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Topic Starter
Il contest nasce dall'idea di voler far rivivere un poco il mapping italiano, cercando la partecipazione di qualsiasi tipo di mapper, dai più giovincelli ai più esperti, ed è per questo che quest'anno il team di giudici sarà composto da tre mapper stranieri, proprio per dare la possibilità a tutti gli italiani di partecipare.

Si prevede la realizzazione di una sola difficoltà, Insane o Extra a vostra discrezione, che aderisca comunque ai Ranking Criteria di osu!.


  1. Il contest prevede la realizzazione di una difficoltà completa, che non sia meno di 3.75 stelle.
    Inoltre, è necessario che la canzone sia mappata almeno fino all'80%.
  2. La mappa, ovviamente terminata e completa a tutti gli effetti, dovrà essere inviata tramite PM a me, che renderò anonima ai giudici in modo da evitare favoritismi. Per inviare una mappa, basta procedere attraverso l'editor (File -> Export Package) e in seguito postarla su qualche sito di uploading (puush, mediafire, etc.) e inviarla a me attraverso questo link: ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=1759427
    Per evitare troppa confusione, non potrete inviare la vostra mappa più e più volte, quindi assicuratevi che tutto sia a posto prima della scadenza, avete tempo un mese, take your time e non fatevi prendere dalla fretta, non è una gara di velocità.
  3. Le mappe verranno in seguito giudicate da tre BN al momento in carica:

    - Gero
    - Okoratu
    - Nozhomi

    Il metodo di giudizio è lo stesso del Monthly Beatmapping Contest, e si baserà su una votazione da 1 a 10 nei seguenti parametri:
    - Skills: misuranno la vostra abilità ad usare in modo corretto l'editor;
    - Creatività: l'originalità con la quale affronterete la canzone, non abbiate paura!;
    - Flow and struttura: direi che si spiegano da sole, qui si valuta lo stile e l'abilità di renderlo comunque coerente e ben giocabile;
    - Impressione del giudice: parere personale del giudice.
    Vince chi otterà la somma dei voti più alta, con un massimo di 120 punti.
  4. Le difficoltà non complete verranno considerati non validi e saranno ignorati.
  5. È vietato submittare la mappa sul sito ufficiale di osu! prima dei risultati.

Cosa si mappa?

  • La canzone in questione è Yellow Smile (bms edit) di Junk, canzone scelta per la gran varietà di ritmo che essa propone, lasciando libertà al mapper di spaziare su diversi tipi di difficoltà . Ecco a voi qualche informazione a riguardo e il link di download:
  1. Artista: Junk
  2. Titolo: Yellow Smile
  3. Durata: 2:00
  4. BPM: 174
  5. Genere: Trancestep
  6. Download .osz:

Cosa si vince?

  1. Le prime tre difficoltà vincenti verranno riunite in un mapset unico. Il vincitore in prima posizione avrà la libertà di scegliere chi submitterà la mappa, con lui stesso tra le possibili opzioni. Si proseguirà poi a mettersi d'accordo per aggiungere delle difficoltà più facili per renderla effettivamente una mappa pronta per il ranking.
  2. qualche mese di supporter!
  3. un badge personalizzato sul profilo del primo classificato!

Link utili

  1. [GUIDA] Come creare una beatmap su osu! per i più inesperti, in italiano.
  2. Mapping Editor Basics, Slider Creation Basics, Timing Basics, Hitsounds, serie di brevi video tutorial in inglese
  3. Wiki sul Beatmapping, serie di articoli sul beatmapping in inglese
  4. Ranking Criteria, in inglese.

Per qualsiasi domanda, postate qui sotto e cercheremo di rispondervi il prima possibile. Buona fortuna a tutti e che vinca il migliore!

INIZIO: 15.03.2016
FINE: 15.04.2016


nb, il regolamento potrebbe essere soggetto a lievi modifiche in caso ce ne fosse un motivo valido
Che meme
è tempo.
Hype!! Buona fortuna a tutti i partecipanti! (DT-sama fammi sognare con la tua map)
Topic Starter

DT-sama wrote:

è tempo.
"tranquilli so mappare anche cose facili, la mia mappa dei dango è solo tre stelle."
Buona fortuna! :D

Anto wrote:

No mania. Rip mania.

Xenophilius wrote:

No mania. Rip mania.
- I n o r i
Inori please, non fare post di un solo carattere (non spammare =w=)

#Beatmapping contest hype
Judging hype
Sergio ha già vinto.

Voglio il contest di mania.

Mark101 wrote:

Voglio il contest di mania.

Okoratu wrote:

Judging hype
Hype, du Italiener. :P
Topic Starter
1/3 del tempo passato hype ・∀・

leader smettila di dormire
che qualcuno mappi qualcosa di piu' easy pero' lol

inb4 tutti fanno la Extra
Topic Starter

MrSergio wrote:

che qualcuno mappi qualcosa di piu' easy pero' lol

inb4 tutti fanno la Extra
ognuno mappa quel che si sente di fare dai, alla fine il mapset finale non è la cosa più importante del contest e te l'ho già spiegato :^

Okoratu wrote:

Judging hype
Best of luck to all participants.

MrSergio wrote:

che qualcuno mappi qualcosa di piu' easy pero' lol

inb4 tutti fanno la Extra

DT-sama wrote:

MrSergio wrote:

che qualcuno mappi qualcosa di piu' easy pero' lol

inb4 tutti fanno la Extra
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Topic Starter
oh well, iscrizioni chiuse!
Non sono poi così dispiaciuto dal risultato, il totale di persone partecipanti è 8, che, beh, in confronto all'anno scorso sono quattro volte di più.
Provvederò comunque a mandare le mappe ai giudici al più presto, e a modificare una regola per forza di cose: i vincitori non saranno cinque, ma tre.
Si possono già scaricare le mappe? (se sì, dove?)
It's war >;D
il mio beatmap
Topic Starter

GaviFede wrote:

Si possono già scaricare le mappe? (se sì, dove?)
No, le mappe usciranno solamente quando i giudici avranno finito di dare i voti

felys wrote:

GaviFede wrote:

Si possono già scaricare le mappe? (se sì, dove?)
No, le mappe usciranno solamente quando i giudici avranno finito di dare i voti
Okay, allora aspetterò i risultati :o

Nozhomi wrote:


MrSergio wrote:

Nozhomi wrote:

:?: :?: :?: :roll:
Topic Starter

MrSergio wrote:

:?: :?: :?: :roll:
manca solo un giudice, spero non ci metta più di 5 giorni ,_,
Are you ready guys?

Gero wrote:

Are you ready guys?

felys wrote:

manca solo un giudice, spero non ci metta più di 5 giorni ,_,
- I n o r i
plz gero

-kevincela- wrote:

plz gero
Topic Starter
well, dopo non pochi problemi risolti e casini messi a posto, eccoci qua con i risultati!

Complimenti e grazie a tutti per aver partecipato, è stato bello vedere la community attiva per questo genere di cose.

I commenti ai voti sono in inglese, se avete bisogno di una traduzione sentite liberi di chiedermi e vi aiuterò volentieri.

Ricordo che le prime tre difficoltà saranno raggruppate in un unico mapset, e il primo qualificato ha come premio un badge e un tot di mesi di supporter.

#1 : -kevincela- (diff. 01) 106 punti
Voti e commenti

the only thing i can really dislike are the spaced streams you used
and the other things i can dislike are:
00:44:890 (1,2) - these are so sudden, would start off the section a bit calmer
00:54:545 (1,2,3,4,5) - the backing sound isn't even that intense to have it spaced at this angle, imo that's a pain to play
00:57:304 (1,1) - im playing without colors so fuck you
and 01:08:338 (1,2,3,4) - because the other sounds like that are stacked triplets :<
rest is cool

technical skill 10/10
creativity 9/10
flow and structure 8/10
impression 9/10


- Skills : 8/10 Unsnaped slider at 00:35:925 (1) - and you forget to check countdown and stuff like that.
- Creativity : 9/10 A good use of a lot of different patterns, rhythm (I really liked 00:24:890 (1,2,3) - for example), some nice sliders (00:49:373 (3) - ) and good use of different stream like 00:54:545 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - . A really great job.
- Flow and structure : 9/10 All different patterns follow nicely, flow is good, hitsounds are good. I don't have much to say here. Clean diff.
- Impression : 9/10 Probably the best entry here. You did a really good job.


*Skills: 9
*Creativity: 9
*Flow and structure: 8
*Impression of the judge: 9

This is the possible winner spot for me, let me say that I'm really impressed of how you've used those patterns with the hitsounds, technically everything fits just perfectly fine about the song and that's really a great thing.

00:57:304 (1,1) - But some sliders are not that easier to read which doesn't really help to the flow but overall your idea about the feeling of the song is amazing.
00:54:545 (1,2,3,4) - Could be improved, flow feels poor and weird when you've used patterns like that and also 00:54:890 (5,6) - the stack doesn't plays good either.
00:35:925 (1) - Unsnapped slider.
This could easily have gotten my 10 in the last two parameters.

#2 : Leader (diff. 04) 94 punti
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- Skills : 8/10 You could have used custom combo color and a preview point. Rest of editor is well used.
- Creativity : 6/10 Some interesting patterns (00:55:235 (1,1,2,3,4,5,6) - ) and sliders (00:57:304 (1) - or 01:03:166 (1) - ). I would like to see it more like that on it tbh. Overall the diff use classic patterns who works, and you did a good use of antijumps. Also nice stream at 00:20:063 - .
- Flow and structure : 7/10 Map is playable without really problem. The map could be improved on some point, spacing is sometimes inconsistent and AR is maybe a little high for it, but overall you did a quite good job.
- Impression : 7/10 Not bad map. Quite pleasant to play.


*Skills: 8
*Creativity: 7
*Flow and structure: 7
*Impression of the judge: 8

I like the way in which you handle the jumps, they're quite consistent and fun to play, the most patterns fit nicely with the song so I found it very nice. (you've forgot to set the preview time)

00:01:442 (1,2) - That blanket is great, I like it.
00:57:304 (1,2,1) - Nice shapes and flow, good job at this.
00:55:580 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Wooow, this was amazing.
00:11:614 (3) - Hey, I see what are you trying to do at this, but ignoring some beats like here for example, seems really unexpected and weird to play, because somehow there's feels that should be clickable in my opinion.
00:35:580 (4,1) - Again, this kind of technique works well sometimes but here feels really weird cause the music feels constant and a 1/4 seems empty somehow.


idk ar9.2 would have been the maximum i'd expect in a diff like this
there's nothing i can really say about this i'd bubble this diff without modding it much lol
stuff i would say is 00:06:269 (3) - could be broken up into 2 sliders to follow your clap pattern
00:35:580 (4) - its not necessary to extend this one, i guess you did it to have some kind of pressure for the next slider but going by that you should have extended stuff like 00:49:373 (8) - too which you didnt
and that's it lo

technical skill 10/10
creativity 8/10 i'd give 10/10 if there wasn't an entry that is like FULL CREATIVITY, but like this is as creative as you probably can get without impacting playability
flow and structure 9/10
impression 9/10 really cool

#2: MrSergio (diff 06) 94 punti
Voti e commenti

06: Total Points: 33
*Skills: 8
*Creativity: 8
*Flow and structure: 8
*Impression of the judge: 9

The first part of the difficulty caught me completely and let me tell you that this difficulty could be one of the winners but along the same it becomes somewhat boring and monotonous to play and watch, but overall I like it.

00:19:373 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Great pattern, squares are always nice to see.
00:21:614 (11,1) - Excellent way to empathize the loud sound that is in the instrumental.
00:55:235 (1,1,2) - Magnificent.
01:42:647 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
01:52:478 (2) - Same as above.


the end feels a bit uninspired since you just copied a bunch of stuff, hitsounding could have been generally louder especially the section starting in 00:44:200 - would have offered so much more to be hitsounded
the diff is overall pretty consistent, which imo doesn't quite capture the madness of some sections, it's a very safe diff albeit not that interesting for me
01:44:890 (1,2,3,4,5) - mindblocked me because none of your patterns so far just went into the same direction for half a measure lol

technical skill 8/10: you know what you're doing but my best guess is you don't have much experience hitsounding only with default samples
creativity: 7/10: some things are creative but as i said above most of it is like omg i have to be consistent
flow and structure: 8/10 flows smoothly and is well structured, just the occasional mindblock here and there and i was sad that you stuck with drum consistency in 01:50:407 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - instead of making it a sliderspam stream where could have done the same stuff but it'd have been more interesting
impression: 8/10 its an ok diff with nothing much to be angry about


- Skills : 8/10 Forget to check AiMod and some song setup stuff.
- Creativity : 6/10 Your map turn around this pattern 00:25:407 (3,4) - but you did it too much. You could have tried more diversity with that. Except that some patterns was not bad (ex : 01:15:925 (1,2,3,4,5) - ).
- Flow and structure : 8/10 Nothing really to say. The rhythm is simple but works nicely, same as flow. Only aesthetic could been improve on some point. Not bad overall.
- Impression : 8/10 Nice one, you could have push the creativity side more and would be a really good map.

#4: - I n o r i - (diff. 02) 81 punti
Voti e commenti

*Skills: 8
*Creativity: 8
*Flow and structure: 7
*Impression of the judge: 6

A really interesting way of mapping this song but I think you went too far with the kind of rhythm and patterns here, It wasn't the best choice for this song, and also your combos are too long in some parts and obviously that doesn't help that much.

00:42:821 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I really loved the way in which you've placed the sliders at this part.
00:38:683 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32) - You got me with this creative way to place streams, you really know what you're doing.
01:16:614 (1) - Some beats in the background were ignored and for obvious are important as well, I'm pretty sure that you could empathize rhythms and sounds in another properly way.
01:17:304 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This is not good at all.


- Skills : 8/10 You could have too similar color.
- Creativity : 7/10 There is some good tries on this diff, with kick sliders. Good use of sliders shape and stream.
- Flow and structure : 4/10 But having too much creativity lead to a map quite messy overall. There is too much overlap who looks quite bad, and stack kick sliders with this slider leniency make them just unreadable. Sad because clearly it could have be so much better. Also some streams are really too long (00:41:356 (32) - pls).
- Impression : 5/10 Sadly this map suffer from too much issues to be enjoyed fully, but that was a nice try. Try to clean more your stuff next time and avoid unreadable patterns and could do a nice diff.


this looks like bonzi but it plays like waht the fuck
the overmapping in the beginning seems unnecesary
certain things like 00:27:304 (1,2,3,1) - 00:32:390 (1,1,2,3) - 01:07:649 (1,2,1,2) - 01:16:269 (1,1,1,1,1) - are pretty much unreadable
dont just toggle kiai off in a random point within 01:55:235 (1) - <_<

the general overmapping going on around 00:43:683 - this part make nothing in that section memorable and distort rhythm until i can't even
00:42:821 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - dont just invent your 1/6 lol

well i guess i'll just throw it into the 4 categories

technical skill: 7/10 like you know what you're doing but last kiai thing is lol also the constant overmap in about EVERYWHERE ruin this for me on a technical level
creativity: 10/10 nobody gets even close to this level of what the hell is this
flow and structure 4/10 a lot stuff in here is unpredictable, albeit the whole thing is pretty well structured i don't really agree with the basis of your structure lol
impression: 7/10 cool to look at lol

#5: Naidaaka (diff. 03) 66 punti
Voti e commenti

*Skills: 6
*Creativity: 6
*Flow and structure: 5
*Impression of the judge: 3

The amount of inconsistency at the whole difficulty is way too high, I liked how you manage the changes of the velocity in a really interesting way, but there are some parts that were so overmapped.


- Skills : 7/10 Custom Combo color ?
- Creativity : 6/10 Some good ideas like 00:43:683 (1,1,1) - or 00:57:304 (1,1) - and some nice streams. But you did a bad use of SV change at start like 00:00:063 (1) - they make no sense.
- Flow and structure : 5/10 Sadly there is too much rhythm issues on this diff, some bad NCing like 00:49:718 - and some part where aesthetic could be improved (some overlaps looks really bad like 00:42:821 (1,2) - ).
- Impression : 5/10


jump patterns seemed otherall somewhat random and so did a few of these rhythms
00:09:631 (8,1) - i don't think this is necessary
00:14:890 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - seems like you mapped yourself into a corner and dont know how to get out lol
00:18:683 (1,2,1,2) - forgot a few hitsounds ?
sv's in the next part aren't really intuitive
00:48:941 (4,5) - :/
00:49:718 - this entire stream basically ingores that the whole section is building up and just does whatever spacing increase seems interesting right now, the only thing that is fitting well is its end with increasing spacing
01:01:097 (1,1) - dont make too much sense as sliders
01:06:614 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - also ignore the core of this section
01:46:787 (2,3,4,5) - asdf this doesn't flow well for me because it's too linear

techincal skill 6/10: im convinced that you know what you're doing but i think the ideas you have aren't the best ones ever you should work on how you structure your beatplacement better and hitsounding
creativity: 6/10: a lot of ideas you have seem really cool but the overall way this map looks is rather untidy
flow and structure: 5/10 flows well but in a lot places lacking a clear strucutre
impression: 6/10 i think you're on a good way to start making stuff that

#6: Markden (diff. 08) 60 punti
Voti e commenti

*Skills: 6
*Creativity: 5
*Flow and structure:5
*Impression of the judge: 3

Spamming the calm part with 1/2 is not good at all, and also the overmapping is quite weird to play.

00:42:821 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,1,1) - Creative but is not the best way to show it because the flow at using that kind of rhythms is technically wrong.


- Skills : 5/10 Sadly some sliders are unsnaped, and this spinner 01:27:107 (1) - really ? Be careful next time with your SV changes and what you put on your map.
- Creativity : 7/10 I see really good ideas, and bad one. For the good one I could say 00:55:580 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - and 00:38:683 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,1,1,1) - . For the bad one I could say you used too much the 1/16 kicksliders.
- Flow and structure : 6/10 You missing some important beat who have to be mapped when we look at what you mapped, and overall a lot of patterns and spacing could have been improved a lot (like 01:20:063 (1,2,3,4) - ). With some cleaning, could be not that bad.
- Impression : 5/10 Could be more clean and not abuse of good ideas who change them into bad one.


eh your jump patterns and generally your patterning isn't really based much on the song, what i mean is 00:00:752 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - nothing really is increasing this much in the song to get the idea to place these patterns
00:03:166 (3) - 00:05:235 (3) - wats soupposedly so different about these
00:08:252 (32) - how about comboing more than once ever 32 notes
00:22:131 - this part is completely ignoring the drum doublets and spacing seems rather arbitraty 00:27:649 (5,1,2) - sudden spacing decrease
00:44:200 - there doesn't seem to be any real structure to the 1/16 sliders in this part like 00:45:925 (1,2) - should be a chain of 1/16 sliders because blue ticks have the same sounds
00:58:252 (4,1) - streamjumps seems rather unnecessary
01:10:752 (1,2,3,4,5) - why is htis suddenly spaced so much, you're already past the most intense part of the section
01:27:107 (1) - why.
whatever i'll stop here

technical skill: 4/10: im not really convinced you know what you're doing
creativity: 5/10 like you ~are~ somewhat creative but it doesn't really look all that nice
flow and structure: 5/10 i can say most of this flows well but structure is in comparison falling pretty short
impression 4/10 you seem to be new to the editor so i guess there's much more you can learn by studying other's maps more deeply

#7: Anto (diff. 07) 55 punti
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*Skills: 6
*Creativity: 5
*Flow and structure: 6
*Impression of the judge: 3

I don't really know what are you trying to follow in the music, but at the jumps were really fun to play .


- Skills : 6/10 No preview point and custom Combo Color.
- Creativity : 4/10 Except your sliders and this nice symetry pattern 01:25:580 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - , the map looks quite common.
- Flow and structure : 4/10 Sadly some bad rhythm use (ex : 00:22:735 (2,3) - ), bad NCing sometimes and weird spacing (ex : 00:28:166 (2,3) - ) make the map kinda bad. And sliders like 00:57:304 (6,7) - are bad too.
- Impression : 4/10 Sadly not really enjoyable due to some issues. Had some good points but that's definitly not enough.


the way you ingore the beginning and place a spinner on things seems espeically lazy
you don't seem to have much experience with hitsounding or comboing
01:01:959 (6,7) - this isn't where you'd suspect 7 to be, pretty unintuitive
the entiretiy of the deathstream is rather unfitting
and the 1/4 spacing in the kiai is unpredictable albeit i'd have to say it's probably creativy i guess

technical skill 3/10 your hitsounding and my ears can't agree with one another and slidershapes and comboing are somewhat lol.
creativity: 6/10 i guess
flow and structure: 3/10 some of this flows aHfdlashflalksdjALKJAFDa and a strucutre is there... sometimes
impression: 5/10 uh

#8: DT-sama (diff. 05) 35 punti
Voti e commenti

*Skills: 1
*Creativity: 1
*Flow and structure: 1
*Impression of the judge: 1

This is not an aspire contest. “Disqualified”


- Skills : 7/10 Ok you know how to use editor, but not the right way lol.
- Creativity : 7/10 I can't deny it, there is a lot of creativity here, from sliders like 01:12:128 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - and around the concept of this diff.
- Flow and structure : 1/10 But sorry, 2B is not really playable. Your speed variation and overall patterns make this diff close to impossible to play. And I'm not talking about the timing change, unsnaped object and objects out of screen.
- Impression : 3/10 For the concept why not, but this is a no.


what the flying fuck why is this in here what the hell is this
It's like an endless tewi-ma park with a bit less structure and predictability and way more overmapped 1/4
nice hp joke

technical skill: 5/10 you know how to make these sliders but you could have done the entire thing without modifying bpm, but what is hitsounding
creativity 8/10 uh i guess lol
flow and structure: uh 2/10 for flow and i guess 6/10 for structure, add these together and divide by 2 and you get 4/10 overall lol
impression: 2/10 for wthfaadfklah;sdf!!@#kldasjf

Se volete scaricare e provare tutte le varie mappe, questo è il link!

felys wrote:

creativity 8/10 i'd give 10/10 if there wasn't an entry that is like FULL CREATIVITY, but like this is as creative as you probably can get without impacting playability

impression: 2/10 for wthfaadfklah;sdf!!@#kldasjf[/box]
My job here is done.
- I n o r i
you really know what you're doing.
I think not o:
Kevin-sama, teach me please.

Btw, quale magia oscura è stata messa in atto per il mio score e quello di Leader lol
Entry 01 è la numero #1. Coincidenze? Non credo.

Kevincela troppo forte <3

Complimenti a tutti quanti ^^
gz kevin!

If anyone has any question / objections about my judging they may find me ingame so I can explain my point of view in greater detail
Gratz to Kevin and everyone else~
It was a nice experience, so thx feyls for the opportunity :3

Woo well, i actually didn't expect that, it was way much better than i thought lo,l i guess i have to work on that issues :P thanks a lot, and gratz to the winners :D
The best ♥
Ayy, well done.

Nella mappa di kevin una cosa che mi è piaciuta particolarmente è questo stream: 00:48:338 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -, kawaii

Sinceramente mi sarei aspettato qualcosa di migliore da Sergio, ma sempre una mappa bellissima

Ho contratto dalla diff di DT 69 cancri. halp me

DT-sama wrote:

felys wrote:

creativity 8/10 i'd give 10/10 if there wasn't an entry that is like FULL CREATIVITY, but like this is as creative as you probably can get without impacting playability

impression: 2/10 for wthfaadfklah;sdf!!@#kldasjf[/box]
My job here is done.
that first point was about - I n o r i's entry btw lol
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