Modding sounds ingame is a bit of a hassle when you have to constantly copy and rename files manually. No more!
>Better code structure than the concept release
>Allows modding of any sound listed below
>Choices of sounds (Currently ripped from the skin I am using-- more to come!)all the sounds
>More user-friendly
>Simple usage! Just press the number corresponding to what you want!
[Planned features:]
possibly compile this to a full program
add user-suggested sounds, make them be usable alongside custom sounds not in the program
[Bugs I am aware of]
>Some menu choices redirect to the wrong menu
>Some sounds are not addressed properly and cause the program to skip to the end
>Concept release
>Allows duping of one sound over all hitsounds
>Complete rewrite of the code
>Uses menu based navigation!
>Allows choices of sounds
>Prebundled with a few sounds! (Currently from my personal skin right now)