
Want to create a little program, but I've some question.

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Hello osu! community !

I want to create a program which can generate a osu! beatmap with only the note's times.

My first idea was to create a model database, containing many, MANY osu's note structures (like three note at the same pos, one little slider and a note, etc etc), for a number of note and time between notes, etc. And, for different difficulties, a minimum speed/space multiplier and a maximum can be set.

Each database's entry will have :
  1. An entry point and an exit point (for making a "continum" mouse mouvement) ;
  2. A type (none, jump or stream) ;
  3. A list of object (two single note, one slider, a spinner, etc etc) ;
  4. A standard difficulty (two notes, very distant, will have a highter difficulty than two note at the same place) ;
  5. A "humain" difficulty (for understanding the structure) ;
  6. A time : the time the structure will take (unit : number of period, so this can work for very speedy maps, and also for slow maps) ;
The program only generate the notes, so for changing the AR, or other beatmap option, the user need to change this in the osu! editor.
But the program will have settings likes :
  1. Allowing stream generation ;
  2. Allowing jump generation ;
  3. Define a range for standard difficulty ;
  4. Define a range for "humain" difficulty ;
  5. Allowing the looping of structures (like placing multiple triangle jumps, for exemple) ;
  6. Allowing random structures (if no structures is found) ;
  7. Allowing database's structures (so... basicly generate a purely random beatmap) ;
  8. Allowing multiple use of a structure (within the whole beatmap, so this disable the 5 option) ;
  9. Just let the random do its job (EVERYTHING will be random : you can have a 1* structures followed by a 10* structures, for instance) ;
So, firstly, this is a good idea (using a database) ?

And, there come a little problem. I don't know how slider speed is handled. What is the relating between the slider length and the slider velocity ?

Thanks for you answers !
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