
Accidentally overwrote skin. Need help refinding elements

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I was downloading other skins to get some elements to try and customize my own personal skin. However, what I failed to notice is that I have yet to rename the skin folder that I use and downloaded a skin folder with the same name so the original was overwritten. Now, I'm trying to rebuild the skin and I'm at a loss as to where I got some of the resources from. Can anyone help find some skin textures I've used? This video

and this one here I recorded a few days ago should have all the resources in it.

Hatsu Mix is the skin that I've used as a base and have most of the resources from as well as Elite Donut's Poro Skin.

Things I have:
-Anything related to the spin meter
-Hit sounds
-Textures indicating the level of hit(300,100,50...)
-Reverse arrow
-Line drawing between hit circles

Things I'm having trouble finding:
-Combo burst circle textures
-Score, percent, and hit combo digits
-The black digits on the hit circles
-Ripple effect after hit
-Performance Guage
-White ball of light on the performance gauge
-Note miss sound ("Baka")
-Main menu textures (The stars that flow from the selected song and the Miku in glasses picture)
-Main Menu Sounds ("Hai!")

I have the combobursts handled as well. I appreciate any help. If you also want the skin, I'll set a download link on this post when I finished rebuilding it. Thanks!
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