
Hey :)

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Hey, I'm mivaripiplau. I've been hanging around on osu for way too long without coming here so I've decided to come and say hey. I guess I should say a little about myself so without further ado
- I'm way too into anime and things like Homestuck for my own good. I would rather you wrote me fanfictions for my birthday than gave me actual presents :)
- I also have way too much time on my hands so I write a lot of stories and such on a website called Quotev, however I was banned recently so I lost a lot of that.
- Expanding on that I have a really bad tendency not to backup things :roll:
Anyway yeah, I think that about covers it :P Cya
Hello! (● ̄ω ̄●)ノ
Aah I wish I have that much spare time :< but well christmas break is coming soon! xD
I was also mad about fanfiction like, 3 years ago? But now I prefer to read a novel =w=
Too bad you're banned there, I would love to read your stories! :<
Welcome to the forums and enjoy osu!~ :)
Heyo! I never really thought about saving a lot of my work in the case I get banned or deleted from something, thanks for giving me a reason to backup my stuff. If you ever write something new I'm sure I'd give it a read in my spare time so feel free to link me something after it's made. I guess that's all for now, see you around.
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