Didn't see this in any of my searches. Hopefully I didn't miss it.
Recently I came upon a map that used an uninherited 0.25x timing section. I tried to change this into an inherited section, but the inherited timing section would not allow me to reach that multiplier. Since the point of creating custom multipliers for the BPM was to remove uniherited sections (because of the 1ms difference in offset they can create), I want the custom multiplier for the BPM to go down to 0.25 to allow mappers to have their extremely slow sliders.
Recently I came upon a map that used an uninherited 0.25x timing section. I tried to change this into an inherited section, but the inherited timing section would not allow me to reach that multiplier. Since the point of creating custom multipliers for the BPM was to remove uniherited sections (because of the 1ms difference in offset they can create), I want the custom multiplier for the BPM to go down to 0.25 to allow mappers to have their extremely slow sliders.