
Add #norwegian, #swedish and so on.

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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I know, that there is an #skandinavian already..

But there are only swedish guys.

Why there isnt any norwegian stuff?
So everyone from Norway can talk togheter.
tbh I think that #skandinavian can already be #swedish, but you only need to rename it.

So yea, that's my request, I hope someone likes it. And bye.
There needs to be high activity in a certain language for it to deserve an own channel. On most mixed channels, the seperate channels would be empty and useless

MillhioreF wrote:

but there's #scandinavian... for all swedish, danish and norwegian! dont need your own channel to leave out your neighbors...

t/89403 it sums everything up here, i suppose
As much as I wouldn't mind this happening it probably wouldn't work out at all, #skandinavian is already dead enough as it is, and although I tend to blame it on norwegian players hating swedish players, that probably isn't the actual case.
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Sorry for the late answer.

Baaratje: Makes sense. Forgot about that :D

Pawsu: Millhiore said something about this? Oh, okay then. He's moderator, I can't do anything against it ._.

agu: Can't say anything about it. But I never saw #skandinavian being dead. Everytime I was online, I saw a message at everytime around 1 minute.

Okay. It's cleared up now. So I gonna wait, until someone comes and locks this thread.

If I can do it myself, just say it to me, so I can lock this thread somehow.

agu wrote:

As much as I wouldn't mind this happening it probably wouldn't work out at all, #skandinavian is already dead enough as it is, and although I tend to blame it on norwegian players hating swedish players, that probably isn't the actual case.
Pretty much this^
Since our languages are mutually intelligible there shouldn't really be a need for something like this. The channels/subforums are split into languages, not countries.
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