
Welcome to Tartarus! :D

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Hello, people. My name is HyperHongMeiling. I've been playing Osu! for a while now...I just wanted to show up as of now to introduce myself. I'm a fan of many things, and I'll be nice as possible in this forum. :D I hope I'll have a great time in this forum.
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Hong is lol. Lol is Hong.
You are therefore win.
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Mogsworth wrote:

Welcome to the Osu forums! Don't worry, you won't have to shoot yourself to cast magic here. :D
Who knew there were Persona 3 fans here...but thanks for the welcome! :)
Hello nice to meet ya HyperHongMeiling new here and also a fan hope to be seeing ya in the forums.

take care :)
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Thanks for the welcome! :D I hope we'll have great topics to talk about.
Like wise though i currently have none much to talk about lol :)

still nice to meet ya
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Yes, it's nice to say "Hello" to people once in a while. :D Nice to meet ya, too.
You're already in the 800's in the rankings?

Best newcomer ever. =D
I made you a present

by setting this as your avatar you could join the cool kids club <3
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Oh! I didn't notice that before...Thanks! Well, my older sister made me an avatar, but I can replace it. :D

HyperHongMeiling wrote:

Well, my older sister made me an avatar, but I can replace it. :D

<3 you could always post it in this thread or your sig or something and then we'd have both =D

Mogsworth wrote:

Welcome to the Osu forums! Don't worry, you won't have to shoot yourself to cast magic here. :D
Actually that is just not true. I had to shoot myself last night just to, hear this... Cast magic in the forums. I hated Loki, did anyone else? I mean I made awesome Lokis, but his appearence was enough to never use him, damn perverted Loki. I had to give up on Surt too, now I'm in this hell bikers motorcycle gang, it sucks.
Hi Hong! I think I actually said hi to you for the first time in another thread.

I slack. It's cool.
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