
Recommended website for learning to draw anime

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The title says it all.
But seriously I want a website or a good youtuber that will help me learn to draw anime, of course I also have to learn how colours work, shading, background, human anatomy and all that but as I am only 13 I can't be bothered to learn those stuff right now. I just want to know how to draw first.

PS: If you draw with tablet can you tell me a good way to get used to drawing with the tablet I use photoshop to draw. And I know I need to practice but practice drawing shapes or actual things thanks 8-)
mark are all good youtubers when it comes to drawing anime/manga.
Adding on, for fundamentals
and for theory

These are my favourites, I highly recommend watching every single FZD video on 1.5x speed at least once even if you're not too interested in painting.
General gesture-study videos are useful too! Especially the ones that're exaggerated a little.

Good gesture + perspective = 10/10 drawing :D

As for hairstyles/eyes etc, it'll come naturally as you browse pixiv after you've practiced your fundamentals.
Although I don't really know how to color well myself. if its just drawing with a tablet on Photoshop (which i do as well), I abuse the use of layers. I don't really know if it's professional to do so, but it makes managing different parts of my drawings a lot easier. Along with that i would recommend just sketching out everything first, and then go back and retrace your lines to make it smoother and have more of an aesthetic appeal.
A lot of people may just say, do whatever you think looks right! But you know as much as I do, the reason why you asked this question is because you aren't adept enough to a new drawing interface to be able to do that. So just keep practicing ^^
Although the maker of this website doesnt post anything on there anymore (That I know of) I use this site whenever I need reference or help with things that I have trouble with (For example: I really have lots of trouble drawing hands and feet correctly) its a good website and I like it. :D
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