
Okui Masami - Shuffle Tv Size

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on den 22 juni 2008 at 22:11:16

Artist: Okui Masami
Title: Shuffle
BPM: 105,06
Filesize: 14400kb
Play Time: 01:09
Difficulties Available:
  1. Normal (3,03 stars, 79 notes)
Download: Okui Masami - Shuffle
Download: Okui Masami - Shuffle (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
The 3rd Opening of Yu-gi-oh! This is the Tv-size version, i plan on doing the 5 min long version later.
BPM: 168.33
Offset: 6255

Make sure the "move already placed notes" checkbox is unchecked when you enter these in.

After that, go back to compose and set the "beat snap divisor" in the top right to 1/2, then go to the Timing Menu and choose "resnap all notes" and "recalculate slider lengths". Finally play through and adjust anything that's not where you want it or how you want it.
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