
Final Fantasy VIII - Liberi Fatali

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on sábado, 21 de junio de 2008 at 19:26:44

Artist: Final Fantasy VIII
Title: Liberi Fatali
BPM: 207,42
Filesize: 3093kb
Play Time: 02:55
Difficulties Available:
  1. Normal (1,25 stars, 148 notes)
Download: Final Fantasy VIII - Liberi Fatali
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Final Fantasy VIII Opening theme
I got the BPM of 127 for this map... but since it is partly classical... I am not sure if the timing is right and I think you might need multiple section for this song as well. :/

Anyway, try it out and remember to untick the move already placed notes option and remember to resnap, recalculate, and recheck!
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