
Oh Dear...>w< here we go again

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Hello there....I'm new (no duh) :?
The name's Elaina
sorry if I seem awkward...I'm a bit anti-social <,<
I've really wanted to play this game ever since I first stumbled across it....
and I have to say IT'S SO ADDICTING O_______________O"

uhm....a bit about mysellf....
I like to draw, write, take photos, and make jewlery.
I'm a <mild> otaku with a "slight" obsession with Vocaloids and Yuu Watase ^___^;

I read, play video games, and play Magic: the Gathering in my spare time....
My favorite game has to be Okami and the Legend of Zelda series
My favorite book series is The Hitchhiker's Guide by Douglas Adams.....

...err....that's it...I guess
so...hopefully we can become friends? :D
First of, Hi.

Secondly, sure, absolutely.

And I did screw up my post about 5 min. ago. sorry.
Welcome, we don't bite.. much
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@Shootinglight~ sweet~♪

oh, and that's fine ^_______^

@Randy96~ Thanks!
...(good thing I've had my rabies vaccine O____O" )
Why hello there Lv9 pal, welcome to osu! community.

Play Touhou games too, I'm sure you'll like it. <3

Oh dear, you look such a happy person, be careful around here. >:

GoGoGhosty wrote:

My favorite game has to be Okami and the Legend of Zelda series
High Five :P
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@ Baka~ Thanks you!~
Yeah, I've heard of the Tohou series, but I can't find the games anywhere <,<
But I do want to play them
...I'll try to be careful, thanks? .-.?

WHOOO~ *high fives*
Unyuh~ <3
I can send you some download links, PM me if you want and I'll reply to you. :3

Yes, be careful, there are some people here that doesn't like so much excitement with the words, and sometimes they might try to attack you(inb4 trolls or haters), but don't worry so much about them, they usually don't come near(lol I'm treating them like animals).
Elaine Spencer
Hello there, and welcome! I'm new myself, and I'm sure we can ultimately become good friends :)
My name is Jessica, and no worries, I tend to be rather antisocial myself.
I like writing, and the only jewelry I can manage is chainmail, and I love photography. However, when it comes to drawing, I leave that talent to my sister.
Yuu Watase. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I've been meaning to sit down and watch Vocaloids, but I've been preoccupied with Elfen Lied. 8-)

I also read and play video games (mostly role playing and music based), and I have attempted Magic: The Gathering (beginner decks only get one so far).

You like Legend of Zelda. You win a cookie. I haven't played Okami, but I've heard great things about it, so I'll give you another cookie for that too!

I like turtles. :)
:oops: welcome ><
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@ Baka~ Okay! I sent a pm to you ^____^

@Elaine~ Hello! :D
chainmail? I've never played with that.... :/ but yes, photography is fun ^____^ -nods-
If you do get into Vocaloids, though, be careful. I started with watching a few videos here and there...but the songs are quite addicting @___@

*gasps* you should totally watch Okami. It's amazing-ness in a box ^________^

@iTurtle~ Yes. Turtles are awesome.

@Tonoko~ Thankshyuuu~~ *hugs*
: )
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