranhshc
TAG feat. Angie Lee - Heatstroke | Mapped by ouranhshc
Amuro vs Killer - Mei | Mapped by yeahyeahyeahhh
kors k - smooooch ・∀・ | Mapped by Card N'FoRcE
TERRA - ever snow | mapped by ouranhshc
TONI LEO - LOVING YOU (Epidemik remix) | mapped by ouranhshc
TAYA - REACH THE SKY (Orbit1 remix) | mapped by ouranhshc
jun - SUPER SAMURAI | mapped by ouranhshc
NAOKI - will | mapped by ouranhshc
W.W.S - LOVE SHINE (Body Grooverz 2006 mix) | mapped by ztrot
TONI LEO - LOVING YOU (Epidemik remix) | mapped by ouranhshc
TAYA - REACH THE SKY (Orbit1 remix) | mapped by ouranhshc
DIGI-SEQ-BAND2000 - Somehow You Found Me | Mapped by VitaminB6
jun feat. Rita Boudreau - No Matter What | mapped by ouranhshc
jun - SILVER DREAM | Mapped by supergarlic
jun - KIMONO <3 PRINCESS | mapped by ouranhshc
NAOKI feat. Aleisha G - A Brighter Day | mapped by LaunchedthousandShip
TERRA - Sacred Oath | Mapped by ouranhshc
NM feat. Mr. E. - Love Again | mapped by ouranhshc
TAG feat. Angie Lee - Heatstroke | Mapped by ouranhshc
DJ SIMON - 321STARS | mapped by Zelos
Togo Project feat. Sana - Sana Mollete Ne Ente | mapped by kingcobra52
Mr.T - fly through the night | Mapped by Samah
Laava - Wherever You Are | Mapped by Leorda
L.E.D.-G vs GUHROOVY fw/asuka - Love is Dreaminess | Mapped by silasw
Blackalicious - Alphabet Aerobics | mapped by kingcobra52
BeForU - Himawari | Mapped by James
Paula Terry & Fu Fu's- CARNIVAL DAY | Mapped by James
DM Ashura - aftershock!! | mapped by nazenaze
Ryu* - Sakura Storm | mapped by ouranhshc
Orange Lounge - 100 Sec. Kitchen Battle!! | Mapped by Takuma
DE-SIRE - Healing Vision | mapped by yeahyeahyeahhh
MISSING HEART - MOONLIGHT SHADOW (New Vocal Version) | mapped by simplistic
8 bit - Afronova Primeval | mapped by Gens
Silvertear - So Deep (Perfect Sphere Remix) | mapped by yeahyeahyeahhh
KTz - AM-3P | mapped by Xgor
MR.ED JUMPS THE GUN - SMOKE | Mapped by Bonesnake
King Kong & D. Jungle Girls - BOOM BOOM DOLLAR | Mapped by Bonesnake
DJ Amuro - A | mapped by kingcobra52 - Butterfly | mapped by Mogsworth
Scotty D - Drop The Bomb | mapped by Pasonia
E-Rotic - Do It All Night | Mapped by yaya
JOGA - DAM DARIRAM | Mapped by Krisom