
Time to introduce myself.

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Well... it's not nice being a full stranger towards a community when I've been playing the game for quite a while, isn't it?

Hello there! I'm known as MickX (or "MichaelWillik" when the former can't be used), currently living in Portugal but Dutch in origin. I'm a 20-year old male student with a soft spot for fantasy and fiction themes present in videogames, movies and the like. Right now I'm taking part in a 2D/3D Animation course and I'm having a good time with it, hoping to make it my future somehow. Aside of forum browsing and gaming I also spend my time drawing and thinking of art concepts... whenever I'm not in a procrastination mood, that is. =P

Osu!-wise, I've been playing this addicting game since early November, back then kindly introduced by user MaoStar (well... I was actually curious to search for this game after hearing her talk about it many times ^^; ). As of now I'm still a sucker at Osu! itself, being only capable to complete Normal mode in most beatmaps at best. My current desktop setup doesn't give me much freedom with my mouse, not to mention that said device sometimes decides to act up as if it had personality on it's own, so I make up for that by playing the hardest modes in Catch the Beat.

Whatever the choice is I can say I do have fun with it, not only for the gameplay but also for the sheer amusement of discovering songs I've never heard before. Finding new songs out in Osu! is in my point of view way more amusing than randomly browsing MP3 search lists along the web!

Well, that's all I can give for now. Maybe if I have time you'll see me around posting in these forums more. For now I just want to attempt an introduction here. ^^;

See you around!
Welcome to these forums ^.^

Whatever the choice is I can say I do have fun with it, not only for the gameplay but also for the sheer amusement of discovering songs I've never heard before. Finding new songs out in Osu! is in my point of view way more amusing than randomly browsing MP3 search lists along the web!
I must fully agree with you here. For me, it's always nice to be presented with songs that I might have skipped over while randomly searching that turned out to be a rather good listen.
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