
Hi Guys I am Back!

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Hey there dear comuinity.
I am Krahuf. I joined in 2 years ago...
I didn't play much but i found myself loving this game.
And had suprisingly good performance (i started on hard maps).
Since then i broke my both wrists.. heh lucky me eh?
Now i am starting over.And i come with a request.
Can somebody help me with 2 finger keyboard technique?
I use mouse and 1 finger... I am transfering to hard beatmaps and i cant keep up with 1 finger...
Any advice helpfull.And if you could take your time off and help me further i would mostly appreciate it :)

Hopefully you will welcome me in again since i slacked in the past...
Krahuf out.
Heyya, welcome back. As for 2 fingers, I'd say try alternating after each circle, and if that doesn't work for you only use 2 fingers when your 1 can't handle the bpm :p
Hai, welcome back!
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Close wrote:

Heyya, welcome back. As for 2 fingers, I'd say try alternating after each circle, and if that doesn't work for you only use 2 fingers when your 1 can't handle the bpm :p

Thanks :) will try will do .
Welcome to the forums.
Cant give advice bcoz i'am a mania player lol... but i hope u can be better and be one of the top players in std mode :3
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minibethangel wrote:

Cant give advice bcoz i'am a mania player lol... but i hope u can be better and be one of the top players in std mode :3

Thanks buddy :)
Hi Krahuf! Welcome to the forums!
As about alternating, it takes a lot of practice. Try playing some maps with triplets to practice. You can also do it yourself. Take a 160 BPM song, go to the editor, File (top left), Save as new difficulty, give it a name. Then remove all current objects (it asks you to do so). Then place a circle at a white tick, at the next blue tick and at the red tick. Make sire the 'Beatmap Snap Divisor (top right) is af 1/4!
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