
stream question

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xxjesus1412fanx wrote:

tomden wrote:

Sometimes I ask myself how I got to rank 20k with this skill :p
Hit Accuracy: 94.62%
you realize most people at 2800 pp can't fc the kinds stuff you can, right? i can't fc most of the stuff on your top ranks.

being a low acc player typically means you're significantly better than most people with the same pp..

like my senpai
Ye but I think it's pathetic that I still cant stream after having 23k plays. and most of my low acc fc's is because i mainly get 100's and 50's on streams :(
Vuelo Eluko
try not being able to aim after 32k plays
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after 8 tries I passed ice angel with 66% acc Getting decent acc seems impossible :(. But thanks for the map was fun to play :p
chainpullz <both another & extra < Expert is more point and click + reading, eternal incorperates in aim as well <- Streams mostly in later half but this map is totally kreygasm <- Priti shiti map <- WWW plz <- Stamina not necessary until ~2nd half <- HR if you can't AR8, nomod if you can't OD10/AR10/CS5.2.... FLAUR <- Both infinite and euphoric are good <- harder choir jail <- aim required, streams mostly in later section <- reading/aim required <- very linear spaced streams <- comfort bpm + reading <- aim intensive <- good for reading/aim training on low bpm <- low bpm spaced streams <- reading <- fun map with some streamy sections <- Aim/Reading required <- extreme stream aim required <- Goldenwolf <- Likes <- Streams <- Fun read <- Reading <- stream jumps <- comfort bpm <- not enough pp <- a little bit of reading required <- slow <- meme <- reading <- speed (nanahira plz... XD)

Could come up with a whole lot more if I looked outside of collections.
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@chailpullz Thanks for the list :p.

tomden wrote:

Atm I can only stream 185-200 bpm with OK acc. below 185 bpm ill get like 60-70% acc on the streams cause i cant control my speed. Above 200 bpm is just too fast for me..
For slower streams try pressing down on your keys harder. I don't know if it's just me, but I find it much easier to regulate speed if I use more force.
For faster streams (assuming you have linear key switches) try not to bottom out the keys. I try to only push it as far as the actuation point. It's a little harder to be accurate when pressing lightly however.

tomden wrote:

should I change the keys I use?
What keys you use doesn't really matter, just use what feels best to you. (I use F and G)

tomden wrote:

When I practise my streams I often dont know what to play should I play maps with long streams or maps with short streams and should I start with really low bpm (120-140) or bpm just below my comfort level (175-180).
It seems everyone has a different way of learning in osu! so I can't really say for sure. Personally, "garbage long stream practice maps" seemed to help quite a bit, along with just regular streamy maps of course. I used the long stream practice maps to build stamina and I play maps like Ice Angel, Defenders, etc. to practice overall control. As far as what bpm to practice, I usually played the fastest bpm I could without completley getting rekt.

I'm no pro player so I could be wrong, but I am pretty confident in my streaming ability. Hope this helps!
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mxnic wrote:

It seems everyone has a different way of learning in osu! so I can't really say for sure. Personally, "garbage long stream practice maps" seemed to help quite a bit, along with just regular streamy maps of course. I used the long stream practice maps to build stamina and I play maps like Ice Angel, Defenders, etc. to practice overall control. As far as what bpm to practice, I usually played the fastest bpm I could without completley getting rekt.

I'm no pro player so I could be wrong, but I am pretty confident in my streaming ability. Hope this helps!
Thanks for the tips I'll try to press down the key harders for slow streams because atm I don't even bottom out my keys most of the time. I feel like I dont really need to practise stamina right now, I can play 8 min stream maps without a problem (except for my shitty acc ofc :p) and I feel like playing the highest bpm I can isn't going to help me with lower bpm streams. I notice that my streaming speed has gone up by just playing the game but my acc on low bpm maps is still the same as 1-2 years ago.

xxjesus1412fanx wrote:

being a low acc player typically means you're significantly better than most people with the same pp..
I suspected this, and now it is confirmed, my heart in pieces.

I don't have a problem with streams right now, I find square jumps to be much harder.

I used to press keys down hard and tense, sometimes I still do on slow streams, but being gentle is better in every way possible imo, though there isn't really a way to get around it, so I guess tensing isn't all that bad.

By the way I thought those stream practice maps were made for people who can stream already and want to incrase stamina(??).
I've never played any.
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ShadyAngel wrote:

I don't have a problem with streams right now, I find square jumps to be much harder.

I used to press keys down hard and tense, sometimes I still do on slow streams, but being gentle is better in every way possible imo, though there isn't really a way to get around it, so I guess tensing isn't all that bad.

By the way I thought those stream practice maps were made for people who can stream already and want to incrase stamina(??).
I've never played any.
I'm jealous I've never gotten 99+ acc on a 4+ star map :( Btw whenever I have trouble with a jump pattern in a map I go play some 2010 maps and for some reason I'm able to read the jump patterns after that :p.

And about the stream practise maps I guess you can use them to learn to stream I used to play them sometimes and could often get a decent combo but my acc was absolute shit.
Vuelo Eluko

ShadyAngel wrote:

By the way I thought those stream practice maps were made for people who can stream already and want to incrase stamina(??).
I've never played any.
that's one use yes but sadly they are more often used by beginners who don't know any better hoping it will help them.
I feel like I'm in the same boat, only I can't stream to save my life. I can mostly do bursts of 5 notes up to like, 190bpm maybe... Otherwise, streams cause my fingers to lock like crazy.
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Zalaria wrote:

I feel like I'm in the same boat, only I can't stream to save my life. I can mostly do bursts of 5 notes up to like, 190bpm maybe... Otherwise, streams cause my fingers to lock like crazy.
For me it makes no difference if a stream contains 5, 50 or 100 notes I'll have the same acc on all of them, I can't even do low bpm triples with decent acc. I really hope I'll be able to fix some of my 85% acc fcs on low bpm streamy maps soon :p

mxnic wrote:

It seems everyone has a different way of learning in osu! so I can't really say for sure. Personally, "garbage long stream practice maps" seemed to help quite a bit, along with just regular streamy maps of course.
Helped me a lot too.

I wouldn't call them garbage. I just don't think you should start with them. I find that they are good for improving unstable rate and stamina.
play more
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a loli wrote:

play more
Thanks for your contribution to the topic. 10/10
Kunino Sagiri
Please try settling in low bpm (140-170) stream maps. Getting below 97% in those and still plays higher bpms is absolutely NOPEworthy.
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Kunino Sagiri wrote:

Please try settling in low bpm (140-170) stream maps. Getting below 97% in those and still plays higher bpms is absolutely NOPEworthy.
I'll try, I just don't have that many low bpm maps I like to play, most of the low bpm maps I have feel outdated or boring to play :(.
Kunino Sagiri

tomden wrote:

most of the low bpm maps I have feel outdated or boring to play :(.
That's the gist of it. Most of the low bpm stream maps are really ancient and boring to play compared to #2015ebicmaps but you have to somehow endure that.
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Kunino Sagiri wrote:

That's the gist of it. Most of the low bpm stream maps are really ancient and boring to play compared to #2015ebicmaps but you have to somehow endure that.
K thanks for the reply. I'll try to endure them ^^ and at the same time I'm also practising my ar 7-8 reading :p
Spam 140 bpm maps. Get control over your speed
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erikG wrote:

Spam 140 bpm maps. Get control over your speed
K I just decided that I'm going to play low bpm maps till I have 24k playcount. If I dont see any improvement by then I give up and go back to my old playstyle :p

tomden wrote:

erikG wrote:

Spam 140 bpm maps. Get control over your speed
K I just decided that I'm going to play low bpm maps till I have 24k playcount. If I dont see any improvement by then I give up and go back to my old playstyle :p
Never give up
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erikG wrote:

Never give up
I'll try :p I just get depressed by seeing only c and d ranks when I play low bpm maps :(. Even more when I see that I have better plays that I made in 2013 on some of these maps.

eg I just played and got 77.6% acc and 9 misses but I have a play on that map made on 23/08/2013 (at this point I had like 1k playcount) and had 78.49% acc with 3 misses :p I know both plays are total garbage but it still depresses me to see 0 improvement after 2+ years

tomden wrote:

erikG wrote:

Never give up
I'll try :p I just get depressed by seeing only c and d ranks when I play low bpm maps :(. Even more when I see that I have better plays that I made in 2013 on some of these maps.

eg I just played and got 77.6% acc and 9 misses but I have a play on that map made on 23/08/2013 (at this point I had like 1k playcount) and had 78.49% acc with 3 misses :p I know both plays are total garbage but it still depresses me to see 0 improvement after 2+ years
Mind if I spectate you sometime? I think I'll get a better look on what harms your play.
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erikG wrote:

Mind if I spectate you sometime? I think I'll get a better look on what harms your play.
I would love if you could spectate me and give some feedback :p. cause I really don't know what to do to improve my play ^^
Seems like there are many people that's struggling at streams (I'm one of them).

I just play with my intuition and hearing the music carefully. Sometimes I get perfect streams, but sometimes in the same map and same stream I messed up, even though I think I did the same things during the perfect try. It's just confusing
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DeathAdderz wrote:

Seems like there are many people that's struggling at streams (I'm one of them).

I just play with my intuition and hearing the music carefully. Sometimes I get perfect streams, but sometimes in the same map and same stream I messed up, even though I think I did the same things during the perfect try. It's just confusing
at least i'm consistent in doing my streams bad :p
I Give Up
Your streaming can only get as good as your single tap acc. Better practise that first.

tomden wrote:

DeathAdderz wrote:

Seems like there are many people that's struggling at streams (I'm one of them).

I just play with my intuition and hearing the music carefully. Sometimes I get perfect streams, but sometimes in the same map and same stream I messed up, even though I think I did the same things during the perfect try. It's just confusing
at least i'm consistent in doing my streams bad :p
Well, that sucks. Maybe tryharding a map to get the feel? I don't know, I'm actually kinda new to this game so you might not want to take my advice.
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thanks to erikG I finally found out what my problem is. It looks like I can't control my speed at al. When I try to gradually increase my tapping speed once i hit like 75 bpm streaming speed my fingers start to vibrate uncontrollable between 180-200 bpm(this happens only when i use my left hand :o). Now I need to find a way to fix this and i'll finally stop getting those c's on low bpm maps :p.

tomden wrote:

thanks to erikG I finally found out what my problem is. It looks like I can't control my speed at al. When I try to gradually increase my tapping speed once i hit like 75 bpm streaming speed my fingers start to vibrate uncontrollable between 180-200 bpm(this happens only when i use my left hand :o). Now I need to find a way to fix this and i'll finally stop getting those c's on low bpm maps :p.
No problem buddy :)
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I see only one way for me to fix this => learn to fully alternate everything (looks like even when i try to just alternate through a map i'll trigger my vibrate habit even on non stream parts :/) I'll start by playing only <120 bpm maps till my habit doesn't get triggered and work my way up and see if I can fix it this way. If I don't make progress this way I'm just going to give up on streams.
Please just enjoy game and stop taking questionable advice that involves something you most likely do not enjoy. There are multiple ways to improve at anything. Choosing the method you find least enjoyable is just going to turn this game into a grind and you'll be back here in a month complaining about how you spend X hours a day trying to improve and don't.

chainpullz wrote:

Please just enjoy game and stop taking questionable advice that involves something you most likely do not enjoy. There are multiple ways to improve at anything. Choosing the method you find least enjoyable is just going to turn this game into a grind and you'll be back here in a month complaining about how you spend X hours a day trying to improve and don't.
^ What I did for a year.
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chainpullz wrote:

Please just enjoy game and stop taking questionable advice that involves something you most likely do not enjoy. There are multiple ways to improve at anything. Choosing the method you find least enjoyable is just going to turn this game into a grind and you'll be back here in a month complaining about how you spend X hours a day trying to improve and don't.
Yeh, but I feel like if I want to be able to stream(or just doing triples) I need to somehow get rid of my bad habit. But ye maybe you are right and I should just keep playing these 180bpm+ 5-6 star maps and not care about other people calling me bad because I can't pass streamy 140 bpm 3 star maps.

tomden wrote:

chainpullz wrote:

Please just enjoy game and stop taking questionable advice that involves something you most likely do not enjoy. There are multiple ways to improve at anything. Choosing the method you find least enjoyable is just going to turn this game into a grind and you'll be back here in a month complaining about how you spend X hours a day trying to improve and don't.
Yeh, but I feel like if I want to be able to stream(or just doing triples) I need to somehow get rid of my bad habit. But ye maybe you are right and I should just keep playing these 180bpm+ 5-6 star maps and not care about other people calling me bad because I can't pass streamy 140 bpm 3 star maps.
Nobody gives a shit about streamy 3 star maps. They don't give pp. They don't show up in relevant tournaments. The only thing they are good for is DT. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just trying to make themselves feel better about wasting time learning a useless skill.
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chainpullz wrote:

Nobody gives a shit about streamy 3 star maps. They don't give pp. They don't show up in relevant tournaments. The only thing they are good for is DT. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just trying to make themselves feel better about wasting time learning a useless skill.
Thanks for the reply you stopped me from going full retard mode. I'll just keep playing like I did the past 3 years and focus on improving my speed/aim, I don't even like streamy maps lol. I almost forgot why I play this game.

tomden wrote:

chainpullz wrote:

Nobody gives a shit about streamy 3 star maps. They don't give pp. They don't show up in relevant tournaments. The only thing they are good for is DT. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just trying to make themselves feel better about wasting time learning a useless skill.
Thanks for the reply you stopped me from going full retard mode. I'll just keep playing like I did the past 3 years and focus on improving my speed/aim, I don't even like streamy maps lol. I almost forgot why I play this game.
Just don't neglect reading maps and your finger control/streaming will happen eventually.
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chainpullz wrote:

Just don't neglect reading maps and your finger control/streaming will happen eventually.
aye. Btw thanks for all these amazing maps you gave me, played them all yesterday :p. Streams I can actually do ^^ (well except for the two low bpm ones :()
Kunino Sagiri

chainpullz wrote:

Nobody gives a shit about streamy 3 star maps. They don't give pp. They don't show up in relevant tournaments. The only thing they are good for is DT. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just trying to make themselves feel better about wasting time learning a useless skill.
This is literally the kind of shit that makes 2015 maps terribad. "Waaahh waaahh why don't you give me my totally-not-DT-bait maps waaaahhh get b&!"

Cease your memeposting at once. Nobody even told our newbie here to stop playing hard maps; just don't forget to include low bpms.
Vuelo Eluko
because low bpm streaming ability is totally useless for 'relevant' maps right? It's not like that would come in handy for something like furiosa melodia where the low bpm jump streams to higher bpm transitions are definitely one of the highlights of its difficulty.

or heck, anything else that has any low bpm stream parts OR high bpm [beyond singletapping] 1/2 or 1/3 segments. too many examples to mention.

come on chain i expected better from you. not everything that people play is static 180-260 bpm. Your advice leads him down a path where all hes going to be able to play are very simple single mid-high bpm maps that are only mapped in 1/2 or 1/4.
listen to tha music

Kunino Sagiri wrote:

chainpullz wrote:

Nobody gives a shit about streamy 3 star maps. They don't give pp. They don't show up in relevant tournaments. The only thing they are good for is DT. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just trying to make themselves feel better about wasting time learning a useless skill.
This is literally the kind of shit that makes 2015 maps terribad. "Waaahh waaahh why don't you give me my totally-not-DT-bait maps waaaahhh get b&!"

Cease your memeposting at once. Nobody even told our newbie here to stop playing hard maps; just don't forget to include low bpms.
Please people take your blinders off and enjoy the hard work that mappers have put into this last year... It's getting really fucking annoying seeing people shit talk 2015 mapping when mapping has only been improving. Yes, the straightforward maps no longer have shitty flow - that's called an improvement. There are still plenty of reading intensive maps getting ranked that you people seem to be completely ignoring. Maps don't need to be 3* and they don't need to be 140 bpm to be fun and interesting.

And many more. There are even some good 280-300bpm alternate maps that have been ranked this year but A) they are above 3*, B) have fun DT'ing them, C) very much are maps you should only play if you enjoy them. If we open the field to unranked maps from 2015 I could easily double the size of this list in like 5 minutes.
This thread is great

If you can't stream then you haven't gone through the required physical development to be able to stream.
Streaming is not like aim or reading, you won't just 'get it' eventually, you actually need to work towards it. Fuck that guy who said stream practice maps aren't helpful, they truly, truly are (and worked for me), because they'll push the physical development you need to be able to stream well. Play streams a lot, every day, until it burns. If it burns while you're playing, good. If it burns when you're done playing, bad (you've overdone it). Every day you'll notice an improvement even if it's just being able to have the stamina for one extra note.

Learning to stream well takes a lot of hard work, so if you really want it, work hard. That's it. Start off at your upper limit until you can competently do it. Add 10BPM. Repeat. It gets exponentially harder. Btw, my range is 190-300 so take my advice if you want to be a faster streamer, I guess. Stream control is an entirely different thing.
Kunino Sagiri

chainpullz wrote:

While I appreciate the effort you did in the midst of getting triggered, this is obviously the wrong thread for you to pollute.
play dragonforce maps more.

well at least that works for me
Nobody gives a shit about streamy 3 star maps. They don't give pp. They don't show up in relevant tournaments. The only thing they are good for is DT. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just trying to make themselves feel better about wasting time learning a useless skill.
When was having control over your streams a useless skill? The whole reason we suggest him these 3 star maps is so he can improve his streaming ability. They are not supposed to give PP.

xxjesus1412fanx wrote:

because low bpm streaming ability is totally useless for 'relevant' maps right? It's not like that would come in handy for something like furiosa melodia where the low bpm jump streams to higher bpm transitions are definitely one of the highlights of its difficulty.

or heck, anything else that has any low bpm stream parts OR high bpm [beyond singletapping] 1/2 or 1/3 segments. too many examples to mention.

come on chain i expected better from you. not everything that people play is static 180-260 bpm. Your advice leads him down a path where all hes going to be able to play are very simple single mid-high bpm maps that are only mapped in 1/2 or 1/4.
I coudn't agree more with jesus1412fan. Face it. You can't avoid streams in osu! since it's an essential part of the game just like jumps are. Thats just how it is, and it's not going to change. Only playing DT and jump maps will not make you better in the long run. I'm not telling you to stop playing these maps, and I am not telling you to stop having fun. But if you want to achieve more than DT farms then I suggest you should fix your problem.
Riince is right™
Vuelo Eluko

Philantropist wrote:

Riince is right™
its been a long time
Topic Starter

erikG wrote:

I coudn't agree more with jesus1412fan. Face it. You can't avoid streams in osu! since it's an essential part of the game just like jumps are. Thats just how it is, and it's not going to change. Only playing DT and jump maps will not make you better in the long run. I'm not telling you to stop playing these maps, and I am not telling you to stop having fun. But if you want to achieve more than DT farms then I suggest you should fix your problem.
I'ts not like I completely avoid streams, I play them daily but atm only in the 175-220bpm range. I do see improvement in my higher bpm streaming, I have improved my acc on 200 bpm stream maps alot in the last 5 months. It's just that playing lower bpm maps fucks with my head. I needed at least an hour today to adjust to playing harder maps again.

I also understand now how and when I created the habit of just vibrating my fingers starting at 180ish bpm when I do streams. I went through my old replays from when I just started playing this game and apparantly I created this technique by playing and every day, I have like 20 nf replays on both starting from 20% to 80% acc till I could pass them. Yes I know this is a stupid way to play but it's just the way I did, it's how I always playe. Till now my goal was always to pass maps not to fc them, and I only cared about maps that I could barely pass (I skipped the whole progress of learning low bpm and low ar). Once I passed a map I would never play it again (even if it was a C or D rank pass), my topscores were just lucky first pass fcs. I understand that I need to learn all aspects of the game to become a good player, I jus't dont feel like changing my playstyle drastically and learn the game the proper way because it would feel like doing a chore instead of playing a game for my own enjoyment.

I'm glad that I finally understand what I'm doing wrong(thanks erikG), but I'll keep playing the game the way I enjoyed playing it till now.

tomden wrote:

erikG wrote:

I coudn't agree more with jesus1412fan. Face it. You can't avoid streams in osu! since it's an essential part of the game just like jumps are. Thats just how it is, and it's not going to change. Only playing DT and jump maps will not make you better in the long run. I'm not telling you to stop playing these maps, and I am not telling you to stop having fun. But if you want to achieve more than DT farms then I suggest you should fix your problem.
I'ts not like I completely avoid streams, I play them daily but atm only in the 175-220bpm range. I do see improvement in my higher bpm streaming, I have improved my acc on 200 bpm stream maps alot in the last 5 months. It's just that playing lower bpm maps fucks with my head. I needed at least an hour today to adjust to playing harder maps again.

I also understand now how and when I created the habit of just vibrating my fingers starting at 180ish bpm when I do streams. I went through my old replays from when I just started playing this game and apparantly I created this technique by playing and every day, I have like 20 nf replays on both starting from 20% to 80% acc till I could pass them. Yes I know this is a stupid way to play but it's just the way I did, it's how I always playe. Till now my goal was always to pass maps not to fc them, and I only cared about maps that I could barely pass (I skipped the whole progress of learning low bpm and low ar). Once I passed a map I would never play it again (even if it was a C or D rank pass), my topscores were just lucky first pass fcs. I understand that I need to learn all aspects of the game to become a good player, I jus't dont feel like changing my playstyle drastically and learn the game the proper way because it would feel like doing a chore instead of playing a game for my own enjoyment.

I'm glad that I finally understand what I'm doing wrong(thanks erikG), but I'll keep playing the game the way I enjoyed playing it till now.
You do that, Tomden. The most important part of this game is to have fun :)
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