One request per post
If you don't like something, tell me and I'll change it.
You can cancel your request at anytime
If you want to support me you can ask me to apply the watermark. Or you can just tell your friends
Not so good with text yet. I'll try to get the hang of it first. But if you really insist, I can add it. No guarantee if you'd like it, however
Avatar Form_
- //Image Link:
//Style: 1, 2 or 3 Scroll down for style options.
//Chromatic Abberation: Yes/No
//Focus: What person or object do I focus on?
//Size: ???p X ???p (200p x 200p is my most comfortable resolution.)
- //Image Link:
//Style: 1, 2 or 3
//Chromatic Abberation: Yes/No
//Size: Standard is 650x150
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