I didn't understand your question.. ;-;
but I guess this can help you.
Here Electoz is talking about ranks. maybe this can help :3
I didn't understand your question.. ;-;
but I guess this can help you.
Here Electoz is talking about ranks. maybe this can help :3
If it doesn't help you. Wait for Electoz to answer you Here.Electoz wrote:
If you're not in 30k-60k range but you want to register, you can, but if your team has less than 2 person in the range by 25th March 00:00 UTC, your team will not be registered. That means your team will be registered as long as at least 2 person in the team has their ranks in the range by that time.
However, if you can't maintain your rank when your first match begins, you won't be allowed to play(as an individual) unless you get back into the range again. (e.g. : If your rank is #29,500 by the time of your first match, you will have to wait until your rank get above #30,000 in order to play again)
Of course if your first match has already begun then you're allowed to go above and below the rank I specified.