
Hey guys. Not new to Osu, but new to the comunnity.

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Hello all, I'm a 19 y/o college kid in good ol US of A. You can call me Astro (though I usually stylize it Astro!). I'm ranked in my state for Super Smash Bros (PM and Wii U), but recently I've lost interest in smash and gotten much more passionate about Osu!. I'd like to get into the competitive scene, and maybe start beat mapping.

I started playing about half a year ago, but I only got on maybe once a week at most. I've never been to forums and I rarely play multi. I got a bit more serious around 2 months ago, and 1 month ago I got really drunk and S ranked four or five ~4 star songs which pushed me into the top 100k players.

So the main reason I made this post was for advice about getting into the community. Are there tournaments/events for people at my level (1200pp), and how do I get to know other Osu! players?

I'll keep playing this game even if I never leave solo, but it'd be nice to get to know people.

Thanks for reading.
Sup AstroCore :)

There are tournaments for all levels of play, in fact there is a forum just for tournaments set up here!

Enjoy your time on osu! and welcome to the forums :)
Welcome to osu!.
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Thanks Dosu! Not sure how I couldn't find that before, I blame it on lack of forum experience.

I just signed up for a tournament, wish me luck!

Also, I've been having really slow progress lately. Is there anywhere yall can link me that have tips for improving for players around my level? I mean obviously I need to play more, but I don't want to accidentally make bad habits.
Don't play maps that are way out of your reach. There is no benefit of "grinding" maps if you're getting 80%> on them. Wait until AR9 means nothing to you until you try "learning" AR10. Players that are rank 100k and sit there and try to play 7 star maps are retarded and it only hurts you in the long run. Good luck!
Hello Astro! I see you're having fun on osu! I entered a tournament myself, still pending, but i'm close.
Drunk S is jest S, though I never had one, and probably never will. Have fun

And remember, don't chase skill, let skill come to you!
Welcome to the Osszzsss forums.

My interest shifted from Osu to CS:GO. Now I suck at Osu and I'm starting to get sick of CS:GO.
Welcome to the forums !
Welcome to the forums mate !
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